Tap Beyond Your Barriers to Thrive in Business | @eVisionMedia

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Tap Beyond Your Barriers to Thrive in Business

Tap Beyond Your Barriers to Thrive in Business

Today on Overcoming Roadblocks, I’m speaking with Reiki Master/Introvert Mentor Lorraine Ellen Scott.

Lorraine is a Reiki Master Teacher and inspirational mentor who helps introverted entrepreneurs, coaches, and healers step into their power to thrive in business. With over twenty years of experience in vibrational energy healing, she uses various tools to empower others to authentically show up with the vitality they need for sustainable success.

Join us as we discuss how to Tap Beyond Your Barriers to Thrive in Business.

In this inspiring episode, you’re going to learn:

  • Why you feel like you’re not worthy of success
  • How to move beyond the idea that you’re not worthy
  • The number one thing that prevents people from moving forward in the world of business

So if you agree that feeling unworthy is a huge roadblock to your business success, then be sure to tune in to this incredible episode to find out what you can do to create the business of your dreams.

May you lead your life with kindness,

Susan Friesen
Visionary Brand Strategist



Lorraine Ellen Scott is a Reiki Master Teacher and inspirational mentor who helps introverted entrepreneurs, coaches, and healers step into their power to thrive in business. With over twenty years of experience in vibrational energy healing, Lorraine uses various tools to empower others to authentically show up with the vitality they need for sustainable success.

Learn how to step more into your greatness. Schedule a 15-minute Step Into Your Greatness Call with Lorraine to help you turn your blocks into your superpower!



Susan Friesen 00:00
Hello, and welcome. I am so excited about my guest on this series. Please welcome Lorraine Ellen Scott to today’s episode, in our series on helping you overcome the barriers that you are experiencing in your business. The rain is a Reiki Master and an inspirational mentor who helps entrepreneurs just like you to step into their power and thrive in their business. And so for the next little while, we’re gonna be talking about some very key specific things that you might be experiencing. And guess what you might not be realizing why you’re experiencing them. So today, Lorraine and I are going to dig deep, and unfold some of the reasons that might be causing these barriers that are happening for you, whether you realize it or not. And you might be surprised what those answers are. So welcome to the show. Lorraine, I’m so glad that you’re a part of our series.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 01:07
Thank you, Susan, thank you for inviting me, and I’m really happy to be here. Because I know what it’s like to get stuck behind those barriers, for sure we all

Susan Friesen 01:16
do. Right. I don’t think there’s anybody who has not experienced some sort of roadblock and barrier in their business. And, and you know, are frustrated by it. And it literally can get to that point, where should I even be doing this anymore? Maybe this is a sign maybe I should just be quitting and going back to my job. So it can vary right from Oh, okay. Yeah, I have a solution for that right to, you know, just stopping everything. And, and, you know, preventing themselves from going forward. And that’s why I wanted to put this series together. Because it depends, no matter where you are on that spectrum. I think that the information that we’re going to share can help anybody in their entrepreneurial journey to get past whatever it is whether minor or major, and really stepped into their power, as you say, and get that success and reach their goals and live their vision that they, you know, the reason why they started business to begin with, right?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 02:18
Yes, I think people get stuck in being stuck. And they forget why they’re doing it in the first place, they lose that inspiration. So in order to clear that energy, so that they can more fully focus on their mission, their why their reason for doing it is the key. And it’s interesting, because it depends on the day, some days, you know, you’re feeling really good about things, you’re optimistic, and then the next day your energy’s a little lower, and then something negative might happen. And then you’re like, what’s it, throw in the towel, so you just have to honor where you are. And there’s tools to get around it.

Susan Friesen 02:58
Yeah, and I can so relate to that, in the rain, because it wasn’t even that long ago, when I think for me, my energy level was starting to drop more and more. And when that happened, for me, I was labeling it as you know, burn being burnt out, I was, you know, working way too many hours, whether that was the real reason or not, I don’t know, maybe I’ll find out. But I was labeling it as being burnt out. And what I was finding was every little negative thing that happened, it just plummeted my energy. And all I wanted to do was just go to bed, put the covers over my head and make, you know, make it all go away. And I think a lot of us can relate to that. Because, you know, we can only take so much negativity before we’re, you know, ready to pack it in. And then that’s, that’s where people like us come into play. Because that negativity is associated with something. And that’s my first burning question for you. The rain is what is that key thing that you have noticed when working with your clients over the years that has been stopping them from stepping forward in their business? And I would love to hear you know what’s going on with that?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 04:19
Well, I love that question. And I’m going to start with taking you back on a journey back to when I was a little girl. We were camping. We had the opportunity to go horseback riding. I was so excited. I must have been about eight years old. My brother and sister my mom and dad and we all piled into the vehicle and we get to this ranch. I see the horses I loved horses at the time. And you know, and they were really big and I’m like, ooh, but I’m excited anyways, and then my mom dropped the bombshell that I wasn’t allowed to go because I was too small. Oh no. So I was so dumb. disappointed,

Susan Friesen 05:00
I can only imagine. Yeah.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 05:03
And I’m sure we’ve all had that. We were told when we were young, you know, you’re too shy, you’re quiet. Don’t stand out, be like everybody else. Don’t brag. So we bring this stuff from our childhood that conditioned us. And now today, we’re trying to stand out. And we’re wondering why we keep coming up against blocks. And we get in our own way sometimes. And that is a big part of at least my journey and the journey of many clients. I’ve worked with that we think because of the conditioning we’ve had, that were so limited. We’re really not.

Susan Friesen 05:49
I mean, oh, man, does that ever bring back a lot of memories for me to all of these you can send and all these, this negativity that is bombarded on us? No wonder we’re such a mess.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 06:03
You’re too this. You’re not enough that we’re Yeah. Yeah.

Susan Friesen 06:07
Don’t interrupt stop being so big, you know? Yeah, I mean, it could the list can go on forever and ever. And for those who are, you know, maybe a little bit on the introverted or shy side, you know, that is even exploded even more so as there’s something wrong with them. So, you know, whether you’re introverted or not, at the end of the day, when we do try to be step into our power and be something in our business, all those voices in our head are coming back screaming at us, there’s something wrong with you stop it, you’re going to, you know, get into trouble or whatever, like, what are those consequences that those voices are telling us? That would happen? If we did do that?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 06:52
Yeah, it’s, you know, we, we get out of our comfort zone for a minute and something goes wrong. And we’re like, oh, well, that’s a sign I gotta stop. You know, we’re almost we have that clipboard, and we’re almost looking for little things, check. Okay, that’s wrong, that’s wrong. Okay. There’s too many, there’s too many checkmarks, or too many x’s. It’s, clearly I’m not meant for this, we compare ourselves to other people. And as you know, Susan, I actually mentor introverts mostly, that’s who I work with it. So I understand, of needing to, you know, stand back a little bit. And it’s not just for introverts, it’s for anybody who’s who wants to, to start speaking to start being seen to start shifting from what your family and friends know you as to somebody who’s now an entrepreneur, has their own business has their own clients, you know, we have to find our tribe of colleagues that are there to support us. It’s not just about finding clients, it’s about finding like minded people, like yourself, how are we can connect and be in a state of Yeah, I understand where you’re coming from.

Susan Friesen 08:06
And that is so important. Lorraine is because, you know, when you said, you know, that you we need to find our own community of like minded people, because just as when we were when we were kids, and our parents are saying, No, you can’t do this, because it’s because they are paying attention to your safety, you know, to them as a logical thing, that Well, you can’t because you’re gonna die. But, but we’re internalizing it as that is an absolute and forever and ever, we’re gonna die if we do this, you know, to be to take it to the extreme. And so now in present day, you know, we’re hearing are those same voices in our head, and unfortunately, sometimes those same people, those parents and the family members, or aunts and uncles, and our brothers and sisters, or whoever it is, they still are trying to protect us. Absolutely. Yeah. And yeah, they’re saying, Are you sure? Like, I don’t want you to fail. I don’t want you to lose all that money and all that effort, why don’t you just go to get a job? So they’re still reinforcing today? The same message that we were told when we were two years old, that you know, and it’s always in the spirit of protecting us. And, and Little do they know and Little do we know when we’re receiving that advice, that it’s the worst advice we could be given if if we have a vision, and we want to step up and and big a difference in the world and living on purpose and you know, and help people?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 09:46
Well, and you know, it’s interesting, you say that because when we’re trying to grow, we’re growing in a different way than what our family and friends know us as, and they’re always trying to identify with who we are, they’re always trying to pull us back to a place that they know. They know us and they feel safe to, right? Yeah, and it’s okay. It’s totally okay, our family and friends, they don’t have to get what we do, they really don’t have to understand it. But it’s finding that group of people who do and then you have that balance, because really, it’s all about balance. And balance isn’t always like this. Sometimes, it you know, the scales get tipped, and you just have to learn that it will always come back around again.

Susan Friesen 10:33
That’s such an excellent point. Such an excellent point is that I find through the years of me working with clients is that as soon as they start asking other people for advice, what should I do? That advice is coming from through their lens, from their perspective, with the intention of trying to rescue you or keep you safe. And as literally trying to keep themselves safe, because that’s what they would do if they were in your shoes. Yeah, they’re not giving you adequate advice, nor advice that is good for you. And what will fulfill your vision, they’re giving you advice if they were you.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 11:17
And it’s not educated advice, because they don’t know that situation. It’s totally different ballgame. When you get into being an entrepreneur. It’s nothing like anything I’ve ever done before. And I love it. Yeah. You know, all of the trials and tribulations and the relations, all of it. It’s all part of the adventure. And it’s, it’s how you look at it. That’s really the crux of things is your lens on it. And you are people have the choice to decide how they want to view things.

Susan Friesen 11:49
Yeah, yeah, definitely. Oh, such excellent advice, Lauren. So what is the next thing that went, you know, what can we do about it? Yes. Well, you know, here we are living for X amount of years with this advice that we were given back when we were little tiny toddlers. And we’ve been living that advice all this time, it gets not an easy thing to just snap your finger and decide I’m going to change. So give us some tools, some wisdom here on how we can start making that transformation.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 12:19
Well, actually, Susan, it can be at the snap of your fingers, you can be right at your fingertips.

Susan Friesen 12:26
They’re awesome.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 12:28
Yeah, so not only I’m a Reiki Master Teacher, but I do other vibrational energy work. And one of the tools that I learned and I use now in my practice is emotional freedom technique. You know what, as EFT or as tapping, and it is powerful. And I love sharing that with clients. Because once they know how to tap, they can use it whenever they need to. They don’t need any tools, they don’t need any special skills. All you need to do is understand how you feel and understand what’s going on inside as you tap. It’s just that simple. You unclear so much.

Susan Friesen 13:13
And it happened so fast. Well, that’s amazing. Thank you for correcting me. I was raised to believe that change is slow.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 13:21
And sometimes it is. And here’s the thing, Susan, if we think it is going to be it will be oh my gosh.

Susan Friesen 13:27
Thank you for correcting that as well. We are what we think, aren’t we I was just the same time. We you know, have to be so careful about the words that we say don’t wait. I mean, that can be a whole nother episode. Yeah, absolutely.

What words are very powerful and the words we were taught, you know, with that vulnerable age, when we’re just, you know, learning what life is. And we hold such a candle to the adults, the teachers in our lives that think that everything they say is the truth. whereas adults, we learn that, you know, people are human. But yeah, in order to clear and get forward and move past those barriers, we have to realize that it’s possible because the power is within us, not outside of us. It’s in us it’s literally at our fingertips.

Susan Friesen 14:18
Do I have a mic that I can draw? Like that was a Mic drop? Right. And I think that many of us and myself included over you know, multiple instances, we tend to want to blame some sort of external situation for our inability or our lack of whatever or the roadblocks that we come up oh, it’s the economy or it’s this it’s that or the marketing didn’t work you know, by social media person made a spelling error and that’s why I didn’t make you know, get 10 clients or whatever, right? We always like to, you know, know I have to take responsibility.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 15:02
Yes. And I have an acronym for that word blame, believe lies, and make excuses.

Susan Friesen 15:10
Oh my.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 15:12
That’s what we do we make the excuse of, well, it was, it’s outside of myself, and it’s out of my control. So I can’t change it, where we can flip that very easily. And that’s where tapping can help flip the script. And for anyone who’s watching, if they don’t know what tapping is, or they know a little about it, you might think it’s all about thinking positively. But first, you have to acknowledge the negative, you’ve got to acknowledge the emotions, you’re feeling like no emotion is actually bad or good, the emotions are neutral, it is how we respond to it, that creates that positive or negative effect. So tapping really helps to neutralize things that’s that is happening within our body, it changes how we think how we feel, and therefore, how we can be more mindful and hopeful. To change. That’s amazing.

Susan Friesen 16:14
And I know that, you know, not everybody knows what tapping is, or EFT is, but would you mind doing a brief demonstration, you can use me as your guinea pig. And maybe we can, you know, come up with a topic that is pretty universal, they say, doing exactly what you and I are doing right now getting in front of the camera, I know that that is pretty prevalent, that, you know, there’s all kinds of stories that go on in our minds, before we turn on that camera that prevents us even from turning on that camera, and stepping out and stepping into our power and getting seen and being visible, whether it’s on social media, or even in a podcast or a webinar or whatever. So would you mind doing a really quick brief demonstration of what tapping is.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 17:03
I would love to, I mean, the best way to is to just jump in and do it, why not?

Susan Friesen 17:08
And nothing, there’s nothing better than showing somebody what you’re talking about. So they can, you know, realize those benefits right off the bat.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 17:16
Yes, and everyone can tap along to follow along. And Susan, I’ll just get you to be my echo because a quick version. And there’s different ways of doing it. But I like to keep things simple. It’s how it makes it easy. And so one of the recipes is to come up with why this is a problem and, and repeat it a couple of times as you’re tapping, and then tap on specific meridians of the face and the body to help start to clear that energy. So let’s take the example of you know, feeling uncomfortable about being on camera, for example. So you can either find the side of the hand where the pinkie is you can tap on that spot. Or sometimes there’s a tender spot just below your collarbone, and you can rub that spot, I find that if you find a tender spot, this is the place because that relates to that emotional side of things. But if you can’t find it, you can do there so, so you can repeat after me. Even though I’m feeling anxious about being on camera.

Susan Friesen 18:28
Even though I’m feeling anxious about being on camera.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 18:31
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Susan Friesen 18:35
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 18:40
Even though I’m nervous about being on camera,

Susan Friesen 18:43
Even though I’m nervous about being on camera.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 18:46
I honor how I feel.

Susan Friesen 18:48
I honor how I feel.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 18:50
Even though I’m nervous about being on camera,

Susan Friesen 18:53
Even though I feel nervous about being on camera.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 18:56
I love myself anyways,

Susan Friesen 18:58
I love myself anyways.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 19:00
Yeah. And I have glasses and we want to tap on this the face. So we’re going to start on the inner eyebrow.

Susan Friesen 19:13
If I can’t see you when I do this just up on the on the where the eyebrow is.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 19:18
And just as we have, we’re thinking about how we feel. And we’re just repeating not the whole thing, but we’re just saying feeling nervous. So just say feeling nervous.

Susan Friesen 19:30
Feeling nervous.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 19:32
And then at the side of the eye along this eye socket, feeling nervous about being on camera.

Susan Friesen 19:39
Feeling nervous about being on camera.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 19:42
And then under the eye. I’m really scared about being seen.

Susan Friesen 19:47
I’m really scared about being seen

Lorraine Ellen Scott 19:51
Under the nose. What if somebody judges me?

Susan Friesen 19:54
What if somebody judges me?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 19:58
And then under the lip What if somebody laughs at me?

Susan Friesen 20:02
What if somebody laughs at me.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 20:06
And then at the collarbone, you can do one side, or both people do it in different ways. It’s just breathing into this discomfort.

Susan Friesen 20:15
It’s just breathing into this discomfort.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 20:20
And then under your arm about four inches under your arm, there’s a tender spot, mostly. So just rubbing that spot, feeling uncomfortable.

Susan Friesen 20:30
Feeling uncomfortable.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 20:34
And then at the top of the head, I really don’t want to be on camera.

Susan Friesen 20:38
I really don’t want to be on camera.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 20:43
And then on the other side, we’re tapping on the inner eyebrow. I’m so nervous. I’m so nervous. At the side of the eye, what if I mess up?

Susan Friesen 20:56
What if I mess up?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 20:59
Under the eye? What if nobody watches? What if nobody watches? Under the nose? What if everybody watches

Susan Friesen 21:10
What if everybody watches.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 21:14
Under the lip, just allowing myself to be where I am.

Susan Friesen 21:19
Just allowing myself to be where I am.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 21:23
Under the collarbone is clearing this nervous energy.

Susan Friesen 21:24
Just clearing this nervous energy.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 21:25
Under the arm, it’s okay to feel what I’m feeling.

Susan Friesen 21:33
It’s okay to feel what I’m feeling

Lorraine Ellen Scott 21:38
The top of the head because I’m learning and growing.

Susan Friesen 21:43
Because I’m learning and growing.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 21:47
And one more round the inner eye. And I’m learning to trust myself

Susan Friesen 21:52
And I’m learning to trust myself.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 21:56
That the side of the eye and it’s okay to be nervous

Susan Friesen 21:59
And it’s okay to be nervous.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:03
Under the eye, it’s okay to be nervous,

Susan Friesen 22:06
it’s okay to be nervous.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:09
Under the nose, it’s starting to clear a little bit.

Susan Friesen 22:13
It’s starting to clear a little bit

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:17
Under the lip, and I’m okay with being nervous.

Susan Friesen 22:22
And I’m okay with being nervous.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:26
At the collarbone, I have a message to share.

Susan Friesen 22:30
I have a message to share.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:32
And it’s more important than my nerves.

Susan Friesen 22:34
And it’s more important than my nerves.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:37
Under the arm, and it’s okay to feel awkward.

Susan Friesen 22:40
And it’s okay to feel awkward.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:44
The top of the head, I’m just being human.

Susan Friesen 22:47
I’m just being human.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 22:50
Okay, now just squeeze around your wrist, take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, say peace. So what you’re doing is you’re acknowledging what you’re feeling by using words. And the great thing is, is you can use whatever words you want, you’re starting with how you feel the negative. And as you notice, I started shifting it into more empowerment and feeling okay with who you are, and then just clearing that energy. And so things kind of settle down. That’s the key to being at a place where you get to choose your thoughts from there to be more empowered.

Susan Friesen 23:36
That was amazing. I Oh, I hope that everybody does that anybody who says that I just can’t, you know, just eliminate the word I can out of your vocabulary and say I can and I’m going to do it by doing this simple tapping exercise, because it really does clear that energy and you know, like I’ve I feel blessed that I’m not one of those people who feel hyper anxious before you know doing something like this, but even I felt that there was even more clearing because I you know, when you had said, you know, what, if nobody shows up, or what if too many people show up and what if I’m, you know, be judged, I definitely have those feelings that go through my mind. And you know, and it’s just I do it anyway, I feel the fear and do it anyway. But that I don’t have to feel the fear like this gets rid of that fear for me all together. Thank you for sharing that.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 24:37
You’re welcome. Or at least it turns the notch down of it. You know, so it’s not so staticky in our bodies and it’s becomes a little more manageable. Now I recommend to those of you viewing if when you do it and you can if you’re like I don’t know what to just do it with intention, know that the way you’re doing it is right. And I really recommend that why You do it when you’re alone, when you do it, look at yourself in the mirror look right into your eyeballs. That is powerful. Okay, I can almost guarantee you’ll cry. But that’s a good release. That really is.

Susan Friesen 25:13
You know, yeah, I can totally see that because it really does. It’s releasing all those emotions that have been sitting there since we were two years old. And we are being given permission to not have to be that way anymore. That is so freeing. What an amazing gift that this brings to people.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 25:38
Isn’t it? Great. I love having things that people can now use forever. It’s great. It’s great with kids, the more you can do it for yourself and share it with other people. Imagine what this world was like if they would teach EFT in school?

Susan Friesen 25:55
Oh my gosh, imagine that would be ah, yeah. So incredible. And I’m going to bring that back to our audience. Imagine what your business would be like, if fear no longer was one of those roadblocks that was getting in the way of you stepping up into your power. I’m just going to leave it at that. And Lorraine, I want to know what can our you know, the people who are watching or listening to this today? You know, what can they do to learn the next step about more about stepping into their greatness?

Lorraine Ellen Scott 26:35
Hmmm well, I love that you call it stepping into their greatness because I invite them to a step into their greatness, call with me a 15 minute complimentary call, no sales pitch, let’s just find out what it is that’s causing you to not feel like you’re in your greatness. And let’s flip it. I help people turn what’s, what isn’t working for them into a superpower. So then you have the fuel to now excel in what you need to do, because there’s people out there who need what you have to share. So it’s time to step into your greatness.

Susan Friesen 27:11
Oh, absolutely. And thank you that that’s such a great gift that you are giving people because even though we have demonstrated what tapping is and the potential that it holds, it can go so much deeper, because you can work individually with people and really tap into that, that deep seated belief and fear and thought or that message that that they’ve been carrying with them for years and tap it away. Literally tap it away. I love that. And so what we’ll do is we’ll have the link for a for you to click on. It’s either in the show notes or in the comments somewhere on this page, you will find the link to click on to go and sign up for that 15 minute free call with Lorraine. And she will help you get on that next step so that you can break down the one at least one if not more of your barriers that you are feeling in your business that’s preventing you from stepping up into your greatness. Thank you so much, Lorraine, for joining us today. I so appreciate you sharing your gift with us. I’m so grateful that you didn’t have here and listen to all of that negative energy that you were surrounded by back when you were a little girl. I still related to your horror story because I had a little pony when I was a little girl and oh my gosh. Yeah. So that’s, that’s incredible. And I’m so glad that you know you were able to step into your greatness so that you can share your gift with other people, especially entrepreneurs, small business owners who do feel like they’re struggling, it isn’t an easy journey for them. And they want to know why they’re ready to address. Why is this happening? And you are here to help with that. So thank you so much.

Lorraine Ellen Scott 29:01
Well, thank you for having me, Susan, I appreciate you being with me. I appreciate everyone watching. And yeah, it took me a long time to figure it out. So if I can help people, you know, get to the short, quick, clear that energy, the better. Oh, yeah. Thank you so much.

Susan Friesen 29:21
Oh, you’re very welcome. Yeah, there’s nothing better than fast tracking, getting past all those lessons that we had to learn over the years. So yeah, thank you, viewer listener for joining us today. I hope you enjoyed what we had to talk about, and pleased us that tapping exercise that the rain demonstrated for us. And if you have any questions or want to connect with Lorraine, click on that link and go and sign up for her free 15 minute consultation with you. And we’ll see you in the next episode of this series. We’ll talk to you later. Bye.


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What Clients Say

Susan assisted me in moving a very fast-paced and financially successful business into one more aligned with the lifestyle and values that suited me. Frequent conversations with her assisted me in bridging my business from one model to another. She honored my values and intuition while keeping me up to date on workable strategies and helped me recognize the strengths in my business.

She is respectful, dependable and professional while also wielding a keen intuitive sense herself. She and her team are a delight to work with.

Sherry Phillips Swatek

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