How to Shake Off & Release Negative Emotions | @eVisionMedia

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How to Shake Off & Release Negative Emotions

How to Shake Off & Release Negative Emotions

5 Steps to Getting Yourself Out of the Funk that’s Holding You Back

Have you ever experienced a day where you feel off? Irritated or sad and you’re not sure why?

Frustrated your business or personal life isn’t going the way you thought it would and you just can’t shake it?

Operating a business and being an entrepreneur can start out with excitement, big dreams and goals, yet over time can lose some of its charm.

You may find yourself on a rollercoaster of ups and downs both financially and emotionally.

In our current environment with Covid, fear-based news and new restrictions on business I would imagine you could be challenged.

If not, that is amazing! Congratulations and keep on excelling. And remember to celebrate each day.

If you are or have ever experienced negative emotions read on…

The other day while leading my Crack the Money Code Power Hour for Women in Business the topic of emotions came up. I was asked “How do you shake off and shift negative emotions?”

You see, your emotions are your guide. They inform you whether or not you are on pace with your goals, dreams and life.

Emotions can make or break your behaviour in business and it is very important to be able to understand how to shake off and release negative, heavy emotions that hold you back.

First let’s talk about irrational negative emotions.

Negative emotions
Negative emotions are Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt and Guilt.

Over the course of a lifetime, if not dealt with properly, they will build up within your unconscious mind and spring to action when tested.

Irrational emotions could manifest as:

  • Road rage: An example of an “irrational negative emotion”.
  • Fear of public speaking: An example of an “irrational negative emotion”. Fear for example does not keep you safe! That’s right, it does not keep you safe
  • Feeling sad: An example would be while watching a movie or for someone as if it happened to you, and not able to let it go. (I know this one well)

They are those moments when you behave in a manner when afterwards, you say to yourself “Whoa, I usually don’t react that way!”

It’s a reaction to something you have a hard time controlling or letting go of. It’s making a mountain out of a molehill.

The fight-or-flight response (also known as the acute stress response), refers to a physiological reaction that occurs when we are in the presence of something that is mentally or physically terrifying.

You automatically react and fight or run away.

Now this is a simple explanation; however, our natural body’s reaction to danger kicks in when we deal with the situation, and fear follows.

The fear of public speaking may feel real; however, it is not life threatening and can hold you back from sharing your message and vision with the world.

Over time, if negative emotions are not released and behaviours are not changed, they can build up and take unknowingly control your life. They will slowly create success and financial blocks which leads to you not lively a truly joyful and financially successful life.

What potentially happens when not dealing with negative emotions

  • Anger – Heart Attack, Heightened Cholesterol (JAMA, 6/96)
  • Sadness – Weaken Immune System, Depression
  • Fear – Excessive Stress, PTSD, Phobia
  • Guilt – Lowered Healing Energy
  • Conflict – Cancer

Wouldn’t you be a lot safer if you let go of these emotions?

So how do you deal with the buildup of old negative emotions and past experiences?

Here’s 5 steps you can follow to get yourself out of a funk:

  1. Ask for help from a Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Doctor, or NLP Practitioner who is trained in Time Line Therapy®. (That is what I am trained in)
    Sometimes you don’t know what is causing the problem because emotions, beliefs, and old trauma(s) can be rooted deeply in the unconscious mind. That’s when it is best to consult a professional.
  2. Process the emotions immediately or as soon as you can find a moment alone.
    Here are some tips that has worked for me as well as how I answered the question when asked during my Crack The Money Code Meeting last week:

    • Acknowledge the emotion and feeling. You are feeling it for some reason, so spend a moment with it. The key is not to stay stuck in the emotion unless it’s a positive emotion.
    • Know that what you are feeling, even though it may have been triggered by an external event like the news or a client or loved one who push one of your buttons, that it is your emotion you need to take responsibility for turning it around or you will stay stuck.

    If you haven’t read the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, I highly recommend you read it. Agreement #2 is Don’t take anything personally.

  3. Shake it off. Find a way that works for you to physically shake it off. For me I love music, so I turn on an energetic upbeat song and dance.
    Go to the gym, run and or workout. Give yourself permission to have a full-on temper tantrum (in private of course). That is what children do when they have pent up emotions that they haven’t yet learned how to deal with them. They kick and scream and once done they go back to their happy selves.
    Give it up to God, The Devine or the universe, if they serve you.
  4. Once you have done steps 1-3, you now need to find something that makes you joyful and happy.
    You can listen to a positive song, watch a motivational video on YouTube, and most powerful is to remember a time you felt powerful, successful, happy and confident. Go back into that memory using all your senses and let those emotions rise up into your body.
    Do this repeatedly until you feel better. Keep a celebration and appreciation journal! Celebrate everyday…. the body will remember how it feels rather than immediately go to those heavier emotions.
  5. Focus on what you want! Not on what you don’t want. Remember, you are a feeling being and emotions will rise up within you.
    I also recommend you check in on your self-talk. If you have been unaware of your self-talk perhaps it has been critical. I like to call it stinking thinking.
    If your thoughts are not supportive, they will show up in how you feel. Again, this could be your unconscious mind at work.

Most of all, know that this too shall pass. You have the ability to make a decision to change. Choose powerful, positive thoughts and actions.

Choose to seek help if you are truly stuck. Follow your Joy. Do what feels good and you will be rewarded with all you desire. In Life, In Business, In Love and In Money.

Barb Wallick

Barb Wallick

About the Author, Barb Wallick

Barb Wallick works with women who are looking to Create a Life They Never Want to Retire From.

A Personal Financial Planner, with 35 years experience along with her 3 Coaching Certifications, Barb truly guides her clients starting with Creating Clarity of Purpose, Goal Setting, Releasing Money Blocks using Time Line Therapy ® and practical Financial Planning.

For more information, visit or find her on Facebook at


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