“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” – Unknown
It’s here whether you like it or not. Autumn is about to arrive. Kids are back to school; summer vacation is over, and I am sure you are thinking, “I have just over 3 months to achieve my 2019 goals”.
A HUGE congratulations if you have already reached your goals for 2019!
Now is a good time to look at what you have going on. Projects and tasks started that are yet to be completed.
It is also a good time to create an inventory of what you can, should and will let go of in order to create space to achieve your goals in 2019 and beyond.
Yes! I said the “S’ word.
If you use the word “should” because it is a word that prompts and compels you to move forward on a task, then removing that word from your vocabulary could stall you. So, “should” away as long as it gets you moving. We can talk about motivation strategies another time.
Let’s talk about Completing your Incompletes.
How many projects do you have started and are in limbo just waiting to be completed?
How much mental space and physical space is it taking up?
How can you think about fully embracing the present when you have past projects incomplete?
These are questions that are important to ponder right now.
The Cycle of Completion goes like this:
Decide – You decide to start something.
- Plan – You create an action plan of the steps required to complete the thing.
- Start – You start taking action.
- Continue – You continue the action as needed.
- Finish – You finish the thing you need to finish.
- Complete – Celebrate! You have completed the thing.
The above 6 steps are required to achieve success, yet so many amazing entrepreneurs get sidetracked and leave the thing incomplete.
You might have an emergency come up, or a new, better idea pops into your head and or you just lose interest and confidence as doubt creeps in spoiling the cycle of completion.
Quite often success blocks arise, past experience and critical self-talk rears its ugly head, which stops you from owning the idea and project.
Perhaps you are not 100% clear on what needs to be done or even clear on the project. I know I have started and stopped so many times it is hard to keep track.
Maybe you need to look at your systems and strategies for completing things.
The inability to complete projects and tasks takes up valuable space and energy. Space and energy that get in the way of you unleashing your gifts and talents to your ideal client.
“If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk? – Laurence J Peter
How does a person move forward with the incompletes?
I suggest you first create a conscious awareness.
- Make a list of all the things, tasks, projects that you have to complete.
- Categorize them according to Business – Personal – Financial – Health – Family – Home
- Once you have them down on paper you have cleared your mind.
The next steps are you need to decide:
- what to complete,
- what to delegate and
- what to dump.
This is very important.
What I do myself and suggest to my clients is once you have categorized your incomplete’s, choose the items that once completed will move you forward in that category the farthest as well as get you the best results.
For example – If I have a project that is 3/4’s done that will produce income in my business right away I focus on that. I value money and results for myself and my clients.
You can bring results to the bank; you can’t bring reasons.
I then look at what can I complete quickly, and I also look at what were good ideas/projects at the time but no longer pertain to what I want to accomplish, and I let them go 100%.
If inspiration strikes again another time then good, I can go with it then.
You can also look at hiring a professional organizer to assist you in creating order in your life so that you are less likely to let “the things” stack up.
I recently cleared out my clothes closest of all the clothes I haven’t worn in a year or that I don’t feel represent the person I am. I had 5+ big black bags to give away. I felt empowered after letting go of clothes that represented the old corporate version of myself.
Now I have so much more room not only in my closet but also in my mind knowing that what I choose to buy in the future will be a representation of who I have become.
Here is a list of tasks I know will be helpful in creating space for you:
- Closets – how many jackets do you really need anyways?
- Garage
- Junk Drawers – OMG – my husband is the worst at piling stuff in the junk drawer.
- Your car
- Filing
- Taxes – financials
- Business projects
- Emails
- Office
- Irritants – what irritates you – let it go, get rid of it, donate it. Your home is where you live, and your mind will thank you.
What is irritating me while writing this is the little fruit flies buzzing around me. It is that time of year to create a fruit fly bath. Get a jar of water, add some vinegar, some sugar and dish soap. Fruit flies love that special concoction. Sorry that was a “side bar”.
How about letting go of and forgiving.
Are you holding onto past grievances that when let go will bring peace into your life?
What emotional baggage are you holding onto and is it really serving you in the best way possible? What are you doing in your life repeatedly that if you could let it go would move you forward?
Autumn is a great time to wander through the leaf-strewn paths celebrating your accomplishments year to date and letting go gracefully of what no longer serves you.
I guarantee you will come out the other side feeling buoyant and free to be curious about what the future holds.
Wealthy Wishes to your success now and in the future. I would love to hear what you have completed and let go of in your life and business. Feel free to connect with me or leave a comment below.
Barb Wallick