How to Bring Gratitude into Your Life to Increase Happiness | @eVisionMedia

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How to Bring Gratitude into Your Life to Increase Happiness

How to Bring Gratitude into Your Life to Increase Happiness

October is Thanksgiving month, which got me thinking about gratitude and how wonderful it feels to be thankful and appreciative, even for the small things we experience in everyday life.

It turns out there is a growing body of research which shows there are many psychological benefits to being grateful, including feeling happier and lowering stress, depression and anxiety.


Neuroscience tells us how gratitude can literally rewire our brains to make us happier.

When you say, “thank you”, do you really mean it or is it just politeness to which you give little attention?

Neuroscientists have found that if you really feel it when you say it, you’ll be happier and healthier.

The regular practice of expressing gratitude is not a New Age fad; it’s a facet of the human condition that reaps true benefits to those who mean it.

Why gratitude? Gratitude Quotes

Gain Better Physical Health

Other research into the physical effects of gratitude report even more tangible results.
Focusing on the positive and feeling grateful can improve your sleep quality and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

Become More Grateful

In times of hardship or stress it might seem difficult to be grateful. But if you really think about it, we all have something to be grateful for.

If you engage in only one prayer, let it be simply a heartfelt “thank you”.

3 Ways to Bring More Gratitude into Your Life

  1. Keep a daily journal of things you are grateful for—list at least three. The best times for writing in your journal are in the morning as your day begins or at night before sleep.
  2. Make it a point to tell people in your life what you appreciate about them on a daily basis.
  3. When you look in the mirror, give yourself a moment to think about a quality you like about yourself or something have recently accomplished.

Through the power of gratitude, you can wire your brain to be optimistic and compassionate, making you feel good.

The more you look, the more you can find to be grateful for. This positivity can extend to those around you, creating a virtuous cycle.

Resilient Women in Business - I am Grateful For Handout

Here is an exercise you can do with your spouse and family (Click here to save and print off). Each of you fill the form out and then sit down and share with each other. It is truly amazing what you will find out from each other.

Cheryl Bishop

Cheryl Bishop

About the Author, Cheryl Bishop

Are you wanting more success in your business? Do you at times feel you are alone doing business?

Cheryl has been in the business world her whole life. She was led by God to create Resilient Women in Business Mastermind groups to support women to achieve their heart's desires.

Visit to redeem a GIFT - 5 Key Areas to Excel in Your Growth to Maximize Success in Your Business! If you want to connect with Cheryl, you are welcome to call her at 604-351-7600.

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