Too Many Gurus: Why Less is More and How to Refocus - eVision Media

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Too Many Gurus: Why Less is More and How to Refocus

Too Many Gurus: Why Less is More and How to Refocus

Are you overwhelmed by the volume of advice you see and read each day by business and marketing experts? 

It’s easy to get excited about trying new things in your business and ending up following a lot of experts on social media and subscribing to their eZines and newsletters.

But over time this can result in too many gurus, too much confusion and too little time to do everything they say you should be doing.

Following too many gurus can result in confusion and lack of getting things doneClick To Tweet

While it may seem like being a fan of several top experts is smart, following too many can actually fragment the results you are getting and hurt your overall success in the long run.

I often see this with new entrepreneurs where their head is literally spinning with ideas, but they are feeling way behind from not doing enough to grow their business, and they are confused with all the different directions they are being pulled.

As an example on how easy this can happen, one marketing guru suggests you do ‘x’ claiming that it’s really going to help you and resolve all your problems so you start doing ‘x’. Then another business development guru says ‘x’ is a waste of your time, you should do ‘y’ instead. Not to mention they rarely tell you HOW to do all of this, only that you should.

Sadly, there are more self-proclaimed experts now than ever before all wanting to give you the benefit of their advice and telling you about their formula for success. It could literally drive you crazy trying to follow everyone’s latest strategies, tactics and methods.

Stop it! It will drive you crazy to follow every guru's strategies, tactics and checklistsClick To Tweet

So what do you do?

First of all, be honest… are you guilty of following too many of these gurus? Have you signed up for several programs in hopes of getting the perfect step-by-step formula that will make you rich? Do you feel like you’re constantly chasing after the biggest and brightest shiny objects that promise all your problems will be solved?

If so, here’s 6 tips to help you kick your guru addiction and get better focused on skyrocketing your results:

  1. Determine the ONE thing that would help you grow your business the most.What is it that you need to do? Do you need to create products? Improve your marketing? Boost profitability? Grow a team and take your business to the next level?Once you decide your single most important goal, you can focus on that. And only that.
  2. Find select few experts in the area you most need. Challenge yourself to become much more selective at whose advice you take from. Find a very select group of mentors who have something of true value to offer.Look for experts who challenge your thinking and stretch your boundaries. Ensure they have something of substance to say and are not just all promotion.
  3. Go on an eZine Diet.  If you have subscribed to dozens of newsletters, chop that list down to the top 3 that will help you the most in this chosen area.  Unsubscribe to the rest.Or try using a service like that groups the less important eZines into one daily rollup so they aren’t cluttering up your inbox.
  4. Cut Down Your Facebook Likes. If you are following a gazillion gurus, it can really distract you. Pare down your choices to those that offer value in their posts and speak to your primary goal.To find the list of pages you’ve liked, go to your personal profile and find “Likes” in the row of options under your name. You may need to click the down arrow beside “More” to find it.
  5. Make Uninterrupted Time to Read Your Mentor’s Advice.  Think about it.  Ponder it.  Ask yourself how you can apply it and put it into action.It’s no good if you read about a great concept and never implement it.  Follow-through is all about getting results.
  6. Go Deeper. If you really feel in alignment with the teachings of your mentor, find a way to take it to the next level. Buy a product. Join a coaching group they are leading. Hire their services.Or consider individual mentoring with them.  When considering the cost of working with them, weigh it carefully against the value of the results you will achieve.  Often times the price of mentoring will be returned to you many times by the personal and business gains you receive.What’s the opportunity cost of not coaching and staying right where you are?

No matter what type of business you run, having a mentor to help guide you can increase your odds of success. eVision Media can give you step-by-step guidance on marketing strategies that work! Get Your Free 30 Minute Strategy Session Today!

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

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It's my passion to help entrepreneurs get better at business, social media, and marketing through my strategic consulting.

Business consulting is meant for those who are serious about taking their business to the next level and are willing to turn off the noise around them and listen to solid business advice.

Take advantage of my 20 years of experience to save time, money, and stress, take your business to the next level, and achieve the success you desire.


Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

What Clients Say

Susan started from day one explaining where we were going, how we were going to get there and was very direct and honest if something I was suggesting might deter us. She spent the time to really understand what I wanted and where my audience is and proceeded to help me move there with dedication, professionalism and real skill. Honestly, I’ve got some real clarity on what’s next and I attribute that to Susan being the necessary set of extra eyes that could see things I could not.

The whole team is great…couldn’t have done it without them.

Marc W. Schwartz

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