How Your Thoughts Influence Business Success - eVision Media

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How Your Thoughts Influence Business Success

How Your Thoughts Influence Business Success

What Influence Do We Have On Our Thoughts?

The human consciousness influences the molecular structure of water. Humans are an average of 70% water, which makes me think about the influence we have on our thoughts.

Our thoughts can make an extreme difference in the success of our business.

The Power Of Thought

Business is 95% psychology. What happens between your ears, in your mind and thoughts, will lead you to your RESULTS.

Dr. Emoto was a Japanese author and pseudoscientist who said that human consciousness could influence the molecular structure of water. He said that thoughts, emotions, and words affect water, and that water has memory and vibration.

Water reacts to feelings, words, and pictures. I would encourage you to look him up on YouTube. There are some videos that are very fascinating. This one is one of my favourites: 

The Power of Your Intentions

When you attended school, you may have done a study in a science class about the effects of music on plants, or words on rice. One jar labeled with “I love you” and one jar labeled with “I hate you” on it.

If you did this or have heard of it, in time you would see the jar with “I hate you” turning brown and the jar with “I love you” remaining white.  Here is a photo of the experiment:

emotion jars

Below is a picture of Dr. Emoto’s testing of water. These were taken from the same body of water but look at the difference before a prayer and after a prayer on the water! It is fascinating to me because the average human being is 70% water.

doctor emotos water test

Here is a picture showing the different formations in the water due to the words and emotions of famous personalities like Mother Theresa vs Adolf Hitler.

formations in water

Our Thoughts Are Powerful

Most of the time, many of us talk to ourselves. We all have an inside voice in our heads. If you are saying what inside voice? That is the voice I am talking about!

It is proven that our thoughts are powerful. They can either assist us to struggle in life or assist us to succeed in life! Which would you prefer? I am trusting you would prefer success. Science has proved that our thoughts will affect us as much as words affect water, rice, and plants.

thoughts are powerful

Let me ask you this, would you ever sleep with someone that says your not going to succeed in business, you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re too this and that…

Most of you would say, NO way!

Well, let me ask you this…

What do you say to YOURSELF, about YOURSELF when no one else is listening but you?

Are you always complimenting yourself or are you saying you’re not good enough?

Our thoughts can give us more success in life or can assist us into struggling just like the vibration of the water.

Influence Your Thoughts

How can I change my negative thoughts, you may ask? There are two steps:

  1. Become self-aware of your thoughts. We can only change things that we are aware of.
  2. Catch yourself every time you think of a negative thought. Catch it so you can change it to a positive thought or ask the negative thought a question… is that thought I just had the truth? If no, which most likely is not true, you acknowledge it and reframe the thought to the truth. Which is, I am smart enough or I am in the process of being smart enough.

I have a girlfriend that calls her negative thought the “dark passenger”. She recognizes when the dark passenger wants to take control of her thoughts. When she recognizes the dark passenger starting to take the wheel she immediately gains control of the wheel as she knows how damaging the dark passenger is for her success in life and in business.

Is it doable to change your thoughts… yes.

Is it easy? At times yes and at times no. Like anything you want to master it will take practice!

You can do it!

Remember this, if you say you can, you are absolutely correct and when you say you can’t, you are absolutely correct. Which one do you want to focus on?

Cheryl Bishop

Cheryl Bishop

About the Author, Cheryl Bishop

Are you wanting more success in your business? Do you at times feel you are alone doing business?

Cheryl has been in the business world her whole life. She was led by God to create Resilient Women in Business Mastermind groups to support women to achieve their heart's desires.

Visit to redeem a GIFT - 5 Key Areas to Excel in Your Growth to Maximize Success in Your Business! If you want to connect with Cheryl, you are welcome to call her at 604-351-7600.

What Clients Say

Susan started from day one explaining where we were going, how we were going to get there and was very direct and honest if something I was suggesting might deter us. She spent the time to really understand what I wanted and where my audience is and proceeded to help me move there with dedication, professionalism and real skill. Honestly, I’ve got some real clarity on what’s next and I attribute that to Susan being the necessary set of extra eyes that could see things I could not.

The whole team is great…couldn’t have done it without them.

Marc W. Schwartz

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