ABC's of Business - E is for Business Enthusiasm

Small Business Marketing Blog

ABC’s of Business – E is for Enthusiasm

Woman Sleeping at Desk

Do you have a case of the business blahs?

Have you lost your business mojo?

Are words like ‘enthusiasm’, ‘excitement’ and ‘fervour’ a thing of the past?  It can be a challenge for a business owner to keep the fire lit in the belly.

Remember, the antonym of enthusiasm is apathy.

Face it, after an owner has been in business for a few years, it can often be difficult to find passion for the job, once again.

Another scenario which is an enthusiasm killer is when business gets tough. Many owners think about walking away, rather than sticking it out.

If you’re a business owner and finding your enthusiasm dwindling, take a moment to think back to the days when you began your business.

Can you recall the feeling of excitement when you had a day of new projects to look forward to? What about that feeling of everything being so new that even though it was a bit scary, it made you feel happy?

Starting and operating a business is like deciding to take a vacation. There is the excitement in the decision to take a trip, setting the date, picking the destination, the trip planning, deciding who you will travel with, saving up for the trip, and in particular, the build-up of having it to look forward to.

Once you go away, you enjoy it. However, once you come home, all you have are the memories.

It can often feel like a let-down unless you have another trip to look forward to and start the planning.

Your business is similar to trip planning. So why not treat your business like a holiday?

Here are 5 action steps that you can take that will keep your business enthusiasm alive:

  1. Have a 5-year vision in place, (the destination and the date).
  2. Look at it daily and plan your tasks around it. Make sure everything you do, takes you in the direction of the dream.
  3. Share the Vision with your staff, (your travel companions).
  4. Set financial targets, and track the numbers against the vision.
  5. Celebrate success every time!

Remember, human beings need exciting new opportunities to look forward to. Without it, life can become humdrum.

Business is no different. By constantly create new dreams, the enthusiasm for your business will come back naturally.

Pamela Chatry

About the Author, Pamela Chatry

Do you work too hard? Is your business in chaos? If you are struggling with business issues, contact Pamela Chatry for a complimentary assessment. Pamela has been a trusted and highly respected Business Consultant, Mentor for Women in Business, Self-Employment Advocate, Trainer and Keynote Speaker for over 25 years.

Visit or call her at 778-856-8970 for help in getting your business to its fullest potential.

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