Finicky Employees Could Be the Key to Business Success

Small Business Marketing Blog

Finicky Employees Could Be the Key to Business Success

Finicky Employees Could Be the Key to Business Success

Jane owns a retail store that specializes in glamorous women’s wear. She’s owned and operated the business for 15+ years. Jane will tell you, that the store has been successful because she oversees every little detail of her business.

She knows her customer’s tastes, personally greets them, and will step in on a sale when she sees that her staff could be selling more.

Jane does all the buying, receiving and is hands-on when it comes to design and merchandising.

Her staff will tell you she has eyes in the back of her head. She notices every detail to ensure her store and staff are as perfect as possible every day.

Would you call Jane an obsessive micro-manager or finicky?

A definition of ‘finicky’ is: “Fussy about one’s needs or requirements, showing or requiring great attention to detail”.

Jane’s staff will tell you there’s a fine line between micro-managing and finicky. There are days when they feel disempowered because Jane gives them no opportunity to make even the simplest of decisions.

On the days when Jane isn’t in the shop, they find themselves enjoying their work more. It feels great to use their skills, intelligence and experience.

Yes, Jane may be a micro-manager and needs to trust and train her employees to think like her. And yes, Jane is also finicky; but being finicky is a great asset for business.

She is one of those fine-detail folks that in our highly competitive world, every business needs.

Let’s face it. As an owner, you’re likely like Jane. You want your business to be perfect, and so do your customers.

But why do it all yourself?

Take a step back and look at your employees. Who are your ‘Janes’; the employees that feel responsible for the small details of your business? The employees that look for dust bunnies, accounting mistakes, and ‘small stuff’ that no one else notices.

Do you have enough ‘Janes’ on staff? Have you appreciated them lately? Do you have a reward program in place for those who go the extra mile? Do you have the routines and procedures in place that support their ‘finicky’ efforts?

The message here? Hire finicky people.

Train your people to be detail oriented, to notice what you don’t need to notice. Get out of your staff’s way and let them step up for you. The payback will be loyal customers, raving fans and extra dollars in your pocket.

The bonus? You won’t need to work 24 hours a day fretting about the small stuff.

Pamela Chatry

About the Author, Pamela Chatry

Do you work too hard? Is your business in chaos? If you are struggling with business issues, contact Pamela Chatry for a complimentary assessment. Pamela has been a trusted and highly respected Business Consultant, Mentor for Women in Business, Self-Employment Advocate, Trainer and Keynote Speaker for over 25 years.

Visit or call her at 778-856-8970 for help in getting your business to its fullest potential.

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