Taking Control of Your Mind for Success 

Small Business Marketing Blog

5 Tips for Taking Control of Your Mind

What’s the single most determining factor for your success in business and life?

Money? Time? Knowledge?
While those things are definitely important, that’s not the answer.

Actually, it’s you.

Yep. Call it your mind, mindset, beliefs, psychology, ego or whatever… but ultimately it’s all the stuff that goes on between your ears (aka YOU) that can propel you to success or hold you back from having a life and business that you love.

It’s the fear, self-doubt, anxiety, worry, second guessing, perfectionism, lack of focus, procrastination, etc. that truly holds you back from the success you crave—not money or time or how many certifications you may hold.

Imagine if all the chatter in your head was supporting and positive?

That it lifted you up instead of tearing you down?

Imagine what it would be like if YOU controlled your mind instead of letting it control you?

How would things be different?

My guess is that you’d find the resources to overcome your challenges pretty darn fast.
But how do you do that?

How do you take control of your mind?

How do you truly master your psychology and overcome all the inner stuff that is holding you back?
How do you make it work to your benefit instead of your detriment?

It’s not easy. I give you that. And, it’s not fast either. But it is worth it… big time.

Here are 5 tips to get you started…

  1. Take responsibility

    This is a must. Before you can do anything else, you must realize that it’s you who is creating your reality and only you can change it. Period. Stop focusing on and blaming others—focus on YOU.

  2. Meditate

    Yes, meditation is a proven way of gaining true control over your thoughts and feelings. There are tons of ways to meditate so try a few and see what works for you. Personally, I enjoy a nice walking meditation.

  3. Surround

    Fill your life with positive like-minded souls who have various skills, strengths, styles and expertise. Nourish yourself and others with your kindness and generosity.

  4. Be grateful

    Yes, you’ve heard it before, but the more you can think, feel and display gratitude, the calmer your mind gets and the easier it is to ignore that negative mental chatter.

  5. Hire a coach

    One job of a coach is to help you clear your stuff so you CAN take inspired action and HAVE the business and life of your dreams. It’s much easier to work on this when you have someone in your corner rather than trying to do it all on your own.

Bonus: Focus on keeping things simple and uncluttered. The more chaos in your life, the more your mind monkey will chatter non-stop.

Whatever your circumstances, whatever has or hasn’t happened in your life and business, your mind is the key to your happiness and fulfillment. Do yourself a favour and master it.

What do you do when your mind starts spouting negative chatter and is holding you back? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Heather Wilson

About the Author, Heather E. Wilson

Need help? Would you like to learn more ways to avoid burnout, add more fun, more success, and more joy into your life and business? Heather E. Wilson, is a certified transformational coach, author and international speaker who loves to share her passion for helping you take charge of your life and business so that you can have the success and fun you've always dreamed about.

Go to HeatherwilsonInternational.com to view more of her free training and to receive a copy of her FREE ebook: The Burnout Principle.

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