What’s the point of using trademarks? I’m talking about the ® and ™ you see next to logos, phrases or programs.
On the surface, ™ means “trademark” and ® means “registered trademark.”
Even though we see both commonly, there’s a huge underlying difference between the two:
- A trademark ™ does not legally bind your brand to your business. So anyone is free to steal your designs, leaving you with no legal recourse.
- A registered trademark ® requires a lawyer and time. It’s an important legal process for any business that can justify assigning a high monetary value to their brand (e.g. McDonald’s).
Now that you know the difference, here’s what you should do:
Use a trademark ™ symbol!
It signifies that you are at least THINKING in terms of legalities, which in itself is a deterrent to potential thieves.
If you have any questions about trademarks or logo design, feel free to leave a message in the comment section below and I’d be happy to answer. Or if you are interested in more information about how to market your business, sign up for my free newsletter.
To your business success,
Susan Friesen
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