Business Decision Incompleteness of Plan, Do & Review | @eVisionMedia

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The Business Decision Incompleteness of “Plan, Do & Review”

The Business Decision Incompleteness of “Plan, Do & Review”

3 Signs to Pay Attention to That Will Give Exponential Results

We are often taught to review the decisions we have made for our business so that we can be on a continual cycle of improvement.

We are encouraged to plan for certain outcomes, then act and finally review the outcomes to ascertain whether our plan needs modifying to meet our business objectives.

At a functional level this is great advice, and it will result in a forever expanding plan, all contributing to our final results.

However, it can feel like “effort” too, that often is the equivalent of us “pushing the river”, rather than watching a flow happen spontaneously that simultaneously fulfills us and excites us too.

What we do not get taught is the importance of contemplating over our own energy levels, and our psyche in general.

This has a bigger impact on our final results than we are likely to give it credit. We would not necessarily have measures in place to review this aspect of ourselves and yet it could be giving us the most meaningful business clues.

Here are three signs we could be paying greater attention to, which would yield exponential results, if appropriately addressed.

  1. Fatigue, Procrastination, Stand still Decision Making, Lack of desire

    Fatigue, Procrastination, Stand still Decision Making, Lack of desire

    When we find it a struggle to move into “action” over a certain topic, it could be that our being is saying “no”. It could be saying “do not move in that direction”.
    This might be because the timing is currently wrong, and a launch on something at this time is actually going to be detrimental for your business. Or it could be because the action is actually a wrong move.
    We underplay the importance of what our being already knows.
    Fatigue could mean your mind and body need rest. Once that is handled appropriately, room would be automatically made for new creativity to flow effortlessly within you.
    It is like giving yourself a chance for a big “ah ha” moment, that otherwise being in action mode, would have been totally missed, and yet this “ah ha” could be the key to our exponential growth.
    Fatigue should not be ignored and pushed through. It should be given the respect it deserves.
    Procrastination might be happening because there is a missing step that needs to be seen first. Without that piece in place, the next part of the plan you are wishing to act on could not happen.
    The time taken to understand the procrastination fully would assist you tremendously.
    The procrastination may also have hidden fear at its root. With that still in your psyche your business results would actually not transpire as per your wish, as the fear would be attracting in problems rather than the success you had planned for.
    You would be better off dealing with the fear and transforming that energy first.
    Then your energy would support your business objectives more readily and your efforts would bear greater fruits.
    Stand still decision making might be because you have yet to meet someone who will assist you, and for that you need to wait until that encounter happens from the unknown.
    Or it could be happening because this is a time of let go, and the standstill time is giving you the space to allow that to happen.
    I hope you are seeing the point here. Non action is not always bad news. It is a time for a deeper reflection.
    Using a very clever tool called “Find Answers to Your Questions” with the Dalian Method, you could easily source the actual answer to your non-action and increase your self-awareness.
    After you have seen the answer you would settle back into trusting your business plans and vision, and unnecessary anxiety would fall away.
    You would have gained a better respect for how much your own body has been guiding you against the “busyness” that the mind likes to keep you in.

  2. Motive behind the Decision Making- Need to Feel Important

    Motive behind decision making - I did it

    We can be in our business and pushing along, perhaps doing more of what others around us are doing, like creating a blog, or delivering a podcast, or writing a book, an online class, without knowing exactly why we are “busy” in this way.
    Our society is structured in such a way where it applauds money accumulation. It applauds mass recognition, endorses competition, gives awards for accomplishment. Encourages achievement.
    But if you stop and look, have you questioned why the urge “to do” pushes you so much each day?
    Is it because, you cannot “not” do, because your being knows that you will be less fulfilled if you don’t?
    Or is it because you have a need to feel important, and achievement helps you to feel better about yourself?
    Or is it because you are simply running on autopilot? If it is the latter two, you will end up feeling drained.
    The truth is, the need to feel important “doing”, is a subtle way that our ego forces us to overachieve, and keep us busy, often taking us away from more meaningful insights in the day.
    Non action and silence make room for brilliant insights to pop in. But be mindful, that meditation completed with the mere purpose of achieving insights is more doing. So do not let the mind fool you in this way either.
    True silence, with a desire for nothing, is what benefits us. And if we get an insight during that time of nothing, that is the added bonus.
    When you feel fulfilled within yourself, whether you get noticed or not, you become much more discerning about the actual actions you take each day for your business.
    You would be much more focused on what appeals to you, and not what the “world” wants from you.
    The idea we are here to serve is also getting in our way. No one needs anything from us if we are sharing from a place of wanting accolades and appreciation! That is a bargain and not a sharing.
    So stop to ask yourself the difficult question today.
    What is the true motive behind my business?
    Is your sharing coming from a place of “I need you to validate me” by buying into my proposition here, or is it coming from a knowing that is beyond that, driven by your creative expression alone.
    If your motive is to be important, then don’t be too surprised if your business feels like hard work. It will be.

  3. Money Scarcity and Your Uniqueness

    Money growing on treeWe each have strengths, and we are each responsible to financially provide for ourselves.
    When our business is created to generate money, our efforts have one type of power behind them. We trade our action in return for the other.
    Money scarcity drives a lot of the decisions and actions, even if we don’t see that on the surface of our day to day operation.
    Selling can become a form of manipulation rather than a process that comes out of trust and respect for our customers.
    Flaunting our money success to prospective customers is a big clue that our business is driven by the concept of financial scarcity behind it, even though this paradoxically looks like it is not.
    When our business is an expression or outlet to display our uniqueness, our true strengths, another type of energy accompanies us into this type of workplace.
    This latter version is often underappreciated initially but is much more viable because we end up having fun every day in it. It is like playing and our joy spills over in it.
    I urge you again to ask more revealing questions of yourself.
    Do you know your real strengths?
    Do you value them, or overlook them, as they come so easy to you?
    I know in the past I had overlooked my attributes thinking everyone around me could do those things easily too.
    And once you know your strengths, do they feel unique in anyway? Are they the focus of your attention in your business? If not, how can they be?
    Have you maintained that sense of uniqueness in your decision making, or have you got lost by becoming focused on the money side of your business?
    Sure the marketing and money side is critical but once you see your uniqueness clearly, again your bodily energy gives you effortless momentum to meet your plans. That momentum is sort of beyond you. It is felt as such and the question of money scarcity can change into trust.
    Trust is hard for the mind.
    It has been hard for me too. I am not saying you just slide into it effortlessly. First the fears around survival have to be transcended, which can be done with the full method called the Dalian Method.
    After they have been transformed, the trust comes in as a breeze as a beautiful side effect. With this of course, the pleasure in our business fuels our action, and not the compulsion to be busy.

Hoping you enjoyed these three areas, and will be encouraged to reach out to ask questions, if any arose.



Kindi Gill

About the Author, Kindi Gill ACA

Kindi is a former CEO who offers Self-Awareness Executive Coaching, teaches principles of Consciousness and specializes in Change & Mental Health as a Professional Speaker.

Kindi has been a student of the Dalian School for Health and Consciousness and is a Facilitator of the Self Healing Dalian Method, an evolutionary tool for Transformation. Kindi has shared this system with hundreds of people, since founding Spark Expansion Consulting in 2015, and without fail, adults, teenagers and children delight in their changes.

Call Kindi at 778-558-5110 for help in getting your business and personal life back on track to achieve its natural full potential or visit for her free leadership report.

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