Time to Reflect What Makes You Happy? | @eVisionMedia @Inspireabook

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Is it Time to Reflect On What Makes You Happy?

Is it Time to Reflect On What Makes You Happy?

In these troubled times many have realized they are not living the life they dreamed of.  Many are moving to a new house, moving location, or even moving to a new country, as they have the quiet time to reflect on what truly makes them happy.

What does that look like for you?

Do you want to be able to live in Mexico in the winter months and operate your business online and virtually from anywhere in the world?

Do you want to leave a legacy and train other people to run your business, so you are free to travel?

Do you want to inspire and help more people and create a non-profit to raise funds for other people?

The first thing you need to do is capture all your knowledge and wisdom in one place, and a book is a great container for that!

Once you have your book you can re-purpose the book content into online programs, webinars, a blog, or podcast series and speaking engagements, including TEDx talks.

But that takes planning and if you want to live the dream life you need to step out of your comfort zone!

I have many people say to me on Facebook “You are so lucky to live the life you do” and my reply to them is “Luck has nothing to do with it, I designed this life, it was not an accident”.

So are you ready to do that and take the first steps?

You may have ideas what your Dream Life looks like, but you need true clarity how to start making steps towards that goal.

This is not the kind of thing you can do alone!  You need to get clear on your goals and brainstorm your ideas with like-minded people.  Find a Facebook group, membership site, or mastermind group that you can spin your ideas from.

This is the same process I have used for over 10 years to help writers share their life stories and expertise to inspire others.

Through a series of questions, I help pull out the gold in your life story and organize it into lessons you can share.  When do you get an opportunity to explore your gifts and start thinking about how you can monetize them so you can live your dreams?

How do you INFLUENCE those who need your help?

There is nothing quite like a discussion with like-minded people to help you reflect on your knowledge and wisdom.  We often think “what’s special about my life” but when you share it in a group you start to realize how unique you really are!

When your brainstorm your life experiences you start to see how you can turn that experience into helping others!

When you understand WHO you can help, you now have your target audience profile.

How often have you had people tell you “How interesting, I wish I had known that ….” Or “you should write a book; you’ve had so many experiences” Or “You can help so many people by sharing how you overcome that trauma…”

Take these four steps and you will have clarity and a clear pathway to take steps towards your dream life.

Discover Your Unique Gifts

What are your life experiences and who can you help the most by sharing your journey?

Create a Mind map to record your unique life journey.

“A good writer is one who can throw up and then clean up!” Ray Bradbury

Bring clarity to your message by “cleaning up” your Mind map. Look for common themes and lessons you have used over and over in your life.

How can you deliver your message?  How can you transform your experience into lessons and inspiring stories? How can you monetize your gifts to give you the freedom you need to live your dream life?

What is Your Platform?

Create a writing plan for your content and the best way to deliver it; a book, blog series, speaking series, webinar, seminar, workshop, membership group.

If you feel overwhelmed in getting started, join a collaborative book project where you get a group of co-authors to mastermind with and get practice and education how to write a chapter in a book.

It is a great way to get started and you will gain valuable experience to get started on your own book or prepare your application for a TEDx talk or other speaking opportunities.

In 2018 I delivered a TEDX talk in Vancouver on the topic of “The gift of Dyslexia”. Since then, I have received many invitations to talk to the media and be an expert on podcasts and blogs. The hits on the TEDX YouTube channel are now in the six figures.

A book and speaking are the best investment you can make in your brand and a great way to launch your new online business to give you the freedom you need, to live the life of your dreams!

Reach out if you need help in getting started.

Julie Salisbury

About the Author, Julie Salisbury

Julie Salisbury is the author of Around the World in Seven Years: One Woman's Life-Changing Journey and Founder of Influence Publishing and InspireABook coaching. She specializes in helping authors to write and publish their books as a strategy to live out their purpose to the full.

Julie is more than a publisher with over 13 year's experience in the industry. She draws on her product marketing career in the UK of over 20 years to focus on strategic business and marketing goals to reach a global market via traditional and online media and publicity, and through strong global distribution and sales. She has published over 200 authors in the last 10 years and her unique "partner" publishing model means the author keeps all rights and royalties.

Visit www.influencepublishing.com or email founder@influencepublishing.com for information.

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I wanted to establish a website that would reflect the uniqueness of my approach to financial planning. Susan and her team did exactly that. Her expertise, ideas and patience have developed a website that produces constant compliments. I look forward to working further with Susan and Daniel as we establish further marketing concepts.

G.A. (Jerry) Brown, CFP, EPC, PRP

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