Using Your Story to Build Your Business | Pamela Chatry

Small Business Marketing Blog

Using Your Story to Build Your Business

Using Your Story to Build Your Business


How You Too Can Emulate the Nanaimo Bar Story and Be Legendary

Let’s talk dessert. I love Nanaimo Bars!

A delicious chocolate dessert square filled with creamy custard, in a coconut graham crust. Grandma loved it, and it’s still a favorite today.

It has a fascinating history that started in 1952.

According to The Food Network, “the first known recipe for Nanaimo bars appeared in the 1952 Women’s Auxiliary of the Nanaimo Hospital Cookbook and was labelled ‘chocolate square’. One year later a similar recipe was published in Vancouver’s Edith Adams’ Cookbook…” but with the word “bar” instead of “square” used.

The history goes on from there with a variety of stories depending on who you ask.

The only undisputable fact is that it started in Nanaimo BC, Canada.

Regardless, the story captures peoples’ imaginations.

What’s the lesson here?  It’s all about the story.

Just like the Nanaimo Bar, you and your business have an interesting history, founders and myths that can entice people to keep shopping with you.

So write your fascinating business story.
Use it in the company marketing and social media.
Create a story people will love and remember you for!

If you’re not sure where to start? Use the 5 “W’s” as your guide:

  1. What’s the story on your product? Did you create a product that people loved from the start?  Did you create different variations?
  2. Where did you start your business? In a garage?  A basement?  On a plane?
  3. Who helped you? Your kids?  Your parents?
  4. When was it? 25 years ago?  2 years ago?
  5. Why? Did you want to change the world, make a difference, improve the widget?

What story can you relate that will help you reach legendary business status like the Canadian Nanaimo bar? Leave a comment below and share!

Pamela Chatry

About the Author, Pamela Chatry

Do you work too hard? Is your business in chaos? If you are struggling with business issues, contact Pamela Chatry for a complimentary assessment. Pamela has been a trusted and highly respected Business Consultant, Mentor for Women in Business, Self-Employment Advocate, Trainer and Keynote Speaker for over 25 years.

Visit or call her at 778-856-8970 for help in getting your business to its fullest potential.

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