Overcoming Roadblocks Live Masterclass - eVision Media

Small Business Marketing Blog

Live Masterclass with Panel Discussion and Q&A Session

Overcoming roadblocks Duscussion Panel

Today on Overcoming Roadblocks, I’m hosting a Live Masterclass with all our expert guests, including a panel discussion and question and answer session.

This Live Masterclass is the culmination of the series, bringing all our guests together for one final episode to address the roadblocks that entrepreneurs and business owners like you face, while giving you the chance to ask all your burning questions.

Join us for this spirited discussion and don’t hesitate to chime in with whatever it is you want to know.

In this inspiring episode, you’re going to learn:

  • What the “monkey mind” is and how you can tame that beast
  • Why entrepreneurs tend to fall victim to the dreaded imposter syndrome
  • Why entrepreneurs claim they can’t afford to do things that will benefit their businesses

So, if you’ve been tuning in and you have urgent questions you’ve just gotta have answered, or you just want to learn more about overcoming entrepreneurial challenges, then you’re not going to want to miss this episode.

May you lead your life with kindness,

Susan Friesen



Susan Friesen  00:01

Okay. Hello, everybody, it appears we had some technical challenges. I hope that this is working, and that we are now live. Our apologies to those on YouTube. We were alive there, but not on Facebook. So I don’t know, I was told that we’re in Mercury retrograde. So that must be what? What happened? Okay, I can see us on Facebook. So we’re good to go. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you for joining us on this final episode of our six part overcoming. I keep wanting to say overcoming objections, but maybe that’s part of it too, right. But it’s overcoming all of the challenges and roadblocks that we as entrepreneurs keep facing in our business. And I wanted to start off by saying, Welcome, and thank you to all of the wonderful guests who participated in this series, I am so so grateful for each of you for sharing your insights and your strategies and your tips. That was that was monumentally informative, and vital for every single entrepreneur to watch. And so you as a viewer, I hope that you, if you never got to see all of the episodes, please go back and look at the, at the replays. They’re all sitting there on our revision media page in the video section. And the reason for that is the reason why I created this series. I’ve been in this event media is celebrating our 20th anniversary this year, and I was kind of doing some retrospective. And I was thinking about all of the wonderful, amazing, talented entrepreneurs that I’ve had the privilege and honor of working with over the years. And then I started to think about, you know, some of them just it for what various reasons, you know, we, you know, we stopped working with them, or they just stopped running their business. And I and I started to think about my gosh, why did that happen? And the more I started to think about the, you know, the issues of you know, why entrepreneurs struggle, I realized that there was a common element going on. And that common element was that they could not overcome those challenges and those struggles, and those issues that they kept facing, and they just decided to quit. And so if you are thinking about quitting about going back to your job or starting a new job, or you’re just going why does this keep happening to me? Is there something wrong with me? And, and that, we’re here to tell you, all of us are here to tell you that the answer is no. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing that you have done that, that you should be criticizing yourself over. And the reason for that is that you are not alone. Everybody here everybody watching today, we have all experienced that mind chatter that Negative Nelly that mind monkey that keeps trying to argue with us and our goals and our dreams, that that we’re doing the wrong thing. That there it’s going see I told you. So I told you you’re a failure. I told you that you shouldn’t have done this to begin with. I told you I told you, and what is going on is what we’ve been talking about in this series. And we’re gonna wrap everything up today. And kind of, you know, wrap it all up in a nice little bow so that you can understand that it has nothing to do with your conscious mind and everything to do with your subconscious mind. And that’s what we all were talking about in everybody’s individual episodes, that there’s that subconscious mind going on. And it’s been there for many years, however long that you’ve been alive. And it’s constantly at work. It’s just like, always trying to make you safe. And as soon as you start to walk outside of that safety zone is going away. Hey, this second lady or man or whatever, what the heck do you think you’re doing? Who do you think you are. And so I know I’m really, you know, kind of wrapping that up in a very brief bow. But you’ll get much more information if you watch the series. And you will find the series in in the replay mode in on our page. So today, we are going to wrap everything up, I want you to officially welcome I’m just seeing everybody on their screen here we got Dr. Gina lock, we’ve got Kathleen Carlson, we’ve got Lorraine, Ellen Scott, Terry Schmidt, and Teresa, and you have a round robin of questions here and answers. And you the viewer, I want you to help us get in, you know, be a part of this. So if you have any questions at all, that you want to ask any of our guests, please just feel free to do that in the chat. And we will address them. And if you have any comments, any insights, anything that you want to share about what’s been going on for you, please let us know. But in the meantime, while we wait for you to type that in the chat, we’re gonna get started off and Kathleen, is I have a question for you, Kathleen, aside from literally not having two pennies to rub together. I know I’ve been there done not really going on when an entrepreneur is presented with an opportunity that truly would help them in their business, but they claim they can’t afford it. What’s going on?


Kathleen Carlson  07:04

Oh, Susan, that is such a good question. And so common, right? And sometimes it looks like, Hey, I’m broke, I don’t have any money. I promised my spouse, I wouldn’t spend another dime. I need to make money before I can do this. And you know, you talked about giving up and quitting well, then mindset right is 90% of success. Guess what, it’s also 90% of failure. And it’s not necessarily equal to your talent. In fact, it’s rarely equal to your talent, right? So there’s some people that have weightless talent that go way further. And it’s mindset that take something. And there’s people that you know, unfortunately quit and give up and they maybe had more talent than a lot of successful people. So it’s wrapping your brain around. What’s your money story? You know, what, what are you really looking at when you say I don’t have a penny? And, Oh, I hate to hear those words, because you have to be so careful with your words, right? Because words become things right? And so I would really challenge two things. If you’re the person making the offer to someone that you absolutely know, they need and will benefit them is asking that simple question. If money were not an issue, would this be the right program for you. And if you’re on the other side of that, you know, ask that for yourself. And then the second part of that I would say to the buyer who you know is hiding behind their money story is remember that sort of the way you buy is also the way you sell. So you’re an entrepreneur, you’re out there trying to make sales and business yourself. And you’re kind of creating an energy that says no, no, not yet. I’m afraid not now, or everything has to line up perfectly. That’s the same kind of client you’ll track. So the cure to that is to figure out the mindset, challenge the mindset and recreate the mindset around the money. That’s kind of those are the things that I think are going on. And I’m probably under a lot of different stories, but it all comes down to mindset


Susan Friesen  09:13

to that mindset as amazing. Thank you for that. Kathleen, anybody else have anything to add to that? Or did she just wrap it all up?


Kathleen Carlson  09:27

I will say one other thing too, when you’re because we’re talking about entrepreneurs and business owners here. And because we’re, we tend to as entrepreneurs be working all the time and everything in our life gets married into one big pot. It’s sometimes hard to separate our personal and our business. And if I could go back to language for just a second. When you say I can’t spend you know, when we’re talking about our business, a better language isn’t the best. Because there’s a difference. I spend I buy a purse I’m never getting that money back. I got a purse When I’m investing, especially in an amazing product like you offer Susan, they will help them grow my business. I’m not spending that money, I’m using that money to make money. And that’s a quick and easy mindset, I guess to sort of challenge yourself with when you’re finding those kinds of money answers.


Theresa Byrne  10:19

Might add something. Yeah, absolutely, Teresa. What if the idea of the investment doesn’t live up here? It lives in here. What if our hearts and our bodies know? Like, we have a gut feeling or a feeling that something is for us? And we’re trying to figure it out? Like, no, I don’t have the money. I don’t have the money right now. And we’re drawing a mind something that is really all about what is right for us in here.


Susan Friesen  10:44

Hmm, perfect. Yeah, yeah, we


Kathleen Carlson  10:49

go ahead. Good. We


Lorraine Ellen Scott  10:50

often think that, you know, in the moment, oh, we’re spending this money on this. But we’re not thinking about that investment. Like you said, Kathleen, is that what is this going to help me grow? How is this going to help my business and, and my lifestyle? Because as an entrepreneur, like you said, that mean, life and business are intertwined?


Kathleen Carlson  11:14

And who can you help to Teresa’s point, when you get jump into that heart? It’s kind of like, okay, it’s scary. Yes. And it feels a little unsafe. But you’d be coming back to that, why? What’s in my heart? Who am I going to help? And if I don’t do this, that’s also a good litmus test. If I don’t take this step, will my business craft? Will I be able to help the people I want to help? And that maybe will help you get out of that fear space that you’re in?


Susan Friesen  11:41

Hmm, that’s awesome. Yeah, it literally does break my heart, when I’ve talked with, you know, a potential client and, and we’ve had an amazing conversation and she’s she or he are so excited about the possibilities about what we can do for them, and how they can grow their business. And I’ll how I can just relieve them have that burden of having to know to how to do it all themselves. And then I present them with the proposal, and they go, Oh, my God, I can’t afford that. And boom, they’re gone. And I’m like, oh, geez, you know, I could do so much for you, I can help you your business, I can exponentially grow your business and make so much more than what this investment is, but, but they’re just like, immediately shut off. And it just breaks my heart when that happens for them, not for me.


Kathleen Carlson  12:36

And that’s where each of us when we when we encounter those situations ourselves can set our intentions. What is our intention for our business? What is our intention? Where can we find the money? You said, set it okay? I can’t afford that. I think I can’t afford that right now. I’m going to set my intention for how can I make this work? This work and rehearse it in your mind? It’s a possibility.


Susan Friesen  13:07

I love that, Terry, because instead of making it a negative, let’s turn it into a positive. Okay, what do I need to do to make this happen? What you know, what opportunities, other opportunities do I need to take advantage of in order for me to be able to be able to take advantage of this opportunity? Yeah. I love that. Well, thank you all those are amazing. responses. And please, Matias, let us know what your thoughts are. Do you have anything that you want to say about that? Or do you have a rebuttal? Or do you have a Yeah, but that’s good. Right now, right? Because it’s so easy to listen to these incredible responses. But that monkey mind that mind chatter is going Yeah, but they don’t know what’s going on in my life. They don’t understand all this. All the challenges out, you know, that I’m going through. So share, tell us tell us if, if there’s, if you have a rebuttal to that, but in the meantime, we’re gonna move on. Oh, yeah, we’re gonna move on to Lorraine. And actually, what I’m going to do is in the chat, I’m going to as we’re talking, I’m going to paste everybody’s free giveaway that they were offering during the series. So in the chat, I’m going to paste Kathleen’s free giveaway, which was a 60 minute discovery session that will leave you with clarity around what you really want and identifying what’s keeping you from having it and knowing who you have to be and what to do to have what you want. So watch out for that in the comment section. And let’s move on to the rain. The rain. How Why do many entrepreneurs fall victim to the imposter syndrome? Drum that they are waiting to be discovered as a fraud.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  15:07

Oh, yeah, that one, I’ve experienced that as well. And really what it boils down to is, I think, you know, because working with heart centered people is they don’t want to disappoint the people that they’re working with. I think that’s a big, at least it was for me. And I really feel that when we’re in a place of just being authentic, and being real with ourselves, it gives us the opportunity to just say, we don’t have to be the guru, we don’t have to know everything, we’re never going to know everything I used to get really freaked out about, well, what if I can’t answer the questions that they have? Will I then be seen as that fraud? And I think authenticity comes from just being honest. It’s like, yeah, that’s a really great question. I don’t know the answer. But let’s discover together, you know, let’s dig a bit deeper into it. And I really think that we’re so focused on ourselves, that we do kind of forget that it isn’t about us. And if we’re just authentic and show up as ourselves, you know, damaged, sometimes improved, willing to learn, I think I learned more now from my clients, and from the group sessions I do, then I did in learning my craft in the first place. So I think it just, you just have to release that perfectionism. And thinking that you need to have all your ducks in a row, before you can go. So yeah, that’s a big part of it.


Susan Friesen  16:53

That is a big part of it. Thank you for that, um, I know that I’ve been guilty of that. And I think it’s because I have that sense of perfectionism in my DNA. And, and maybe Gino can tell you design. And so I, I’m always really hard on myself. And the, I’m going to counter your response a little bit, Lorraine, because I think this is important to clarify about the authenticity part, I absolutely agree to be authentic. But is there a point when we have shared too much of our vulnerabilities of our feeling, you know, inadequate or anything like that, because, you know, my, my, my jam is brand positioning. And as human beings, we are automatically judgmental, immediately we’re judgmental. And if we see a post that shares way too much information about somebody’s personal life, or, you know, their, you know, their downfalls, their, you know, their problems and their issues. We could we have the potential to judge that person are going oh my god, I would never hire that person. Look at all the damage that they’re going through all that crud that they’re going through, how could they possibly help me? If they’re going through so much problems? Could Can you Can everybody, you know, relate to that and share what your thoughts are?


Lorraine Ellen Scott  18:37

Well, definitely, you know, there’s, you’re gonna need to filter some things. People don’t need to know everything. You know, there’s that acronym TMI for a reason. But it’s also about you’re sharing authentically, but your own and vulnerably, but you’re also giving the solution to it. So it’s not just saying, Oh, I’ve got this thing going on. But it’s like I had this issue or block. And this is what I did to overcome it. And here’s where I am now. So you’re always following through with that solution that makes a big difference. But that authenticity piece really allows you those potential clients to realize that oh, you’re real, too. I would rather invest money. Thank you, Kathleen, invest money in someone who has been through something and overcome it than someone who’s all polished and maybe didn’t have that street smarts that got them where they are now.


Theresa Byrne  19:35

Yeah. And the other part is, even if people are show it depends on the the energy, right, if someone is sharing for attention, or from a let’s call it a victim mindset that has a different feel to it. And I mean, I know people who I love and admire who are sharing, I’m going through this right now. I know I’m gonna get a boy I’m not clear how I’m gonna get there. And it’s also that like the in process version of holy crap is anybody else feeling this? Here’s what I’m trying to do to get there. So I love your point about the authenticity and then just the what’s behind it.


Susan Friesen  20:13

Yeah, great point, Teresa, great point,


Kathleen Carlson  20:16

I felt like Lorraine said, in a really nice way of when you share with the intention that you’re there to help someone else to be able to work through something that they might not know how to work through, and they can see a role model in you that you’ve been through it, and you made it through it, no matter how difficult it was, and it wasn’t being a victim. Now, it was, it was just what it was. And now, I was able to find the tools through perhaps one of us, or through hats, Tusen, that is the right tool to help me move to being where that coach is now that I’m able to look back upon this and go, Wow, I’m able to do so much more than I was able to do before I understood it. But we actually needed someone to understand the depth of our pain, the depth of our fear. And the fact that we were repeating patterns we didn’t even want to repeat, but we didn’t know how to get out there and explained it perfectly.


Susan Friesen  21:17

And I just want to Can I just clarify? Totally Yes. Like, you know what we want to tell our story, and show the journey that we were on, you know, the before and the after, so that people can relate to you know, that they get us they understand that, you know what we’re going through. And I think maybe what I had in my mind was social media posts, and somebody presenting themselves on social media, whining and complaining about, you know, the problems and the challenges that they’re going on in their business or you know, something going on in their life. That’s where I think that we need to be very careful about what we post on social media, and make sure that, you know, it isn’t giving the wrong impression that oh, this person’s life is a mess. Why would I work with them? Right?


Lorraine Ellen Scott  22:15

For sure. Yeah.


Kathleen Carlson  22:16

I love what you said, Lorraine, when you said, You know what you got to realize to fight that impostor syndrome, is it’s not about me. Right? You know. And when you when that you feel that memory into your body, then your authenticity has an easy way to come out. And, you know, you said we’ve all been there, right? We all worry, you know, is my hair, my this my that because we do judge like Susan, that we judge people, you know that 10 seconds and they make up their mind about you until they get to know you. And when you can break down those walls, they can’t get to know you. But what’s really, I think sort of brought me around as I started watching people, and I started thinking, Who am I really attracted to? And I wasn’t attracted as much to the perfectly polished everything, you know, look, my jet outside my beautiful seven hands, all that it’s kind of like, okay, you know, in fact, that makes you kind of shy away, right? You don’t belong with them. That’s how you feel. I think when you can just get down and dirty and say, look, here’s what I’m going through. And here’s the steps I’m taken. I’m open to any suggestion that makes you so much more human. And I know for one, I don’t get on and go oh, my gosh, did you see she had three hairs out of place? I’m way more interested in them. And I think most people are so give us a break are so hard on yourself.


Susan Friesen  23:39

Yeah. And I think just to just to quickly make a point about that. Because, you know, I’m looking out always at this from that brand positioning perspective, is that it’s really important to know who your target audience is, who is your client that you want to be working with? And what are they needing and wanting and expecting from you, because they might need and want and expect that perfection or they might need and want and expect you to be, you know, just on the opposite end of that scale. So it’s really important to understand how you come across needs to appeal to and be relevant to your ideal target audience. Yeah. Thank you, everybody for that response and the rain. We’ve got a free giveaway for you that we’ve posted into the comment section. So please, everybody, take advantage of Lorraine’s 15 minutes step into your greatness call and she will help you turn your blocks into a superpower. So is in in the comment section so go ahead and sign up for that. So next up, we’re gonna talk to Gina and Gina I want to know we all want to know What the heck is monkey mind? I’ve been referring to the call, and what can we do to tame that beast so that we can get on with what we’re here to do.


Kathleen Carlson  25:13

But monkey mind, actually, when we look at our minds, we actually have three parts of our mind. The first part is the lizard reptilian part of us, which is those automatic responses like breathing. Or if we have burned our hand, we move our hand away really quickly. That’s the that part of us is in the cerebral cortex. And it was in our stomach, this is where our stem comes apart, it is automatic, is what reptilians do, they do not have other things that they respond to, they just respond to the immediate thing, whether it’s breathing, taking a breath of air or not. The next part is called the monkey brain. And the monkey brain is that brain that goes on automatic response, it just responds to everything that’s coming in right now. And when you get in the habit of responding in some repeating patterns that are not helping your life, but your brain automatically responds to that no matter how much is coming in, the more that comes in, the more you just go into automatic mode. So when they say monkey chatter, or monkey brain, they’re referring to those automatic things you do without thinking about it. And it’s just something you’re doing. You’re you can drive your car, listen to music, and all of a sudden Put your arm out to stop a child from falling forward or doing something, take a drink with your drink with a straw. You can do three things at once. And but it’s because you have an automatic place where you’ve already learned how to drive the car. And you’ve already learned how to take a drink. And you’ve already learned how to do all those things. So it becomes automatic repeating patterns, we have a lot of automatic repeating patterns of those thoughts that continually come into our brain are things that we’re responding to whether it’s media, news forecast, anything that’s showing up in us that creates a negative response, that monkey brain goes on faster and faster and faster. And it’s hard to slow it down and stop and go, is that really who I am? Is that really what I’m thinking? Or am I just responding in the moment to what that is. And the last part of our brain is the most complex, it’s the human part of our brain. It’s where our logic is and our emotions and how we stop and look at the delayed gratification. So we stop and look at emotion as emotional as thought. It’s when we stop and look at it and is like, is that real? The Katie Byron tech work is that real? If I keep asking those four questions, if I actually get down to it, is that really going to happen. And so for that, when we look at monkey brain, oftentimes we’re wanting a monkey brain, we’re going into responses that are not their instincts, like breathing, or run from the bear if there was a bear or that type of thing. But the automatic responses have to do all of these little things without thinking about them, so that we’re not looking at the consequences of what those might bring. Monkey Brains are really tough for us and, and the programs where I work, which is human design and energy work, we really stop and look at why those happen. And each of us have certain designs and our human designs. And we have ways that we do things, and that we’ve been energetically wired from the Creator from God, that shows us the ways we actually use that monkey brain and the way we use our other, we go through a whole process of saying, when it’s a really important decision, or, or even a decision that’s important to you at that moment, then can you use a different part of that to be able to do it, and those are called authorities. And we teach each person how to use their authority to be able to do that, to let go of the monkey brain and say away, is that actually what I need to do and actually go in and look at how they’re energetically wired. Because many times we all when we’re really low places, the monkey brains controlling every component of us except for the way we breathe. And when we need to eat a little bit of food because we’re super hungry. But even we may not be hungry that monkey brain just says we’re hungry, because the time is a certain time on the clock. Or we had a emotional response to something that showed up in the last time that showed up. Or when we were a child and it showed up. All of a sudden, we knew that food satisfied that emotional response. So whatever that may be, we stop and look at it from that angle. But it’s one of those things that it’s the common terms that are used in common, it’s not the psychological terms that are used. But it when you hear it, recognizing is that turning off your monkey brain is allowing yourself to get more authentic to who you are. Oftentimes breathwork will help have deep breathing when you hear someone stop and say now take a big breath and you all of a sudden you slow down you’re really working your Vargas nerve and slow in that monkey brain down and letting all the sudden you get present in your body and dealing with who you really are and how you really want to respond, not how that monkey wants to respond.


Susan Friesen  29:53

Thank you that yeah, so have I been using the wrong term then when I talk about them? Maybe it’s a…


Kathleen Carlson  29:59

Monkey Okay, Brian, yes, when it’s like the chatter, chatter, chatter, it’s everywhere, we just can’t stop it, we have it. We like everything that comes in. So I’m in an unusual place today in a different place. And I literally turned everything. So I had nothing to respond to outside of me because my monkey brain would go and be running all over the place to respond to this thing or that thing. And all of a sudden, I had to turn off everything to respond to so I could sit still. And because I didn’t have my normal office space today, where I felt my comfort zone, but monkey brains where it’s chatter, that you can’t slow down and you can’t stop and it’s not helpful. It gets us through life every day, it may help you get the bath for your child, it may help you get in your car and drive where you need to go. And then there’s times when if you’re on a place where you’re wanting to lose weight, that that monkey brain is not really helpful on telling you what foods to eat, that that for another person who doesn’t have that challenge, monkey brain may be fine for them to be able to do that. So monkey brain is great for components of our life. And when it comes to decisions, where we want our life to be changed, the monkey brain is not going to help us get there. The monkey brain is going to respond in the way it’s responded in the past, whether it worked or whether it didn’t work, it’s going to respond in the same way because it doesn’t know any different. So it just slow down, take our breaths get really present. And look at who we are. And human design, we stop and look at why our monkey brains for each of us. For some people, they don’t seem to have as many problems with it. And then other people are like, everything coming in and we show people how that happens. And yes, Susan, I can tell you in your human design, why you have to be a perfectionist. It’s quite obvious in your chart, my friend.


Susan Friesen  31:45

Yeah, I I can’t imagine not being perfect. What I do being perfect.


Kathleen Carlson  31:53

Perfectionism, it’s literally almost the name of the game.


Susan Friesen  31:58

Yeah, it’s right at the top there. So can I know everybody’s itching to say something too. But I have one more question about this. So the monkey brain and all that that’s all related to our subconscious, right.


Kathleen Carlson  32:09

So a monkey brain runs in the background, and we aren’t recognizing it. So when we are letting our subconscious just controlling our thoughts, when you’ve talked about overcoming our roadblocks that we’re doing, we actually just go to those roadblocks and do it the way we’ve done in the past without actually the subconscious is running it. So the monkey brain is like just running it for us to get through that. Without even how many how many times have you driven somewhere. As when I as I taught psychology class, one of my first things in the first few weeks would be come to class that day. And a pop quiz was how many red cars did you see all the way to class today? If it was driving? And if they walked? How many did you walk through in the parking lot? How many yellow cars are trucks or whatever? And I would just give them a list of different ones. I said, you can pick any one of these and how many did you see? And if all the years teaching psychology, I had one student who said I saw a red car today. And he stood up he said, I don’t know how many times it’s been there. But it ran the stop sign. And it almost hit me. And it’s the first time I’ve ever noticed. And it was the first time somebody could ever tell me how many red cars unless they own one themselves. So that’s how your brain just like sees them. But they don’t do it. It’s the subconscious doing that we stop and look at how can we slow that down so that we can become more conscious of what we’re doing. And we allow and I think Teresa will talk about this even more how we can present with who we are and live from within who how we are energetically why or just how I work with it and do energy work as well. But how do we actually connect with source to do what’s our way that we do it, not just the way society does it because we literally just run on an automatic process. I think of it as those new vacuum cleaners that go around the house and vacuum. And I have a friend who has one and we don’t have one. And I have a friend who has one. And there’s these places that it’s dirtier. And it actually is very interesting. I asked one day if she liked it, she said yeah, I just didn’t get those places that are dirty, as good as I want to. So I still run the vacuum over. And that’s the point of it is because it’s running over everything, but it’s not getting the spots that really need it. So sometimes we want to go out of that monkey into that chatter and go and stop and slow down and say what do I really want? What is in my highest and best interest? How do I do this? What is going to be best for when it’s usually really truly best for you. It’s truly best for all when you really look at it from a good from that sense. So that’s where monkey brain is but we oftentimes don’t realize how much the chatter is running our lives. Wow.


Susan Friesen  34:51

Does anybody else have anything they want to share about that? Actually, I


Lorraine Ellen Scott  34:55

want the fact that Dr. Gina you mentioned that You know, the monkey brain has a function. I’m always looking at the positive side of things. So knowing that knowing it’s not the enemy, and that it’s okay, it’s there, but it has its purpose, it has its function. So do your thing, monkey, and then I can focus on what I’m actually supposed to do. So that is something I really picked up on. And, and knowing that it’s not like, Oh, I gotta be aware of this monkey everywhere. But it’s like not a function. Now I can just focus on what I’m supposed to do and be more aware. So thank you.


Jeana Locke  35:34

So if we were cooking dinner, and as each of us as women, we may cook more than if we were cooking dinner, could we actually sit and tell somebody how we cook that meal, or even what we had the night before. So as that going on, is one of those concepts where we stop and look at it from the angle of Do you really have to remember every little detail monkey trying to make you not have to remember every detail. But when it’s something important to us, when you’re in a place of this is really important to me are we going to let monkey brain control it are we going to stop and go to within ourselves, and do that from an angle of what is our highest and best because sometimes monkey brain, it really is not our enemy. It’s just when we let it control every component of our lives. It controls what we watch on TV, it controls what we don’t watch, it controls what we read, it controls how we speak to our children, when it’s doing if there’s something important to you, and you aren’t enjoying your relationship with your children are your spouse, perhaps it stops time to stop and say, monkey, Brian, you’re not working on this one, how do I approach this differently, and you will go to maybe a relationship coach, and if money wasn’t working, and monkey brain was telling you how to spend money, you might not call Kathleen, you know, might be a really good idea, because she’s going to help you let that monkey grain Grain Brain stop and cease from doing so much on that. And that’s just where it’s not our enemy. But we have to recognize it has a place. And how much of that do we want it to let it control the big things in our life. And when we’re happy with our life, I’m not really worried about monkey brain when somebody’s happy in their monkey brains working. But when they’re unhappy with their weight, or their relationships, or their money, or their health, or whatever it may be, the monkey brain is controlling something that is not and beneficial for them in the long run. We use it in human design, we go through it from another angle, many, many angles to help them understand why that occurs and why your monkey brain is different from somebody else’s monkey, right. And that trigger didn’t impact Kathleen, but it impacted Gina, or one that they may have happened and where that comes from that comes about. So perfect question. Thank you, Lauren for asking that.


Susan Friesen  37:43

That’s awesome. Does our audience have any questions about monkey brain? It sounds like it’s, you know, a very interesting topic. But when it’s so, so important. So let’s see if anybody in the audience has any questions about that. And meanwhile, you just treat Terry Kathleen, is there anything that you want to say about monkey breeding, monkey breeding?


Kathleen Carlson  38:05

Gosh, Dr. Gina, this is such a fun topic, I love to talk about the monkey mind. And I make friends with my monkey mind, I have to say that I actually have found that it’s sort of treating like a naughty teenager, you know, some that that sometimes gets into mischief. And like you say when things are going great. And it just adds to it. It’s like, okay, that’s great. But when it’s trying to sabotage, I find myself and maybe I shouldn’t say this online here. But I find myself just having a conversation. And it goes usually goes like, Hey, I know you’re trying to protect me. And as Susan said, our minds there to protect us and to keep us from harm. And you know, that’s how it was developed. Right? But I know you’re there to protect me. But right now, I’m going to do this. And your negativity is not helping me. So how about you go find some reasons why I should be doing this or you get I sort of given an assignment. And for me, I find that that sort of quiets that monkey mind so I can get back into the space that, you know, that I want to operate from. That’s probably a little crazy. But that’s, that’s what I found that works for me.


Theresa Byrne  39:15

I don’t know if it’s crazy. My monkey mind likes to make lists or before I wake up before I get out of bed in the morning, I let her go. You go girl, you make all those lists, and she’s thinking about all the things she hasn’t done all things she needs to do. And I’m just like, give it something shiny to play with you go make. I’m not actually even writing these things down. But it’s just like my inner achiever is just gonna go.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  39:38

Alright, girl, you go. Zack. I love that Theresa. I love that that you don’t even write the list down because that happens to me too. I thank you for permission to just let


Theresa Byrne  39:49

her go. Right like you Yeah, you’re gonna do that. You’re gonna do that. You’re gonna take care of that. Yeah, good. Go ahead, girl.


Kathleen Carlson  39:55

I love that it’s it doesn’t Don’t try to judge. It just is it from our experiences in our past and it just tries to associate everything with what it already knows. Right? It’ll do a lot of bots and shoulds and musts, as Theresa just mentioned, and some of those oughts and shoulds. And musts are no longer in her boundaries. And it’ll you’ll hear him or you’ll feel them or you’ll experience him inside your body. And I ought to I must, I should, and you’re wanting to say, No, I don’t really want to do that. But you have so many pressures from the outside. So I think that the con, I understand that the concept of it for many people is just to recognize that what you’re experiencing, everybody gets it, you’re not, there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s more of a matter of learning how to utilize that to your advantage in the long run, to learn how to stop and say, Okay, I get it, I get it, I get it. But it’s not how I want to add, it’s not how I want to do this, I really want to hire a coach on business coach, and I really want to do that. So I’m exploring, I get it, you say I don’t have the money. But you know, something, let me go explore, let me see what I can find out and have the opportunity to go there. So it’s really interesting as we do that, it’s not our enemy. And we can make it our friend. And we can allow it to be that at that girlfriend who chattered the whole time that never stopped. And you just learned to tune them out. And being able to stop and say on there that everything she said wasn’t important to me. But I was able to let go of it and recognizing starting to stop and really get clear on your values. And what really is important to you. Because monkey brain is responding to what society has taught us or our parents have taught us. And it’s responding to those things that have come in our lives, those events, those terrifying events that have come up. And if someone who has been hit all of a sudden has another person who raises their hand like this at them, they will go into monkey brain, and the monkey brain will tell them how to respond to get away from this situation or how their emotions will show up. And recognizing this person who raised their hand was waving at you is a whole different concept. But for someone with that that’s giving a person an opportunity to look at everything a little differently. So yeah, I think we all of us deal with it. And everybody has a way of, of talking about it. So.


Susan Friesen  42:13

So Daniel Simmons in our chat has a question. He says that I even thought I find even just a few minutes of walking meditation or mindful breathing can bring you into the present moment. Can you recommend any other exercises? And then he continues on even just a few minutes of walking meditation or mindful breathing can bring you into the present moment? Okay. Yeah, oh.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  42:39

I would love to. You know, tapping. Emotional Freedom Technique is a great way to really slit the chatter and the thoughts and you can tap away of what’s coming up for you. And it, it really just kind of resets your energy and your thoughts. So you’re clear, and you’re ready to just get on with your day.


Kathleen Carlson  43:05

I can give you a super super fast when it’s great if you can take a walk through the breathing and tapping as you say, but sometimes you’re kind of up against the pressure zone, and you’ve got to go and I have a one statement. I guess nutrient neutralizing statements that I can use, it pops up. And I go isn’t that interesting? And the brain doesn’t know what to do with that. Because when you ask a question the brain always has to answer when you make statements. That you know the brain goes on and pas RM Right shows you why you’re no good shows you why you can’t do it, blah, blah, blah. But when you just stop for me when I go, isn’t that interesting? There’s like a silence that just neutralizes and then I get to go from there. So it’s five seconds, and you can get back in where you need to be. There’s some wonderful, wonderful tools out there. And I think Kathleen’s is one Lauren has one I’m sure the other two ladies have some as well. One that I used oftentimes some kind of a touchstone that if you know monkey brain goes crazy when all of a sudden is happening. If you can have something you touch that you actually touch. So you could have an earring for us. Those are women you touch your earring and that’s a reminder to you to come back into my present body. I just said and so and for me I have a statement when I I picked that monkey brain, big time and big box stores, I go to a big box store and I just pick it up and I walk out to the parking lot. And I have a beep on my car when you get ready to open the car. So I hit the beat. I hit touched my handle, get my Beep beep and I just stop and go I’m Gina I’m only Gina and none of that other stuffs important and then they beep it again. And that beep is almost like it’s like a energetic discharge. But my beep works for me from big box stores. And I’m home, I literally will just go try to stop and walk by off the walking like you like Daniel does. And I will do a couple of breaths sometimes, you know, just the and I call them seven elevens. I breathe in for seven, I hold for just a moment, and I blow out for 11. And then I just say I’m Gina and only Gina and I really don’t want to listen to that. And then it’s like, okay, and I’ve got back in my body. I am statements are oftentimes gonna bring you back that these are all good tools. That’s why everybody has a toolkit that works for them to be able to develop what you use Bisht for your own tech make some people have to go get in an Epsom salt bath. Some people need to have a massage. Some people need to exercise and go do something that’s very, very concentrating on their muscles. Every there’s so many other ways meditations. Many projectors and their world will just need to go lay down for a few minutes and put their feet up. A projector will do so well just from laying down and putting the feet up. So anyway, toolkits are awesome, aren’t they? Thank you for asking Daniel. So.


Susan Friesen  46:12

Yeah, that’s awesome. And Terry, don’t you have a tip trick in in your toolbox about this as well? Yes, I do.


Kathleen Carlson  46:21

There’s actually a couple one. One was the free gift that that I designed called confidence on cue. And creating it teaches you how to create an anchor, as I think I think it was a doctor Gina who said touch your earring or something physical where it’s something that triggers an emotional response that brings you back to the present moment. Or in this case, as I wrote it up, it could be something that gives you a little bit more confidence. And there’s a step by step guide that I created that you can follow. And you can say it for confidence. You can say it to stop your monkey mind chatter in any given situation, depending on what you want to create. What is that emotional feeling you’d rather feel than all of the discourse and the tension that comes from that monkey mind. There’s one technique. There are others the mental rehearsal is huge in my mind. That’s wonderful, don’t I this year, I had my husband who was having some monkey brain stuff on the topic. And this year, we went and took pictures of him in his most sacred place. He wouldn’t call it that that was my word. But in his place where he feels the highest vibe where he feels really good about himself. And he’s excited about life. And the took a picture of him in that location. And I asked him to put it on his phone, though it’s a screensaver on his phone it. And we all touch our phones so many times a day. And every time he touches it, I said just go back and think about that as it just do me a favor just for the next two weeks. And we’ve been doing it for two weeks, the added his spirit and attitude have totally changed even for January, just by looking at this picture of this location of this place. With him doing what he loves, he goes back to that vibration. So Terry’s statement of what she’s teaching, if a picture will help you do it, then add it to your phone screen where you see it. And you when you open it, that’s mine. It is that’s where I go back to there’s something at this spot. And this place is super special. And I literally go there to Terry’s describing that so well. It’s a touch. We call them touchstones in my world. And your she’s calling it something else. But use it it is so effective for anybody whose love language is physical touch. And anyone who has the love language of being a better acts of service, there are several of those love languages that do really well with that particular thing.


Susan Friesen  48:49

And that’s, that’s awesome. It sounds like we should have a whole show just about looking for that we could go on quite a bit. And Stephanie in the chat just mentioned using your laptop background as well as set a domain name. So I think maybe we need to have a you know, another episode just talking about monkey mind. But for the sake of timing, we’re gonna have to move on. But before I do that genius got her free giveaway, which is a human design chart, which will give you the aha moments that might surprise you. And Gina did my human design chart. And it really was revealing as we’ve been hinting about today, so check out in the comments for the link to grab that. And since Terry had mentioned it, I know that Terry’s URL is also in there about her confidence on cue download, and it’s meant to help you feel more confident at any time that you need it. So go ahead and look in the chat for that link for Terry’s download. But first that’s up or next week, this is Teresa a burning question. So during the series, we addressed a variety of roadblocks that many entrepreneurs and business owners face, I find that I can be really guilty of this myself that procrastination is a part of it.


Theresa Byrne  50:21

So do you agree? Uh, why


Susan Friesen  50:22

do you tend to? Why do we tend to procrastinate when we know it’s what we should be doing?


Theresa Byrne  50:30

I love this question. And I’m going to try to answer it. I’m going to talk really fast because Terry and I both have answers to get to questions before you guys leave the stream today. So I like to think of it in terms of my fight flight or freeze gets activated, my mind has made a picture that a thing is hard or difficult, or it just sounds like something I don’t want to do. So we procrastinate, because we made it up, we made that something is going to be hard. We made up that we don’t want to do something, we made it up. And guess what the beauty of that is, if we made it up, we can unmake it up. Each of us have saboteurs and these Saboteurs fall into different categories. If you’re a fan of the Enneagram, or I do positive intelligence work and energy work, and there are these different places, where are saboteurs you’re a perfectionist, Susan, you’d be like, it’s not going to be perfect, I will wait until it is. I like to call that prep procrastination. I’m going to do all these other things. Before I get to the thing that I’m going to do. I’m gonna clean my office before I actually start building my podcast. How am I know y’all see the screen behind me it’s covered. So we create fight, flight or freeze in our minds, because there isn’t actually something coming at us. We’ve created our minds believe one of two things, what we tell it, and the pictures that we make. So what we can do with procrastination, or procrastination, where you know you’re doing the thing, but you’re not doing the thing, we can actually start shifting the picture. The one of my favorite psychological ideas is there’s a version, which is what you do when you’re not doing a thing. But there’s also like starting to do a thing at a time. So even if I picture that doing my taxes is going to take me 1800 hours, and it’s going to be really hard, and I’m gonna hate it and I’m gonna feel really guilty or bad or wrong, or all of these things. Spend 15 minutes, if any of you who work out and I’ve been professional martial artist, opened a studio in the late 90s. Go to a thing, do 10 minutes of a thing, do 25 minutes, there is another brain technique where you focus on something for 25 minutes. And then you’re like, I’m breaking and your brain goes, Yeah, we’re on a break like this. Because who doesn’t love break? brains don’t love the idea of work. But we like fun. We like break. So be able to procrastinate. Again, don’t fight it. Own it laugh at it. If you did not notice. I’m all about the light of heartedness. Because that’s what brings the light in. So the couple of things that I would suggest are figure out where you’re sabotaging. Is it perfection? Is it avoidance, because it’s going to be a conflict. I don’t want to have conflict. I don’t want to have to look up all of those things I might not know how to do it, is it because you’re an overachiever, and you don’t know how you’re going to achieve this thing. The house hasn’t made itself known. You’re out those options. I’ve offered in the free gifts, a way to do an assessment to figure out which saboteurs are most likely to show up for you happy to go through that with you. I know I’m talking really fast. I apologize for that. But then also recognize that you can create a different mindset, you can create a different picture in your mind, you can say something else. I have a sticky note that says I do the tough things first. Who am I? I do the tough things first. Do I really not always but sometimes, but I am changing my identity. I do the tough things first.


Susan Friesen  53:56

I love that you’re speaking my language girl. You’re speaking my language. Oh, does anybody else have anything else to share about procrastination?


Kathleen Carlson  54:07

Oh, I just love that. Teresa. It’s like I think there was a book or something called eat the frog. We just have to let me frog first thing you can think of and you start your day off. And instead of instead of oh, I’ll get to that later. I’ll get to that later. do two things that will move you forward in that direction.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  54:25

Yeah. Yeah, like everything Teresa said, you and you crammed it all in there. And it all made sense to me. And yeah, like a light hearted is how the light gets in. Yeah, it’s so true. Make it fun. Life is about joy like that. You know, as soon as you come from that point of view. It seems less like work and it’s more like hey there. There’s a doable thing here even if it’s incremental.


Susan Friesen  54:52

But that was very revealing for me because I know procrastination for me is when I don’t have the clarity that I need. I I guess that probably comes from the perfection. I don’t have everything all figured out first, and therefore I’ll put it aside because I know I need more time to figure it out. And then it just never happens. Or it does get way too late. Yeah.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  55:15

I think you speak for a lot of people that goes through that. So and to have permission to do just do it for 10 minutes, do it for 15 minutes. And you’d be amazed you turn it around, and you’re like, wow, I got more done than I thought I would send it didn’t. Yeah,


Kathleen Carlson  55:31

I didn’t. That’s important.


Theresa Byrne  55:35

Thank you. Amen. Ladies.


Susan Friesen  55:38

Oh, that’s incredible. So we’ve got your free giveaway, the mental fitness assessment, the link is in the comment section. So please, grab that. It sounds like we all need to grab that. We can understand why we procrastinate. And am Tracy provided some excellent tips on how to get over procrastination, because I think that is a real challenge for business owners is that procrastinate. Procrastination. And so Daniel just mentioned here, great talk Teresa. Instead of throwing myself right into a massive project, I break tasks into manageable steps and give myself permission to make mistakes. Well, there you go. Sounds like that’s what we all need to do.


Theresa Byrne  56:26

Daniel if you could just come over to my house, and start working on the bookshelves that would be really appreciative because they organized.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  56:41



Susan Friesen  56:45

Perfect. Oh, that’s, that’s amazing. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that authenticity treats us that. There are reasons why screens are behind us. Right. So last, but certainly not least, is Terry. And, Terry, our burning question for you is what can we do to quiet the mind and help us move forward each day?


Kathleen Carlson  57:12

Hmm, great question. And we’ve touched on it here and there, everyone has said their piece a little bit of what can help each of us. I think, really, it’s key to first of all, just recognize it, recognize that it’s my monkey mind. That’s that voice in my head, that oh, it’s procrastination. It’s, it’s something I don’t really want to do it do it. Or so you just you recognize it for what it is, you acknowledge it. And, you know, for me, I like to thank it, thank you mind for keeping me safe. It doesn’t want to do what it’s not familiar with. It’s it. The mind wants to keep us safe. It wants to conserve energy, as it’s been said today. So recognize it, acknowledge it, and thank it. And then someone said, give it a job. I thought it was brilliant. Give it a job, give it something else to do. But basically, you want to move your attention to what is possible. What is if here’s this thing I needed to get done. What is possible, if I do it, what is the great, great outcome, that’s going to happen if I just get this done, not Oh, that I have to get this done. But rather, hmm. If I get this done, then you can picture that mental image of how your life becomes easier, and how things in your business become easier. So take those of Anna, maybe it was Daniel that said, you know, break it down into individual tasks. Now, give that each one of those tasks, a mental picture, because our mind loves images. So picture it being done already with ease. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get there at the moment. Just picture yourself already have done it, having done it, and how wonderful that test a little mental image. And then you can go ahead and as you do those actions, it it really solidifies that those brain things sorry, my dog just came in. It really solidifies everything in your mind as it’s as you’re building those neural pathways to for success. So you picture it, and then you do it and each time you take it, you do something and it has a great outcome, celebrate it. Recognize that it wasn’t so hard. We got that done. Look how much I can you know, if I can do this, I’ve certainly picture the big picture, the big picture being done already, and just how great it is. to give yourself that mental image, and then go back and do those tasks one at a time with that image,


Susan Friesen  1:00:05

I so love that. And I love how we just only need to do is to shift to the possibilities and the positive. And instead of dwelling on the negative, and all of the things that could go wrong and couldn’t be bad or whatever, let’s just discuss, shift it to the party.


Kathleen Carlson  1:00:25

And you can do that when you’re you can do that. And if you’re a person that meditates and you’re going for a walk, keep those mental images going. If you’re, if you are a person that does self hypnosis, Whoa, that’s a really powerful way to get it in there at a subconscious level quickly. If you’re a person that’s just doing the dishes, or you’re doing your own driving somewhere, keep those keep those images, all very, very positive and associate a great feeling with it.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  1:00:57

Going I love what you said Terry, about the celebrate. Because I think people wait until it’s the total finish of whatever it is they’re doing before they they give themselves permission to celebrate, when it’s really about celebrating every little step along the way that just raises your vibration and encourages you to do it, you know, the next step, and then you have that huge celebration at the end. So I love that piece.


Kathleen Carlson  1:01:24

And in the science realm, it also releases a little bit of dopamine. Right? Feels good. Confidence, right? So. I was going to talk about the celebration as well of rain. And I can say as a hard working entrepreneur, right, as we all are, that’s something that I can very easily just put off to never write. And it also because I get my expectations so high, I’m not willing to celebrate the little stuff. It’s kind of like yeah, celebrate when I’m done, right? Well, we never get done. So when the celebration, right, and like Teresa said, you kind of promise yourself, I’m gonna work 25 minutes really hard. And then I’m gonna take a break, you know, and so I’m employing that technique Myself These Days is saying, okay, all I gotta do right now I just finished writing that chapter for a book. And it was kind of like, wow, get the intro. And then you can take a walk, do this, and then you can and I, you know, I’m employing to that monkey mind. Again, same. Okay, my 17 year old unruly little monkey mind needs a treat. So give it to him. And picture like Perry said, you know, it’s like, okay, good. And then I know what I’m gonna get where I’m gonna go. And it really helps. And I love the whole celebration, oddly, something I had to really learn. To celebrate. I’m not sure society teaches us to celebrate little things. They teach us to celebrate milestones. And oftentimes, those neurotransmitters don’t work as well, on those little things. They it’s not like it doesn’t deserve a celebration yet. But each of us have our own unique designs. And so what was a big step for me might have been super easy for Teresa, and what it might have been like, Kathleen didn’t even think about it. She just it just happened. And saying that is just up and recognize your celebrations. As if trade history sharing on there are important, because they’re yours. They’re what you need to celebrate, not what someone else needs to celebrate. I think sometimes when people have new babies now, there you see a picture of week one, week two, week three, week four, one month, and then you know, all the way through. And yet no one we get to be older, they celebrate decades, instead of even years. And sometimes there’s some times in there that we all need a little celebration, you know, we did something and where we were, but we have to stop and give that to ourselves. And so Teresa’s point. I mean, to Terry’s point on us giving our celebrations to ourselves, or even as asking those around us to help us celebrate those little things is is wonderful because we compare ourselves to society and Jane Doe didn’t need somebody to help her feel good about blah, blah, blah, that gosh, I sure needed someone to say that was a good job Gina.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  1:04:16

I really liked what Terri had to say too, about the visualization and bringing your emotion into it. And I think that’s such an important part of things, and maybe even the piece of what will I do to celebrate getting this next little bit done. And so, yeah, I love what you had to say Terry.


Kathleen Carlson  1:04:41

During the visualization, thinking of thinking of what, you know, what are the words people are gonna say to me when like when they see what I’ve created, what will I say to myself? So hearing those, hearing those things, seeing those things, any kind any kind of tactile imagery Ah, any way you can use your senses while you’re creating that image is very, very helpful for the mind to solidify what you want to get done.


Susan Friesen  1:05:10

So incredible. And you know what, speaking of celebration, I wanted to conclude today’s series talking about gratitude, because I think, I think if we all made a conscious effort to be grateful, our our mind, our lives will be incredible. So many possibilities will open up so many opportunities, so much will happen. I know myself, I can’t. It’s endless how many times that I have been able to directly relate, being grateful to a positive outcome of something else. And I know that I and my husband we write in our gratitude general journal every night, celebrating those small successes, that’s the time to do it every day. Think about all the little small successes that happened that day and why you’re why you’re so grateful about it. But does everybody else have to say about gratitude? Do you feel that has a role in the success of our business and why is that?


Theresa Byrne  1:06:13

I’m going to do my 30 seconds. So 30 seconds, gratitude reduces the amount of inflammation C reactive proteins in our body gratitude and like your cannot live in the same attitude shifts our mindset into what we want more of not what we have less some law of attraction, bring in what you want, have more be grateful. That’s my 30 seconds.


Kathleen Carlson  1:06:39

is beautiful. Teresa, I love, love, love that. And I just I agree completely with all those things you said. And I really love the idea of gratitude. As an as what they say as a it’s really an attitude that we adopt, right throughout our lives. And if we can think of it in our business specifically, it really helps to create that human connection that we want to maintain and engage people and, you know, being vulnerable and authentic and being able to say, you know, from your heart, thank you so much for whatever this was that you did for me. I it. I can’t tell you what that meant to me in my life. And then tell them what it meant to you. It’s amazing. That’s beautiful. Yeah, love feels good. Right.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  1:07:30

So yeah, exactly. Yeah. I’d like to talk about you know, gratitude. I love it. I have bookends I gratitude in the morning and I gratitude in the evening. And but there’s also that piece of you know, people think, you know, what about how can you be grateful for something that’s negative or bad that happens. But the other side of gratitude is appreciation, you can always appreciate the opportunity or the lesson that you learn from something that was deemed negative. And, and having that appreciation shifts it from being something negative to something that you’ve learned, and it gives you that opportunity to grow from it. So I love that addition to it, that gratitude, appreciation is a great point.


Susan Friesen  1:08:21

And Daniel says I’m sorry, I’ll just quickly say what Daniel says, gratitude is absolute is the absolute key Susan, expressing gratitude and setting intentions creates such an abundance and happiness and positive outcomes. One of my favorite parts of the day is writing in my gratitude journal as a as it truly opens my mind. Yeah. So, members, I know somebody wants to say, I just want to make sure if you’re watching this, whether it’s live or in the replay, please let us know what you practice in terms of gratitude. How has gratitude helped you in your life in your business? What do you do to practice gratitude this, read that in the comments. So go ahead.


Kathleen Carlson  1:09:05

I was just gonna say that I find for me that gratitude works the best. When I literally see it as I want more of this place, I want more of this place I want, you know, I want I want a comfortable bed more of this place. And I would like the whatever it is I’m seeking, if I can say I’m thankful for that and more of this place, then I start seeing the positive neuro neurotransmitters in our brains will start flowing towards that place and we start for purpose. As Tracy said, going towards the law of attraction, we attract getting more of this place. Sometimes it’s okay just to just to ignore the things that are not going so well if that wasn’t exactly the way you want it to be, but good to stop and look at what did work and say more of that, please. And it’s another way of saying gratitude for those of you who have a hard time of writing a gratitude journal, but I do a more of this place every morning and every night. And it was whatever It may have been what if there was a big as Terry talked about a successful thing that occurred, then I can stop and give myself that little bitty celebrate success by asking more of this place. And that has been a big turning point for me in my life. And sometimes when life has been at some really critical points of when it didn’t seem like there was much to be grateful for, but there was when I started seeing a little things I already could be grateful for. And then there were more things started showing up, creator started showing me signs, and I started going there. So totally there, it’s there. And I think it’s more of what Lorraine said perhaps is, is its gratitude. But it’s the appreciation of what we do have an appreciation of what we’ve learned, it’s much easier for me to look back. You know, someone in my mid 60s, looking back at my 30s and appreciating what I learned from those lessons, and being able to even say thank you for that. It’s okay, if I don’t experience it again. But thank you for helping me have this opportunity to know what I know. So I’m not doing repeating patterns and the gratitude of some of the things that happen in my life have come much more in the last five years than they did ever before. Just because there’s so much. I really love where life is going now. And it has been more of that came from gratitude of more of this place. Thank you for this opportunity to be on the show this podcast with these beautiful women. Susan, this is such a pleasure.


Susan Friesen  1:11:27

Oh, thank you. And I love that more of that. Please. I gotta write that down. In my journal. Thank you. Yeah. So does anybody have any last minute tips about gratitude or any last closing comments? Before we wrap things up?


Theresa Byrne  1:11:41

You had all along, you’ve had the power all along.


Kathleen Carlson  1:11:46

I’ve got some Ruby Slippers back here.


Theresa Byrne  1:11:50

A magic wand acknowledges and honors your Ruby.


Kathleen Carlson  1:11:56

That’s right. I love Dr. Jean is more of that place. And I just like to throw another reminder in for that conscious language again. And you know, something that really shows gratitude and in anything that you’re doing, and instead of what I have to do, I have to go get my kids I have to go to the store, I have to write this I have to meet this stuff. How about I get to come in, I get to I mean, what, you know how many moms and entrepreneurs are out there trying to juggle 50 things at one time. And we all are right? And what if you just could reframe that into, I get to go pick up my kids, because I am an entrepreneur, because I get to control my schedule because I get to you know, work independently, whatever it is. And when you start that energy of I get to, it’s kind of just what Dr. Gina said, what else do I get to do? What else do I get to do and it’s good to create. And I think it’s a beautiful thing. And thank you, Susan, so much for bringing everybody together. We all do things slightly different. I think we all have our own methods. But what we’re all the one is rooting for your success. We’re all out here helping you wanting to be part of it and wanting to grow together so that we can make a difference in the world. And I’m really happy to get to know everybody and get to be honest with all of you. Thank you, guys.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  1:13:17

I love what you said, Kathleen, I get to, you know, that shifts the vibration right there. And really, we don’t realize what we have until it’s lost. But if we learn to realize that I get to do this, I get to help people I get to connect with amazing people like you. And yes, I love it. Thank you. Thank you, Susan so much.


Susan Friesen  1:13:43

You’re so welcome and talking about gratitude. I’m literally got goosebumps right now. I just I’m just so grateful that each and every one of you came into my life. I want to preface I didn’t know any of you before i i tend to mention that I wanted to work with people who were experts in helping entrepreneurs overcome their roadblocks and challenges and all of you beautifully came into my sphere. And it all just happened so wonderfully and smoothly. And I knew I absolutely knew that this was exactly what I needed to do. And I just hope and trust and pray that you the audience has benefitted greatly from this series and from today’s episode, and as I said at the beginning of the show, all of this is available to you to watch in the replay mode just in case you missed the live shows, and I immense gratitude to each of you and I really hope that we all maybe we should create something together again because I think that we are all in such synchronicity. We all have the same intention that we are all I’m here to help you, the viewer, create success in your life and in your business easily and effortlessly. It doesn’t have to be such a challenge. All you need to know is that you’re not alone. You’ve got help. You’ve got us here to help and support you, so that you can achieve what you want to achieve. And do what you set out to do. And be in purpose in your business so that you can make a difference in other people’s lives. Just as that’s why we are here we are here because we want to make a difference in your life. So thank you, thank you. Thank you. More of this, please. And on that, I’m going to say thank you again. And I wish you all well please look in the comments for everybody’s free giveaway because they’re all invaluable and they will all help you. And I’m just going to conclude with please lead your life with kindness, not only for others, but for yourself. That’s it. Bye for now.


Kathleen Carlson  1:16:09

Thank you my friend.


Jeana Locke  1:16:10

Thank you, everyone.


Lorraine Ellen Scott  1:16:12


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