Revive Your 2021 Financial Plan in 5 Easy Steps | @eVisionMedia

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Revive Your 2021 Financial Plan in 5 Easy Steps

Revive Your 2021 Financial Plan in 5 Easy Steps

How to Start 2021 With a Fresh New Outlook on Your Financial Life.

Unfortunately for some COVID-19 has changed the way we live and look at our lives.

It has impacted the way we do business, communicate with people and perhaps our cash-flow too.

The good news is all things in life change. It is inevitable whether we like it or not. And that we have the ability to make choices.

So, from my perspective we are never truly stuck even though it may feel that way.

Think about how many times you have had to adjust, and course correct in your life. Your views, values and interests can change at a drop of a hat. So can that of your clients.

With the New Year upon us, now is a perfect time to reflect, look back and note the lessons and celebrate your successes from 2020.

You can also decide to let go of what doesn’t bring you joy and really dial into what does.

It’s your choice.

One of the many lessons I’ve learned this year is that life can be threatened at a moment’s notice such as experiencing my husband’s heart attack this summer. Boy was that a surprise!

It taught me no matter what happens, you can manage and handle any situation because we are resilient.

It also taught me you must not take advantage of the house you reside in. Managing stress, nourishment of mind, body and soul should be priority.

I am also so very grateful I made sure he had Critical Illness insurance that paid out and made our financial lives comfortable while he was recovering.

Now it is your turn.

Below I have 5 steps you can follow to look at your personal life and business life. Looking after what matters most to you and your financial life is a form of self-care in my books.

Working with an accredited Financial Planner and Coach can be very helpful in assisting you move the needle towards achieving your biggest goals and creating a joy filled successful life that you can enjoy with vitality and health.

1. Review your Life Plan and tweak or adjust your GOALS.

What do you want? You may find it easier to answer what you don’t want; however, I highly recommend you get very clear on what you do want in life, love and business.

Write it down, be very descriptive incorporating all your senses as if it has already happened.

Focus on what you want and review your written statement daily. Finish this statement:  It is January 1st, 2022 and as I look back on 2021, I am celebrating___________.

2. Be familiar with where you are spending your money.

Can you reduce or pause some expenses?

Take some time to review your expenses, both personal and business. What is going out the door that is no longer necessary. Ask yourself is paying that expense allowing you to grow your income and revenue or can you do something else with that cash that will.

In most cases you are paying a monthly subscription that you are underutilizing or not using. So either cancel or start using it to improve your life and business in some way.

3. Calculate your after-expense income.

Income – Expenses = Cash that can be used to_______? (See 4 & 5 for ideas.)

What is your net income and revenue? Is it positive or negative? Has it improved quarter to quarter or year over year?

Money has a way of finding something to do if you don’t keep an eye on it. It likes to be in motion.

When you learn to manage your money it no longer manages you. Number 2 and 3 are great exercises that will show you your patterns and behaviours around money.

4. Create a Melt Away your Debt Plan.

No one likes debt. If you don’t have any, congratulations! If you do, make sure the interest rate is as low as possible. And if you have increased your cashflow by reducing expenses then perhaps you can afford to increase your payment to pay that debt down faster.

If you feel any guilt around this area of your finances, I suggest taking action and celebrating each payment. Be grateful it was available to you when you needed it and look at it from a different perspective.

For example – it could be looked at as an investment in your personal development or an investment in setting up and growing your business.

5. Start saving for your longer-term goals.

And/or a 3/6-month emergency account.

If you have no debt, are you saving? If COVID has taught us anything having an emergency fund is so important.

You also have to look at your longer-term income needs, you know that day you want to retire and relax. Is your money invested properly and working hard growing for your future needs?

It is also important to review your Estate Plan and your Protection Plan. Do you have the right type of insurance? If you need help in this area, I would be happy to assist.

Bonus: Review/Adjust your plan Quarterly and Celebrate your Accomplishments.

Once this is all done, I recommend you review your plan every quarter. I contact my clients 4 times per year for this. Life happens and it can very well change your plan.

Be flexible and open. Enjoy life at each moment by practicing mindfulness and CELEBRATE your accomplishments fully before moving on to the next task or project.

Remember – Be Prepared, have a Plan and Focus on what you want to achieve rather than focusing on the negative and flying by the seat of your pants.

Contact me for a complimentary 30-minute call where you we will get you started on your path to living a financially fulfilled 2021.

You can also access a free mini course I created that takes you deeper into the process as my gift to you. Sign up at the link in my bio below where you will be guided each step of the way.

Have a very Merry Christmas and I wish you much Love, Joy and Success in 2021.

Barb Wallick

Barb Wallick

About the Author, Barb Wallick

Barb Wallick works with women who are looking to Create a Life They Never Want to Retire From.

A Personal Financial Planner, with 35 years experience along with her 3 Coaching Certifications, Barb truly guides her clients starting with Creating Clarity of Purpose, Goal Setting, Releasing Money Blocks using Time Line Therapy ® and practical Financial Planning.

For more information, visit or find her on Facebook at

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Before working with eVision Media, I had a self-built website. I was really hesitant to spend my hard-earned money on a new website, but I was frustrated and falling short of the professional image I wanted.

After working with Susan and her team on my new branding and website, Wow! I am SO IMPRESSED! They were so patient with me; they asked me what I wanted, what I stand for, who were my clients, etc… they just nailed it! My amazing website is now a working tool that is available 24 hours a day! I’m really proud of it!

Through this experience, I learned an investment in oneself is a great shot-in-the-arm of confidence and professionalism.

Kathryn Wilking

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