[Video] Overcoming Your Resistance to Blog Writing with Susan Friesen

Small Business Marketing Blog

Overcoming Your Resistance to Blog Writing

Overcoming Your Resistance to Blog Writing

Do you have a resistance to blog writing or don’t have a blog because you’re resisting starting one?

I realize I talk a lot about the importance of adding a blog to your website, being consistent about writing articles and bringing new material into your blog.

However, the biggest resistance I hear from clients is they feel they are not qualified enough to be able to write an article. It wouldn’t be professional enough. Not polished enough, they are not a copywriter or a reporter or some specialist in personal statement writing service, or they don’t have an English major.

I wanted to reassure you that you don’t need any of that.

The biggest way you can attract loyal followers and people who will feel like they are engaged with you is for you to be yourself. Speak and write in your own authentic voice. Don’t try to be somebody else or expect to be somebody else.

When you are face-to-face, on the phone or chatting with a potential customer on social media, you are being your authentic self during those conversations. You want the same thing to happen when you write a blog article.

You want to feel like you are having a conversation with somebody.

Effective blog and article writing is akin to having a conversation with someone.Click To Tweet

When you write your article, think about having a conversation with a potential client or with one of your existing clients where you are sharing with them some of your knowledge.
Focus on that one topic and write an article about it.

Yes, grammar and spelling is definitely a factor. If that’s a problem then write out the article and hire a copywriter, a VA, somebody who can edit your article and polish it up in that regard to make sure the grammar and spelling is correct.

You don’t want to come across amateurish and unprofessional if you have bad spelling, grammar or if your sentences don’t make sense.

My point is that it’s still in your voice and then you can have somebody help you with fixing it up. We do this a lot with our clients. They’ll send us a rough copy of what they want to have written for their blog and we fix it up for them. We also add in our marketing expertise such as making sure there’s a call to action at the bottom.

So partner up with somebody who can help you if you are unsure. Especially if this is the reason why you have stopped, or prevented yourself from even beginning, writing articles because article writing is an extremely important part of your business.

The worst case scenario, which really isn’t a worst case scenario, is not having a blog at all.

You can always hire somebody to write for you and then you review what they’ve written. Make sure it’s in your voice and it’s something you would say. We do that a lot of that too where we have clients who are way too busy to be writing their own articles.

We submit the articles to them, ask them what they think and they’ll come back to us with some changes or adjustments as needed. We fix them up and publish them as well as send out to their newsletter subscribers.

My point is not to let that kind of a fear prevent you from getting yourself out there.
It’s preventing you from a lot of brand exposure and SEO where people will come to your website from search engines.

Give it a try! Think about how you can talk in your authentic voice, find somebody to help you who can take what you’ve written, polish it up a little bit and make it available to put on your website and into your blog and whatever else that you want to do with it.

I’d love to hear what you think – Have you resisted in starting or continuing to blog? Share your response below in the comments section or if you have a question, I’d be happy to answer.

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

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About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

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