Overcome Obstacles and Gain Confidence | @eVisionMedia

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Using your Unique Human Design Blueprint to Overcome Obstacles and Gain Confidence

Using your Unique Human Design Blueprint to Overcome Obstacles and Gain Confidence

Today on Overcoming Roadblocks, I’m speaking with Consultant/Life Coach Jeana Locke, PhD.

Jeana helps struggling entrepreneurs to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be by bringing balance to all parts of themselves, including the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of their being.

Join us as we talk about Using your Unique Human Design Blueprint to Overcome Obstacles and Gain Confidence.

In this inspiring episode, you’re going to learn:

  • What human design is and how it relates to the world of business
  • What to do when you’re feeling stuck and unable to manifest your dreams
  • How human design can help you remove roadblocks that are standing in the way of your success

So listen, if this is resonating with you at all, and alarm bells are ringing that we’ve hit a nerve here, then it sounds like this is a must-watch episode.

May you lead your life with kindness,

Susan Friesen
Visionary Brand Strategist



Jeanna Locke helps entrepreneurs who feel ‘something is missing’ or that ‘they are broken’ to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be by bringing balance to all parts of themselves: emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Click here to get your FREE Human Design Chart. The ah-ha moments may surprise you!



Susan Friesen  0:00

Hello, and welcome to the next interview that I have for you for overcoming your challenges and roadblocks that you may or may not be experiencing in your business. But either way, I welcome you to today’s show, because it is a fascinating one. I’m really, really looking forward to talking to our guest today, who is Dr. Jeanne law, and her specialty is human design. And I don’t know about you, but I haven’t heard all that much about human design. But what I have heard about it, I am really, really fascinated about it. And I love studying human nature and why we tick and why we’re different from other people. And we’re gonna dive into that. And not only are we going to learn more about what human design is, but we’re also going to find out how can we use that to help us overcome all of our obstacles and challenges that we face in our business? So welcome, Jeannie. I’m so glad that you’re here for us today.


Jeana Locke  1:04

Thank you. It’s a great pleasure to be here. I’m so pleased to get to talk about human design and energy and how all this works together and the perfect combination.


Susan Friesen  1:14

So yeah, for sure. And like I said, you know, I’m just kind of touching the tip of the iceberg as far as my knowledge about what human design is. So can you share for us please? What is human design? And how does it relate to somebody in business?


Jeana Locke  1:33

Well, first of all, human design is based upon where you were born. It’s an assessment tool, just like the angiogram is an assessment tool. And the, all the different ones that we take that are personality tests. Now those all change based upon our mood. The Human Design assessment tool does not change based upon our mood, it is based upon the time of our birth and the location that we were in. And in it where we can see ourselves as understand how we were wired, when we were born to be. So how we view the world and how we see the world and how it may be different from someone else, and why it’s different. And all of a sudden, when we understand this wiring, along with those other assessment tools, I use those as well to help people have even a stronger understanding of where they come in. But it helps you stop and see how you’re very unique, and how you’re really exactly the way you’re supposed to be. There’s nothing wrong with you, then, when these obstacles and these challenges and these triggers show up. It’s that when they showed up, how you are wired to overcome them. What it is to help you stop and see it from a different way. And so it’s the events we tell ourselves that come up, we tell ourselves the stories that come up about the event. And human design helps you look at that story and see it in a perspective of how you are wired, why you were wired this way and to be able to see it from a much bigger vision and help you stop and look at yourself and love yourself. value yourself. Cherish yourself and recognize just how far you’ve come in how much you have already given when sometimes you think you’ve been a real failure and actually have been. Everything was


Susan Friesen  3:09

Oh my gosh, that alone, you know, Mike drop? How many of us have felt like a failure at some point in our business like a fraud? And like, Oh, I just can’t do anything right now nothing is working. And what you’re saying is that it’s all do. It’s all exactly the way it’s supposed to be. And what we need to do, if I’m hearing you right is kind of shift our perspective with the knowledge of the human design as our tool that helps us understand what’s going on and how to move forward. Right?


Jeana Locke  3:43

Right. Because we often compare ourselves to each other. You and I are very different human designs, completely different human designs, right, your projector, your emotional, your two, four, I’m a manifesting generator, three, five sacral. And for me, I view the world through a three five lens and you view the world from A to four lands, you view the world as a projector, and you have this knowingness that I don’t actually have. And I have this work ability and business and visibility and things to be able to go do stuff and see new ways to do things that no one does. I bring a different perspective. And that’s where all the sudden you stop and go, Oh, that’s why I’m that way. And I quit comparing myself to my mother or my sister or my best friend or whoever and I go, Oh, I’m doing it right. Oh, I’m doing it right. It’s okay. And they’re doing it right to them. So that is very helpful to stop and say that it really does help you look at yourself. When I learned my human design totally transformed my life from feeling like a complete failure on everything I’ve done. I’ve done trial and error everywhere. And then I really embrace that. This is who I was, I was supposed to explore and understand and connect all the dots between this stuff. And it was so helpful for me to learn that. To be able to do that.


Susan Friesen  5:01

I can only imagine and I love how you just did the comparison between you and I, because I have over the years, had an understanding that I have this knowingness that you know, I don’t, you don’t need to explain it to me, you don’t need to teach it to me. I just know. And then, of course, you know, people accuse me of being a know it all. But you know, that’s a whole nother story. But what has helped me when I understood that is that my passion is working with visionaries, and people like you who need to have somebody on their team who gets that bigger picture, but can also break it down into little bite sized pieces and make it all workable and doable. Where a lot of visionaries that I work with, they don’t have that capability, they have 1000, different ideas, and new ideas always run, you know, coming up in their heads, but they never actually have that, that ability to fulfill their vision. And that’s exactly what you’re saying is that, and that’s great for them, the world needs visionaries, and the world needs people like me and the world needs people like you. And I just love it, how we’re all interconnected. That way.


Jeana Locke  6:15

It helps you connect your dots in yourself. So you can become your visionary and even know when you need to go seek out support or help from somebody who has a different perspective or a different view gives you a way of looking at everything from a different angle and your dots in your life totally become connected, you can see it happening and what occurs. And it’s very, very helpful to do so. And I use energy work with it I’m I also do a great deal of energy releasing for people to help them do and certified in partnership areas. And I have a PhD in applied technical studies and education. So I combined Eastern and Western and human design helps give it a framework of which to be able to explain things and gives people a way to help them see themselves. And to make those pivots that they need to make when they stop and go, oh, there was nothing wrong with the fact that I integrated all that information for a long time before I spoke, just because everybody else said go do it. I wasn’t supposed to. And there’s a whole great connection there. So yes, that’s why human design is perfect for business as well as for personal because it helps you see your business and the way you’re supposed to give back just like you described. Perfect explanation, Susan.


Susan Friesen  7:29

Yeah, I can just I can just see how it all works. And now one of the things that I often say, you know, to clients and on social media is, is always understand what your strengths are, and hire your weaknesses. Exactly. And stop trying to think that you should know everything about how to run a business, because it’s impossible to know everything because we need all these different people with all these different elements involved, to be able to make that complete picture for your business.


Jeana Locke  8:02

And even you know, it may not be for you to do, it may be that you are to collaborate or to connect or that may be that your string theory of maybe doing it like yours, if that knowingness whereas string theory may come in for them to be able to go out and actually do other things. So it just helps people have an understanding of where they’re coming from inside, and why they’re so unique. And that it is a perfectly acceptable thing to be different than your business partner and from your spouse, and from your children and from other businesses. Because each of us have, we need all of our, all of our designs and all of our unique blueprints to make our world be the best it can be. Because we need all the different perspectives, we do the things to come together, we don’t want it to be one big, only chocolate, you know, we really want all of the flavors that come in.


Susan Friesen  8:58

Wouldn’t that be boring. Everybody centers with exactly the same as you think I would go nuts. So tell us what are I think there’s five different human designs, right? What are they?


Jeana Locke  9:13

There are five types of human design, which are the main auras that are there. The first one is called a generator and a generator is the workpiece the workpiece of the world. They work 37% of the population, and lots of people who can just get out there and go do it and go do it and go do it are generators, they’ll be able just to be able to keep on working. Even when they got like their work. They can work they might get burned out eventually, but they can keep on working when it even hurts. So the next one is a manifesting generator, which is what I am in a manifesting generator is a hybrid one. And there’s 32% of us who are manifesting generators and manifesting generators are also work based but they actually see new ways of implementing concepts to do it quicker, faster or in advance her way, oftentimes the difference on their busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, Oh, they’re so busy, they will never stop, they will drive everybody crazy. And they will be called the Energizer Bunny, because everybody will say they go constantly, they are the multitaskers of the world that can do it effectively. So they’re really effective at doing that. The next one I would say, are the manifest errs and the manifest errs are only eight to 9% of the population. And they are truly the ones who just know something is supposed to be done, they have this idea in their head, and they can just inform the world and go do it. And when they, when they’re in the I know, I’m supposed to do it and they are ready to inform the world, it’s usually going to click, it’s usually going to work, it’s usually going to flow because a manifester has that ability to know how to do that particular project. On the other side of that are projectors, which is yourself, and a projector has a knowingness about others. And there’s about 20 to 21% of the population or projectors that had this knowingness that when they meet someone, like you could meet me, and you have to meet my energy field. And you can get off of this 30 minute thing that we have to talk today. And you could literally call me back and say, Gina, here are five things you could do to improve your business. Because you might not know what about yourself, but you could read my aura, and you could see my strengths. And you could see my challenge areas. And you will be able to feel that and go forth with it. That would be what you’re able to do. Now whether it depends upon your string theory of what you’re doing with the head this knowing. So when people say oh, you know, whatever. It’s because men because projectors have to learn to wait to somebody invite someone to ask. And when they invite them to ask them, they’re willing to share and then we’ll hear it. But if they share before it’s invited, the other person’s pushes them away and won’t hear it. And then it’s rather often that perhaps, so projectors are super important in our world, because they’re the directors of the movies, they help us direct they have a tough time on themselves until they learn their own aura. But it’s that it is once they’ve learned that like you have for yourself, they’ve got it changes everything that they understand that’s my strength. And no, I don’t need to go over here become the work be in the world. The last one of reflectors, reflectors are only 1% of the population that are completely their chart, when you see a chart is completely all a dissenters in it are quiet, there may be black and red lines here and there. The rest, although squares and triangles are all white, they are all the energy the world comes into them, and they reflect it back. They are people who need 28 days to go through and make a decision. And when they reflect back to you, they’ve reflected what you are, they reflected who you are. And they are a great kilometer of you know, a barometer to our world, they are able to stop and give us a reflection of what it is. So those are the six types that there are, there’s some other things that are layers underneath. So the first thing we learned is whether you are that or not. And it’s projectors, they rest more manifestos rest more reflectors probably rest more manifesting, generators never stop, and they will drive or reflect a reflector projector to manifest or crazy if they live in the same household. So understanding in your relationships, just what the other person has is so helpful to be able to do that. I failed in my family at times now and to buy a house I he’ll say something about Can’t you just slow down, I said, I’m an MG. And I’m three, six, just let me go. I’m not but I don’t care that you’re not doing anything. I’m fine. I just have to go. And so helpful, because he’ll be reminded that my energy styles different. And it’s not a reflection upon him that he’s not. It is just I can’t help it.


Susan Friesen  13:42

Oh, that’s huge. I, as you were going through each of them, I was visualizing people that I know who fit into those areas. And, it makes so much sense. And you know, for me, I think that this is beneficial, like you had said earlier whether you’re a business owner or not. Because I think the more that we know and understand how everybody’s unique, including ourselves and the people that we’re with, the less we will judge them on who they are just because they’re different doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them. It just means that that’s their human design. They’re meant to be different from us. And don’t you think that this would really help less judgment in the world if that were the case.


Jeana Locke  14:25

It would be It is awesome to use it for judgment in the world. It’s awesome for parents to understand their children and be able to work with their children and a much better way there are books out there just parenting using our human design. So it’s a projector if you had a manifesting generator child like me, which would drive me absolutely bananas. They’d never sleep and they’d never stop you and all of a sudden learn how you as a projector could help that child become the best manifesting generator, but also how that child could blossom and be able to understand your energy as well. And that’s a really helpful thing is to under stand each other. So to have that respect, though, that’s a good thing to do. So it’s wonderful in a business partnership, oh my goodness, if I have a partnership, I every partnership, I will tell you, before we ever worked together, once a New Year’s on, I did our chart, to see the connections, and to ensure that it was a smooth flow for you. So you would have a positive experience and for me, so I would have a positive experience, and what your needs are, as in your design.


Susan Friesen  15:26

So beneficial in so many ways. So you had mentioned, I think you said three years or three, six, what’s that?


Jeana Locke  15:34

That’s a profile. And a profile is the thing that probably changes most of my clients once they understand their time. And once they understand their strategy, which is sort of the things that show up in their life of being satisfied or not satisfied for you, it’s either being very, if you feel successful, it’s great. And if you aren’t successful, you still sort of bitter about it and frustrating that anger part. So when you feel successful, you’re in alignment. So those are those are strategies that we use, that we help each of them understand where they are in their chart, like how they’re flowing with it and how it’s going. The next part is we help them make what kind of decisions they make it we help them understand. But once they sort of have a little bit about those three, the big thing is their profile numbers, profile numbers are something that helps us understand. So if you have a profile number one, it’ll look, it’ll say on their profile number and they’ll say one dash three, or one slash three or three slash six, or for you a two slash for the ones name, investigator, investigator, researcher reporter, they’re gonna dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, lots of people think of them as academics, they may be an academics, many of them may be, but they’re gonna dig deep, they’ve got to have a thorough understanding of it before they can go talk about it. It’s just they can’t dig deep enough. It is a big deal to them. But it is one that takes in all the information when they have enough information, they may integrate it, they stop, they go get their space by themselves, I’m sure you can understand this alone with nobody around. So I can integrate it at my own speed in my own right and in my own way. And then when all of a sudden the time is right, someone’s going to ask me about what to do next, or someone’s going to show up or something’s going to come in. So they’re going to be integrators, their total integrators have three is that’s me is an explorer, an experimenter a trial and error. Every day, since the first day of my life, no one can tell me how to do anything, I have to go read it for myself and try it for myself and do it for myself and experiment it for myself. And that was my design. And when I came to understand that I quit feeling like it was a failure, because I had to go learn all of these different things. I had certifications in education, Africa zoos, and I had to go learn how to do all of those. And it would be like driven to go on the next one. And that was a great understanding for me that that was part of my design. And then later on, I became really knowledgeable about what works, what doesn’t work, and how to put things together. Because I have all of them experimenting, and exploring, and trial and error. And a floor, which is what you have, Susan is a community builder, that community builder, they have this awesomeness and they have resources that they have this group that comes around them, it’s the right community, it’s not the world community, it’s going to be the community of those people that have the interest of where you are, and they’re gonna literally find you because you’re always gonna say to them, I know how to build community, I know how to make the safe. I know how to keep you safe in this community. And it’s really awesome to be able to do that. So the force or the community builders, networkers, it’s just simple for you, I have to work more at community, I can come and do a podcast I can explain I can explore. But to build the community and hold it the way you hold that as a force so natural for you, it’s hard for you to understand that it’s not natural for everyone. A five is the natural leader. And fives have the high think fives have the hardest time of any of the profile numbers, because fives are the ones who when people meet them, they see themselves. In them, they see them as though it’s a karmic mirror, and they see themselves in that person. And all of a sudden they see their potential. So when they’ve met the right natural leader, the right five in their life, and they hear their voice or they read their emails, or they have that experience with them. They are pulled into that horse and this person can teach me this person can guide me this person can go through things with me this person can put my curriculum together that I’m going to understand the logic on and it doesn’t mean all fives are alive but they have this ability for people to see in themselves hope and potential. And things that go now finds the hard part of a five is that people who are not happy with themselves to her angry with the world will meet a five to has all that potential, and then they’re going to get mad at the five thinking the fives projecting on him. So five have the hardest time until they can learn, oh, that’s just not my person, it’s okay, I can love them from a distance and unfined. Then the six is the wise sage, the sixth is the one who goes through a three, the first third of their life on the roof, the second third of their life. And then they are the one that is to provide all of this integrated wisdom and knowledge back to be the role model, the teacher, the advisor, the why sage and put it all together, that doesn’t mean that other people can’t teach. But when you have a wise sage come in and you connect with them, you’re going to all of a sudden have the ability to go to all the depths, you want to go because they were three, so they’d already tried everything, then they’ve watched on the roof on how to do it. And then they had that whole experience of becoming that has to come together. And sixes get to their point, when they get to be about 58 If they’re not giving back to the world, their gift. in some form, if it’s an artist, it’s their art, if it’s a sculptor, it’s their sculpting, it’s a speaker, it’s their speaking, if it is a person like yourself that you’re supposed to it is you’re driven to go give that gift back to the world so they can receive not so you receive, but so the world can be built, you can contribute to them, and they can move forward. And so there’s a three, six, I got a double three. So I’m really been a big experimenter on what to do with that. But yeah, that’s where that comes from. And that is so helpful for you to understand, threes and sixes never fail. But only practice and explore, experiment and explore. And they were they’re not going to stay with anything forever, they’re gonna go change and go do new things. And when they configure that it was okay to do that. That’s so helpful.


Susan Friesen  21:57

Oh my gosh, that was amazing. Thank you for that, again, so many layers of clarity as to why I’m not like that person, and why that person is so different from me, but why I connect so much with this person. That’s, that’s fantastic. Thank you for sharing all of that really, really great insight. And so, you know, as we know that this series is all about helping entrepreneurs and business owners, whether they are brand new to business or want to get into business, or whether they’ve been in business for a while, and are struggling, they’re constantly coming up with these obstacles and these challenges. And, you know, there’s something wrong with that, and the economy is have tanked and you know, praises of everything under the sun. So, why does that happen? Like, why do some business owners really feel stuck, and just can’t get to that point where they’re actually manifesting their dreams. And how is does that relate with human design.


Jeana Locke  22:59

Needs is what your plan this just to give a simple case study of a client that I’ve worked with for four years or so when she first came to me, we’re doing energy work, and it was on relationships, and we did the stuff that cleared up a lot of that in her world really blossomed in that world. And then in her business, she was going on and it was going all right, and she came back in and said something’s not clicking. It’s just like, I don’t feel fulfilled, my business is doing fine, but I don’t feel good about it’s like, I feel empty inside. So we stopped and it was time for Human Design reading. And we stopped and we did the Human Design reading, we talked about the different things, we explored all of it. And she was a generator number one, so she could just do workhorse and keep on going until she would burn out. And she was getting to a point where she was gonna burn out because her workhorse power was about to run out. And then we recognize that in her so she was not feeling fulfilled or satisfied. So she was feeling really frustrated. But the business was still working. But she didn’t feel good. So she talked them looked at it. And then we stopped to look at her authority, which was emotional. So she has these things called Emotional wave. So when she makes a decision, she had to learn that oh, I need to give it time until I get a consistent Yes. I don’t get a consistent Yes, it’s a no. And if it’s an or if I keep getting them maybe then maybe it’s not right now, but it’s not a yes. So she had to learn how to see when things show up in her environment for her. That’s how things happen if things keep showing up in her environment, and she gets that, oh, she doesn’t wave and all of a sudden it’s like yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Or five days in a row. It’s like, Ah, I’m supposed to explore this even more. But we really got down after we talked about all those things. And we explored it, she could see how she had not made decisions using her way of and she could see how she’d done things without waiting till it showed up in our environment. And all of a sudden we got to the point where she was a three, five, and we started talking about how threes never fail. And she started discussing her career. She went to college she worked all the way through college as a graphic artist and she worked full time as a graphic artist afterwards, she started working and doing on our own both part time business and doing graphic arts for people. And then she went in and she got really good at it. And she started doing wedding invitations and anniversary and the two invitations to anything she just started doing there on the side. And then she was able to quit her full time job, and just do contract work for that company and went full time into her business. So she went ahead and did that when she went in from there, she stopped, she was like, Wouldn’t feeling fulfilled after two or three years. And she stopped and she went in, and she looked at it again. And she totally went into her business of just full time and no part time contract. And she did that for a few years. And then she didn’t feel fulfilled again. And she stopped and she said, nothing can satisfy me. She went to all of these waves of these times and experiences where she would do all this stuff. And then all at once she just felt dissatisfied with life and frustrated in but business was going well. So why was she feeling this way? It should stop and recognize it. So she was asked by a few of those people that she did all this stuff to do wedding planning. So she started helping people a wedding planning, it grew into a huge business, gigantic business. And she was loving it when her children came, it was like, um, I don’t have weekends with my kids. And frustration popped in. And about that time people started showing up in a world and saying, how do you do such a great business, with wedding with doing wedding planning, and they wanted her to teach how to do wedding planning to become wedding planners. So she sort of embraced it. She embraced it. And she went part time into it and did the pilot went into it and just blossom, she started this complete let go of wedding planning gave it to all those people she trained. And she literally went into training women on how to be inspired leaders within their own field of what they wanted to do, and taught them how to do business. Totally an awesome experience. She was terrific at it. She was great. She’s been and she’s been doing it. And it’s doing wonderful. She did all of her little pieces. And all at once she says I feel dissatisfied. Why can’t I ever be satisfied in life? What’s wrong with me? I’m just like, totally like, feeling like I’m failed all the time. And I’m doing all this stuff. And we looked at her three. And we could see that she’s done it. She’s got expertise in it. And she went to the next step. She got expertise in it, she went to the next step was she looked at her life. So we’re at this point where everything was really good in the business. She had this thing she wanted to do with like this dream. And she could say, and we stopped and we talked about it. And I said has it shown up in your environment, like you’re supposed to do it. And she goes, Well, I was at a mastermind. And somebody asked me if I teach them how I do these great retreats and stuff. And I said, Be great. And then before you knew it that week, two more people called and said, Would you teach like do a class on how to do this. And before you mentioned the pilot together, and now her business is expanded where her major emphasis is on how to do this and teaching it to upper end businesses, high end businesses that are six to seven figures. And working on that, but she embraced it. And she still kept that other business that taught women how to be in business, which is a funnel up to her other one. But she’s not so involved. She’s not so tightly tied, she’s able to live her dream and to hire, she finally got she was at three, she had to experiment, she had to learn every little thing there was that could be a pitfall on how to do any of it. Every thing that worked everything that didn’t work, she had to experience it for herself and try it. And we she teaches a class. The people that are in that class, totally grasp every concept when they finish, and they are so successful in their next steps. Because she is able to share the failures, she’s able to share the things and she will tell you I have never failed. I have just given it a lot of different trials to see what was the best. And now it’s brought me here so I can show you what actually works. And when it doesn’t. And her life pops down because all those people who hear her that feel that way. All of her business is always about families first, my family, my children, my husband, they are first and I am a part of my community and it’s a balanced life and she teaches how do you balanced your life that you have? What many people say all of it? How do you keep that balanced, and her whole philosophy is based upon a balanced life. So only this woman who want to come to her into that concept of I want balance in my life. I want to career, I want to feel successful. I want to be there for my children. I want to have time with my spouse. I want to have time to contribute to my community in whatever way and she teaches it, she lives it she walks it that is a three, five she had to do all of those other things and show how it didn’t work. And then she came in and as a five she’s a natural leader that comes when you go into her class. And I’ve been in her classes I’ve taken them as well. You see yourself and her and all of a sudden you realize you can do it when you’re in that person. So that’s how the three, five changed her because all of a sudden, she quit fighting, the fact that she was changing the career path again, she quit fighting it. And it’s like I’m supposed to, this is the next step of evolution for me of who I am. And she now feels fulfilled. And each time it feels that, I mean, she’s cool. She’s totally cool. Every program is school, she’s almost full for the whole next year, I think she only has a few spots left, because they booked out, and everybody has an application to apply. And it’s just been once she embraced her 10 design and started talking about it. If I feel frustrated, I know I’m not in crap. I don’t have to worry that I tried it and it didn’t work. That means I can show you what does it mean. And so it’s been one of those times when being able to embrace who she really is, has grown her business into a much larger thing, a seven figure businesses there. And it’s going up into higher levels of seven figure all the time.


Susan Friesen  31:04

That’s amazing. Thank you for sharing that story. Because I think it’s really important that, you know, I preface this with, you know, more of the physical challenges of you know, those roadblocks, but what you’re describing is another challenge that none of us ever get to see. It’s that internal challenge of, of just, it’s just, I outwardly everything looks good, but inwardly it or not, I’m not in sync, it’s not right. And I just love how human design, whether it’s an outward challenge, or an inward challenge, it can help us get that clarity, which will end up resulting in the confidence that we can get on the right path and do what we’re meant to do. And then, you know, have all of all of the success that we desired as a result of that. So thank you for sharing that information.


Jeana Locke  31:58

But it happens for most of us, once we learn those things, there are certain parts of it, you have to have an understanding of that she knows she waits for something to show up in her environment before she responds now. But she was able to test that water to see what happened when she didn’t do that. And it did work. And then all of a sudden when it did. So she learned all the little pieces that she needed. And then when that three, five, she quit judging herself, she stopped judging herself. And she started embracing it and saying, What do I need to learn next, and embracing it from the angle of it is okay to keep on learning. And it’s okay to change and continue to grow. And pivot if you need to the pivot sometimes take you where you need to be and things have changed. We are all not doing things the same way we used to. And it is important for her that it is always based on the concept of my family, and my community and my life is whole. And it’s not just business. And that is when people come to her, they understand that she’s going to teach it from that perspective, she’s going to teach them when you’re doing a webinar, if all of your people that work in your group are moms that stay at home, you, you or kids or school, you don’t get to invest time, and she teaches all of the little nuances that need to be done. Or even talks about like for me, lots of mine are people who work or they have a business and they may want their stuff from seven to nine o’clock at night. And am I going to be open and helping you understand your niches and when you go, and it’s just been watching her grow and do that human design helps all of us do it. And I’ve loved observing her because I’ve been doing working with her for so long on so many different topics because she just has like, Oh, I love how I feel now and feel this way on this topic.


Susan Friesen  33:44

That’s amazing. That’s amazing that you can help somebody in that capacity. And so speaking of which, like how can we figure out what our human design is? Do you have a resource that people can go to to figure out what they’re, you know, the at least the preliminary steps of what their human design is? We sure do, we


Jeana Locke  34:03

can get a free chart, you go to my site, and it will be in the link, we’ll have just to click on it and you fill out the information you need your birth time, your birth place and your birth location. If you don’t know your time, would you please tell me that what you think it might be Susan, you did that and then I sent you back some information and you were able to quickly identify easily without any doubt because I didn’t tell you what each of them meant I just said it’s these options and then you’re able to identify so put all your information out at the bottom it says who referred you and if you’re right the name Susan in there, there’ll be a little special gift for you in there that complements of this podcast. So that will give you an opportunity to get a little more information in your information sent back and if you happen to want to do a reading lighter or discount for that. So it’s my thanks to Susan and her audience to do that.


Susan Friesen  34:55

That’s amazing. So everybody the link to get your free Human Design chart, you’ll find it in the show notes here somewhere. And please do it. I mean, just the quick chart that Gina did with me made all the difference in the world and helping me understand. And I know that if you work with Gina and take advantage of that little gift that she’s going to give you, either the whole world open up with possibilities. So Gina, thank you so much for being a part of this series that I’m putting together that that is meant to help female entrepreneurs and male you know, there’s some men in there to, you know, overcome these challenges and obstacles because I know you’re the same as I am. We’re here to help people be successful and do what they’re meant to be doing in the world and making the difference that they have that vision to do, and, and stuff is making them stuck. So thank you again for being a guest on today’s episode.


Jeana Locke  35:55

I appreciate it. And it is about finding joy and understanding that the way we see joy may look different with someone else’s. And being able to accept that we don’t have to judge yourself when you said the word judging earlier, we probably just said, it helps you understand to let go of judging yourself and everybody else. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this.


Susan Friesen  36:17

Well, thank you. So thank you, the viewer for being a part of the show. And stay tuned for our next episode. We’ll talk to you next time. And please lead your life with kindness for yourself and for others and it’ll make a big difference in the world. So bye for now.


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