Our Most Popular Blog Articles for Entrepreneurs of 2016 - eVision Media

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Our Most Popular Blog Articles for Entrepreneurs of 2016

Our Most Popular Blog Articles of 2016

Our Most Popular Blog Articles of 2016

In 2016 we wrote many blog articles dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and small business owners learn how to get leads, drive sales, and boost profits.

While I always get excited from the feedback I get from our readers, there were several articles that really got a lot of buzz and shares.

Sharing @eVisionMedia's most popular blog articles from 2016 for entrepreneurs & Business ownersClick To Tweet

So I thought you might enjoy a replay of our best blog posts of the year.

Here’s 15 stories that readers loved most!

  1. Using Your Story for a Stronger Audience Connection – How Stories Greatly Enhance Your Business Brand Positioning

    Have you incorporated your story into your business marketing?
    I recently attended a live event, WOW – Women of Worth, at Harrison Hot Springs where several women took the stage to inspire, educate and motivate the audience.
    Each of the guest speakers had their own unique story to tell, which captivated the audience and left us wanting to hear more.
    What these women did so masterfully was incorporate their story into their presentation. By doing this, they quickly drew in the audience and built a strong “Know, Like and Trust factor” with them.

    » Read “Using Your Story for a Stronger Audience Connection” Here

  2. Christmas, New Years, and Valentine’s Day. Check out these 10 Marketing & Social Media Tactics to Boost Holiday Sales

    Tis the season for holiday sales!
    Shoppers are flocking online in search of gift giving ideas. According to Mashable, “65% of shoppers tap social media looking for the perfect gift… and two out of three shoppers purchased a gift they found via social media.”
    So what are the best ways to cash in on seasonal sales with your business?
    Whether you are a service-based business or sell products, here’s some suggestions to get in the spirit with holiday sales.

    » Read “10 Marketing & Social Media Tactics to Boost Holiday Sales” Here

  3. Want to Build an Award-Winning Business? Here’s 14 Strategies to Help Get You There

    14 Strategies We Attribute to Our Recent Business Excellence Award
    Out of the blue, I received an email from the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce one day notifying me that eVision Media was nominated for a 2016 Business Excellence award.
    Say what?
    Once I got past my shock and disbelief that they must have the wrong Susan… it began to sink in that someone out there thought we were worthy enough of this nomination. Wow, what an honour!
    Part of the nomination process consisted of a 30-minute interview in front of a 3-judge panel. Imagine being forced to actually brag about yourself for a half an hour!
    Talk about squirming in my seat!
    Fast forward to last week where the awards ceremony took place. Much to my relief, our category was  up first so I could relax the rest of the evening.

    » Read “What it Takes to Create an Award-Winning Business” Here

  4. Want to Save Time with Social Media? Here’s the 5 Top Time Saving Social Media Management Tools

    Sharing content regularly on social media is critical for staying top of mind.  Yet many businesses struggle to find the time to do daily social media posts.
    While sharing timely posts live is important, pre-scheduling social media posts using social media management tools helps you save time.
    But with all the tools out there, how do you know what the right one is for your business?
    Here’s some of our favourite social media management tools you’ll want to check out:

    » Read “5 Top Time Saving Social Media Management Tools” Here

  5. Ready to Grow Your Business?

    Here’s 5 Members Every Growing Business Needs on Their Team
    Many businesses begin as a solo-entrepreneurship. With one person who has a vision, passion and skill that compels them embark on a journey so they can make a difference in the world and build a successful business along the way.
    But the truth of the matter is, no one can build a successful, thriving business singlehandedly.
    One person can’t possibly possess all of the skills needed to carry out day-to-day business and marketing operations. Not well anyway.

    » Read “How to Take a Solo-Entrepreneurship to the Next Level” Here

  6. To Do Social Media or Not To Do Social Media… That Is The Question. Here’s the Answer

    As a business owner and solopreneur, it’s really important to know that the time, energy, and resources you invest in your business provides a generous return on investment.
    Social media platforms are a powerful tool that can help you market your business, but unless you know how to use it to generate tangible ROI for your business, is it really worth it?
    This article will provide you with a clear breakdown of all the information you need to make the best decision for your business.
    How Much Time Does Social Media Require?

    » Read “Is Social Media Really Worth it for a Small Business?” Here

  7. Attract your Dream Clients. Here’s How to Find Ideal Clients Online

    5 Important Steps for Defining Your Niche Market
    I talk a lot to clients about branding and finding their niche but this can be quite challenging to new entrepreneurs or even seasoned business owners when it isn’t clear what their brand is or who their ideal clients are.
    New entrepreneurs have a vision of how they want to help people and have a gift they can share that will help solve their problems, but they struggle with getting the right message to the right people who can benefit from their services….

    » Read “How to Find Ideal Clients” Here

  8. Try these 10 Essential Website Update Hacks to Help Boost Sales

    When was the last time you updated your website?
    It saddens me to say that I have many clients who have all but abandoned their website once it was launched. They either get too busy to think about it or worse, don’t realize how important it is to the success of their business.
    Remember your website is out there promoting you and your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long. So if you’re one of those people that never gave your website a second thought once it went live, then please keep reading.

    » Read “10 Essential Website Update Hacks to Help Boost Sales” Here

  9. Want More Clients? Here’s How to Get Clients Fast Using Warm Letters

    Are you keeping your business a secret?
    You may think you are doing a great job on social media, networking, and marketing online to grow your business.  But you may not be utilizing your very biggest asset… and that is your own personal network.

    Most of us have established a network of at least 250 people.  It’s important to keep in touch regularly with your network to stay top of mind.
    And the best way to do this is with a warm letter.
    Below are tips on what to write in a warm letter to send our to your personal network of friends and colleagues.

    » Read “How to Get Clients Fast Using Warm Letters” Here

  10. Do you get distracted easily? Here’s The Entrepreneurial Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome Exposed

    What You Need to Know Before You Sign Up for Yet Another Program
    There’s an insidious travesty happening in the entrepreneurial world and I’ve stayed silent about it long enough.
    It’s time to expose what’s really happening to unsuspecting entrepreneurs and business owners when it comes to seeking the perfect answer to their business needs.
    You probably already know it as chasing after the bright and shiny object syndrome.
    It happens when the perceived need to learn more, be more and do more outweighs the need to actually get clients and run a business.

    » Read “The Entrepreneurial Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome Exposed” Here

  11. If Your Newsletter Open Rates Suck, Try This Format

    7 Important Format Components to Include In Your Information-Based Newsletter
    I sign up for a lot of digital newsletters. Mostly because I anticipate one of these three benefits from being on that person or company’s list:

    • Receive details on sales and discounts
    • Be entertained or inspired
    • Learn something of value

    Most people are like me and will gladly provide their name and email address for at least one of the above benefits.

    » Read “Creating An Effective eNewsletter Format That Gets Read” Here

  12. Here’s 12 Tips on Driving More Traffic to your WordPress Website

    We all want websites that are search-engine friendly. But sometimes when you are busy it’s easy to publish a new blog post and be off to the next thing on your to do list.
    Over time, this can really hurt your SEO efforts.  That’s why I’ve put together this short hit list of things you can do to boost your WordPress SEO.

    » Read “12 WordPress SEO Hacks to Boost Your Business Website Traffic” Here

  13. Leverage your Intellectual Property. Here’s What To Do With Old Content To Keep Building Brand Exposure

    I’ve been producing a lot of content over the years: articles for our blog as well as these videos. I also used to post a lot of eTips that would be put on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn as well as quotes and inspirational messages.
    I realized I need to commit to doing something more with all of that older content. There’s a whole library of assets that I should and will continue to use in my content marketing efforts.
    So today’s tip is to not forget about the old content that you have.

    » Watch “What To Do With Old Content To Keep Building Brand Exposure” Here

  14. Rock Facebook Live! Here’s 10 Facebook Live Hacks You’ll Want to Know About

    With zillions of marketing messages a day, people are bombarded with social media updates. How can you get your posts to stand out?
    Facebook Live brings fans right to where the action is.

    There is nothing more exciting than sharing fun updates and trends via live video. So how can you tap into the power of this incredible marketing tool to skyrocket your business?
    Here’s 10 ways to rock your marketing with Facebook Live:

    » Read “10 Facebook Live Hacks You’ll Want to Know About” Here

  15. Stay Safe: Follow these 7 Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers

    We have all heard in the headlines about major companies like Chase, Target, and Home Depot having data breaches with Ashley Madison being one of the latest high-profile victims.
    The threat to small businesses on experiencing attacks by hackers is very real and not something to ignore.  In fact, according to a 2013 survey by the National Small Business Association over 44% of small businesses have had their systems hacked.
    The Dangers of Not Protecting your Systems

    » Read “7 Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers” Here

Which are your favourite? I’d love a little feedback so feel free to comment below with your thoughts.

What would you like to learn about in 2017 to reach your business goals.  Give us your most pressing marketing, website or social media questions below and we’ll write about them in the coming year!

To your success,
Susan Friesen

P.S. If you liked what you read here, you will want to sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get notified every Tuesday of that day’s blog post. Click here to also receive our free website guide: www.UltimateWebsiteGuide.ca

P.P.S. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your Twitter followers:

Here's @eVisionMedia's most popular blog articles for 2016. A great read for entrepreneurs!Click To Tweet
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit www.BrandIdentitySteps.com and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

What Clients Say

I couldn’t be more thrilled with how my website turned out! It is the perfect representation of my brand and really imbues my artistic and creative nature.

By far what stands out was my experience working with Susan and her amazing team at eVision Media. They went over and beyond as they patiently accommodated my changes and edits and guided me towards making the best possible decisions for my brand. I felt very supported and at ease in a process that was ultimately foreign to me.

I cannot recommend eVision Media highly enough!

MicheleClaire Romeo

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