What's Really Going on In Digital Marketing | @eVisionMedia

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What’s Really Going on In Digital Marketing

Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt – Vol. 1

Hello and welcome to what’s flying around in my head in any given moment.

And there’s a lot that flies around, believe me.

After 20 years of being in the digital marketing and web development space, I’ve seen a lot, experienced a lot and have shaken my head in disbelief way too many times to remain silent any longer.

So this is my attempt at not being silent.

It’s my intention, should you choose to go on this journey with me, to pull back the curtain and expose the truth of what’s really going on in the digital marketing world of today.

And it ain’t pretty.

Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s good stuff. Brilliant even. And I’ll be sharing stuff about that too.

But sometimes it’s also mediocre and even downright criminal.

Now I know what you’re thinking, why should I listen to her? Just because she’s been around for 20 years doesn’t mean anything.

I hear you. I’d be skeptical too if I were you.

Why don’t you hang in for a while and see if what I say resonates truth to you? If it does, I’m thrilled and if it doesn’t, it’s all good too.

And just in case you’re wondering, I can be trusted. Trust me, I can’t tell a lie!

Well, OK, maybe the odd white lie, like when I was 10 years old and my mom asked me if I “stole” any ice cream from the bucket in the downstairs freezer where I most emphatically (and innocently) shook my head saying I had no idea how that ice cream went missing.

Susan riding on her Dad's backWhen in reality, I was not about to set myself up for a week’s grounding by divulging that I really was the criminal who had a craving for ice cream so bad after school one day, I crept downstairs with spoon tightly clutched in hand (I cursed every creaky stair along the way). And then, with utmost delight mixed with a little bit of terror that I’d be caught at any moment, I shovelled my spoon into the sweet creamery of sugary softness and let it slowly melt in my mouth, all the while leaving the freezer door wide open.

Oh yes. I did tell that white lie. And yes, I know I had a problem so before you start psychoanalyzing me, I know. I was 10. I’m good now. Kinda.

But if that honest accounting of a deceitful 10-year old doesn’t convince you, maybe the in-depth analysis I did with Sally Hogshead’s How the World See’s You where I scored “TRUST” as my main identifier will?

See, I told you, you could trust me!

So my intention of these musings is to help you, the entrepreneur, with insights, tips, strategies and resources to help you grow into a successful business owner.

But here’s the thing:

  • I have no guarantee my stories will be earth-shattering.
  • I won’t promise you’ll be a millionaire if you just follow my 10-step process.
  • I’m not following any content calendar that I typically preach about to others (meaning I’m letting the topics come to me as I see ’em).
  • I have no hidden agenda or ulterior motive.
  • There’s nothing to sell you on when I finish any X-part series.

You’ll get the straight scoop so you know what’s really going on.

When I see a question being asked on social media that breaks my heart.

When inspiration hits with a message that feels important enough to share.

I hope you get the idea.

In the past, I’ve always put my “teacher” hat on and wanted to get you on the right path. You can find a ton of that material on our eVision Media blog here. But I found the very people who needed to know that info weren’t paying attention.

They were busy taking a guru’s course, signing up for another free webinar, listening to what their friend of the family was telling them etc.

And don’t get me wrong, this is in no way a personal attack on you or your friend, or coach, or anyone in particular.

It’s an attempt to uncover the insidious marketing world that we all are being exposed to. That we’ve all fallen victim to.

I too have purchased the programs only to find out they were so superficial I could have taught them myself.

I too have signed up for free webinars, teleseminars, telesummits and so on in hopes to gain that ever-elusive wisdom; that “golden nugget” that will give me the final piece of the puzzle I’ve been searching for, only to be left empty-handed and up-sold to a more expensive “solution” instead.

I too have fallen prey to the promise-filled sales copy that made me feel I’d be stupid if I didn’t take advantage of their limited-time-only offer.

And it’s OK if this rings true for you too.

Been there done that.

So we’re in this together.

And I also want to share personal stories that might resonate with you, wrapped up with some inspiration that might help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

I’ll probably even provide some references that give you further insights, proof, ideas, inspiration and so on to support what I’ve ranted on about. (Check for those below.)

And hey, let’s make this a collaboration, what say you?

What do you see in the world of marketing that irks the heck out of you?

What are you seeing time and time again where you know only a rare few will actually benefit from that particular tactic?

Let me know!

Let’s discuss!

We’ll go on a rant together.

Thanks for reading this far, I truly appreciate it.

I’ll see you in the next marketing crypt mind dump!

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

P.S. If you liked the article, you might want to subscribe to our newsletter. We publish tons of valuable content to help you learn more about marketing, and subscribing is the best way to ensure you don’t miss out. Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about creating a successful and profitable website, while avoiding costly mistakes, click here for our free report on the 6 Critical Steps to Creating a Successful and Profitable Website.


  1. Overwhelmed by the volume of advice by business and marketing gurus? Here’s 6 tips to kick your guru addiction and get focused on skyrocketing your results: Too Many Gurus: Why Less is More and How to Refocus
  2. There’s an insidious travesty happening to entrepreneurs w/ Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome. What you need to know before signing up for another program: The Entrepreneurial Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome Exposed
  3. To become more successful, you do not have to change who you are–you have to become more of who you are. How the World Sees You reveals who you are at your best so you can create better relationships, grow your business, and become intensely valuable to those who matter most: How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination by Sally Hogshead

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Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit www.BrandIdentitySteps.com and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

What Clients Say

eVision Media has truly exceeded my expectations. I thought I was hiring a VA, and what I hired was a full-service online marketing team who truly knows how to promote my business.

Professional, knowledgeable and talented, I recommend Susan and Daniel for any entrepreneur who wants to put the time in to be seen online in a world where it can be hard to stand out.

Susan Elford, BA (Hons), BPR, APR

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