Overcoming 3 Myths to have an Energised and Happier Business Life

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Overcoming 3 Myths to have an Energised and Happier Business Life

Overcoming 3 Myths to have an Energised and Happier Business Life

When growing up I watched both my parents work hard to raise and provide for the five of us. I concluded to make a living they HAD to work hard, and for me it felt to be educated would lighten the load for sure.

Money could be earned easier I thought! I don’t know what your own conclusion was about taking care of your physical needs in life, but I am sure observing your parents had some influence in the journey that you subsequently undertook.

Interesting enough the education and credentials I sought were not “easy” to gain and then the work responsibilities that came with them, were “hard” in a new and different way.

Mental strain and exhaustion accompanied each new promotion and ascension up the material ladder. Sleepless nights, stress and worries still came, just as they had for my parents.

The child within me had no idea there was no such thing as “easier”.

The type of work I engaged in had changed from one generation to the next, but the “work hard” part stayed consistent. I was just as burdened.

This article is for you if you also have a lot on your shoulders. I hope I can share some insights to assist break myths that we inadvertently buy into.

But first let me be realistic. To be human demands a lot from us.

We must provide for our physical needs, shelter and food for ourselves and others we are responsible for. Then embark on attempting to move up the Maslow pyramid of needs to reach our full potential. This is no easy feat with all the curve balls and adversity that life also often throws at us.

Society is set up in such a way that to “push” to achieve and accomplish can be subtly programmed into us as “the” way for “successful living”.

In fact, many things we do to ourselves robotically are not even noticed until a health issue crops up or relationship troubles surface that force us to re-evaluate. It is these types of adversity that have taught me what I must share.

Here are 3 myths in day-to-day practical living that could fuel a more energised and happier business life:

  1. Be Aware – Achievement is Burdensome

    Be Aware - Achievement is BurdensomeWhen we set targets and goals our ego feels very pleased with itself over what it has attained and sees this element of business planning as prerequisites of a successful business life.

    The sense of self pride that comes in, even if fleeting, can be a great motivator to keep this type of control over our lives.

    To get a new client in the month, to have a certain target for income, are seen as obvious aspirations to have, without which we often believe that “action” will not arise, and our “intention” would not be otherwise heard by the universe.

    This then exacerbates the pressure our own ego places on us, and thus we become more burdened, with self-imposed stress and an underlying anxiety that never falls away.

    The ironic thing is that we are never in charge of the exact details of how our life is going to unfold anyways and yet, despite knowing this, we persist on putting immense pressure on ourselves as if all of it is on our shoulders.

    This pressure comes from a collective belief that achievement is good. We are trained these things so early, often starting at school and at home.

    Unfortunately, this is a partial myth since achievement fuels creativity on the one hand which is the upside, but targets and the need to achieve specific outcomes also accompanies stress that can sap the joy out of the project altogether.

    To be aware that our only task is to actually do our best and leave the rest of the details to the universe is hardly ever discussed and yet it alleviates immense pressure and burden.

    Beyond doing your best, the rest can almost be offloaded to the universe itself as if it is your personal assistant, who will report back on all in its own timely form.

    This doesn’t mean your aspirations will always unfold but more importantly those outcomes that are in true alignment with your growth always will. Those that are not supported you can simply discard.

    Knowing this helps us to surrender to what is unfolding, and our need to carry and push harder can be mitigated. Instead of continuing to carry the burden, the ability to trust can be magnified.

    Easier and more energised living unfolds, as less effort is kept in the struggle to be more, do more, have more, carry more. The exact details of what you actually need are in the hands of the universe.

  2. Create Space- Time Management Blocks Efficiency

    Create Space- Time Management Blocks EfficiencyIn order to be efficient many of us have packed schedules. We rise early, attempt to multi-task, and fill our days with loads of action and to do lists.

    These approaches fuel the myth of better productivity and thus greater happiness- we block off time as if we are in charge of every minute of our precious day. This is another partial myth.

    Unfortunately, this does not give any grace to the universe to assist us, which always knows how to truly fuel our reserves and aid our ability to manifest in quantum ways.

    A busy preplanned schedule is the equivalent of attempting to eat non-stop, never giving your stomach a rest to digest, process and share the nutrients appropriately with your body and organs.

    We all know the body knows better what to do. There is an innate intelligence at work within our bodies that would force us to vomit in such a scenario in order to keep us alive. This is efficiency at work, even assisting us, beyond our own self sabotage.

    This same intelligence is outside of us too, always, and we can only access it, ironically, if space is created to not do as much as we are tempted to.  A jam-packed diary gets in the way. Silence opens the door.

    Waking to the day without a daily target as such perhaps is giving you a chance to enjoy the day as it naturally unfolds and helps you to trust the magic of the universe with its signs and clues.

    This is because you would have had a chance to notice more details as they arose, even seeing the tasks that your energy actually wanted to complete that day. You might find those tasks flowed faster, and in a more lighthearted way.

    Perhaps the absence of a daily target would make room for contemplation.

    The ability to assess the robotic habit of “doing” that you have got caught up in may give you new insight showing you the need to learn how to just “be” so you can enjoy your business more and its natural flow.

    When silence and space is given a chance to flow less burden and tension is felt, and our productivity spontaneously increases dramatically.

    Often our creative ideas become more inspirational too in these moments of “not doing” so quantum changes can be incorporated into our business in due course.

    Find time to do nothing.

    It will serve beyond your imagination and open you up to opportunities wanting to be let in.

  3. Learn- Solutions that Fix the Problem will Slow your Progress

    Learn- Solutions that Fix the Problem will Slow your ProgressFrom young we believe the idea that problems must be fixed.

    If we are facing stormy or uncertain waters, we hypnotically look for a solution, thinking that is the intention behind the problem.

    A client portfolio might fall away, and instead of accepting the circumstances our mind goes into “fix” evaluation.

    But to fuel the idea the situation we are in needs to be “fixed” is an illusion. It has arisen since a change is required, not a fix.

    Perhaps the change that is needed is a learning that needs to be incorporated by you? Perhaps it is making room for growth in a new direction, or perhaps there are better opportunities waiting for you?

    We have to remind ourselves that we are always on target, on course, wherever we are, moment to moment.

    It is in these exact times we are usually being asked to stop, pause, and become aware there is some deeper message in our current circumstances.

    Often these messages cannot be seen and have been overlooked in our busy life of ego-based achievement. Becoming aware of the missing details is likely to help us grow more than continuing to push along with attempting to fix the issue at hand, fueling further stressed-out worries.

    Take for example Steve Jobs. Losing his job helped the experience of animation to make its way into his life, which then changed the course of millions of people thereafter. A fix was not required but acceptance to allow the pivot.

    So, as you conclude reading this piece, I sincerely hope you will allow yourself the chance to stop and reflect before you go back to your busy day today.

    Do you have enough “non-doing” space in your diary?

    If no, consider incorporating some and enjoy the magic of what you discover in the process.

    These “ah ha’s” are precious. Say no to rushing to fix problems and use the opportunity to contemplate instead.

    Ask yourself “What is there for me to learn here?” before you move on with your usual action. And remember accomplishments and achievements are not a measure of your worth.

Take care to find the time to become more “self-aware”. It will pay dividends beyond the extraordinary and for this I invite you to learn more about tools that assist, such as meditation and the Dalian Method.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your day.


Kindi Gill

About the Author, Kindi Gill ACA

Kindi is a former CEO who offers Self-Awareness Executive Coaching, teaches principles of Consciousness and specializes in Change & Mental Health as a Professional Speaker.

Kindi has been a student of the Dalian School for Health and Consciousness and is a Facilitator of the Self Healing Dalian Method, an evolutionary tool for Transformation. Kindi has shared this system with hundreds of people, since founding Spark Expansion Consulting in 2015, and without fail, adults, teenagers and children delight in their changes.

Call Kindi at 778-558-5110 for help in getting your business and personal life back on track to achieve its natural full potential or visit www.www.InwardLeadership.com for her free leadership report.

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