ABC’s of Business – Gratitude

Small Business Marketing Blog

ABC’s of Business – Gratitude

ABC’s of Business – Gratitude

Merci.  Mucho gracias.  Grazie.  Danke.

No matter what language you speak, the words ‘thank you’ means the same thing; being grateful and appreciative.

Children are taught from a very young age to say thank you.  We say thanks to mom for the cookie, or to our Auntie for the gifts.  We give our teachers presents at the end of the school year to show appreciation for the learning.

We are taught that it is better to give than receive.  No matter the occasion, gratitude is an integral value that is instilled in us as children.

So why, then, as adults do we sometimes lose sight of this all-important childhood value?  Even though we might feel bad, we miss opportunities to show gratitude.  It is no longer a priority in our lives.

In business, we can’t afford to miss opportunities to say thank you.  Gratitude makes us money.  So today I’m sharing with you, 4 ‘Gratitude Tips’ to ensure your clients know you appreciate them.

  1. Small gestures make big impacts. I received a box of cookies and gift card from my car dealership for a referral I sent them.  This gesture was low cost to them, but was I impressed?  You bet!  Will I continue to refer them?  Of course. ‘Thank you’ gifts are cheap marketing for any company.
  2. Gratitude is a core business value. When a business owner takes a few minutes to publically celebrate an employee’s efforts, they are saying to the world, “We are a caring company.”
  3. Elephants have long memories…and so do our customers. Good or bad, they remember.   What do you want your company to be remembered for?  Include ‘gratitude’ actions in sales scripts, marketing activities, and customer follow-up.  Appreciate your customers, and they will return.
  4. Consistency is key. Show gratitude unexpectedly and regularly.  Don’t let the plan fall off the radar.  Hold everyone (including you) accountable to one another, and to the customer.  Be grateful daily, weekly, and monthly in action and words.

While the 21st century business model is fast-paced and aggressive, many companies are choosing to return to the ‘simple’ business model.  Consumers are demanding companies be ‘real’, transparent, and work to their core values.

I propose that gratitude be at the top of that list.  Conduct a gratitude audit today.  Plan some small, yet impactful action steps.

Remember the smile on Auntie’s face when you said thank you, and gave her a hug?  It’s time to pass that same good feeling along to customers and staff.

Remember, everyone benefits.

Pamela Chatry

About the Author, Pamela Chatry

Do you work too hard? Is your business in chaos? If you are struggling with business issues, contact Pamela Chatry for a complimentary assessment. Pamela has been a trusted and highly respected Business Consultant, Mentor for Women in Business, Self-Employment Advocate, Trainer and Keynote Speaker for over 25 years.

Visit or call her at 778-856-8970 for help in getting your business to its fullest potential.

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