Is Jealousy the Biggest Culprit in Thwarting Your Business Growth?

Small Business Marketing Blog

Is Jealousy the Biggest Culprit in Thwarting Your Business Growth?

Jealously the Biggest Culprit in Thwarting Your Business Growth

Why Gratitude is One of the Biggest Keys to Success

No magic pill, wand or formula was applied in creating this success story.

While Social Media can have many benefits to business growth, there’s an underlying, negative-based energy many people experience that could very well be contributing to the lack of their business growth.

And that energy is jealousy…

For us on the West Coast of Canada, we only get to enjoy a few months of summer warmth and sun each year. This is the time we make plans to get out and enjoy the weather as much as possible.

So it stands to reason many of the posts shared on Social Media are fun-related. After all, who wants to share posts about the hours they spend behind their computer working 15 hours a day?

Relaxing at Kingfisher SpaWhile away on holidays recently, it occurred to me there may be some who would look upon my holiday-infused Facebook posts thinking this is my life – doing nothing but having fun and going on holidays.

And when I thought about it, I’ve given them no reason to think otherwise. If a new Facebook business-owner “friend” only saw holiday-related posts, then that’s the impression they would have of me – I never seem to work!

For those that know me, this assumption is far from the truth but nonetheless, for those that don’t, I can see how they would come to that conclusion.

And the interesting thing is, that kind of conclusion has a far-reaching result that could very well be affecting their business success.

That’s because instead of being happy for me, they are feeling a twinge of jealousy.

Jealous they can’t take holidays…
Jealous they can’t go for spa treatments…
Jealous they can’t relax poolside at a resort…

And so on.

Jealousy is a very insidious thing that can sneak up and snare the most unsuspecting person.

Jealousy is a very insidious thing that can sneak up and snare the most unsuspecting personClick To Tweet

How many times have you looked at someone’s success or witnessed all of the wonderful travels they’ve been on and secretly wished it were you instead of them?

When this happens we nosedive into a lack and scarcity mindset. Our ego kicks into high gear and we get into competition mode. Comparing what WE DON’T have to what THEY DO have.

And when that happens, we’re not in an expansive, abundant state of mind. Instead, we’re stifling all energies needed for growth, which can ultimately result in a lack of success.

I did it too. I would see people like Mari Smith travel the world doing keynote speeches or private consulting gigs and think how lucky she is to live such a magical life!

But then I realized magic has absolutely nothing to do with it!

When we see people like Mari, or me for that matter, reaping the rewards of our labour, we fail to realize the labour part of that equation.

The ability to take time off, travel, go to spa appointments or relax at resorts is a product of hard work. It didn’t all happen magically, or effortlessly for that matter.

What does gratitude have to do with success?

I’ve talked before about my keys to success and aside from working long hours, having a team and building a business wisely, the biggest key to my success is gratitude.

I’m thankful every single day even if a client is upset with me.  Gratitude can still be found in the lessons learned to avoid that incident from happening again.

I’m thankful for the hard-working, integral employee giving their notice.  Gratitude can still be found because I was able to have them on my team as long as I did and look forward to how that person’s replacement will make a positive impact on my business.

I’m thankful for the deadbeat, non-paying client.  Gratitude can still be found knowing what kind of client to turn down in the future, seeing the signs ahead of time they will be a challenge to collect from.

This is what I do every day where it’s well documented in my gratitude journal I write in every night.

Success is what you want it to be. You are in control.

Despite the one-sided impression Social Media provides, there is no magic program, product or formula that will create success for you.

But with having an attitude of gratitude, a strong commitment to success and not letting jealously prevent you from thinking you can have that too, you can be successful.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…. many don’t know that not long ago Daniel and I were quite destitute. We were on the verge of losing our home and had a $24,000 credit card debt (due to identity theft but that’s another story). So I know what it feels like to be on the other side of the pasture thinking everything was so green over there and completely unattainable.

However, what got us through to the other side is we never gave in to victimhood. We believed things will get better, focused on being grateful for what we had, and worked towards what we did want.

Law of attraction expert Dana Smithers has a great solution to when things are not going perfect and that’s to ask yourself, “what do I really want?” (Watch this quick video where she explains how this works.)

So the next time you feel a pang of jealousy when you see someone post about their wonderful cruise, their world-wide adventure or their spa treatment, remember there was no magic involved in that person’s success.

Only hard work, commitment and a whole lot of gratitude for hills and valleys that was overcome along the way to that success.

Take a moment now and no matter how shitty of a day you’re having, what can you be grateful for? Ask yourself what is it that you really want? Share below, let’s all celebrate with you.

Are you willing to make a commitment to celebrate everyone’s success? Take responsibility for your actions and do what it takes so you can reap similar rewards of success?

Don’t let jealousy be the biggest culprit in the lack of your business growth. Show it who’s boss instead!

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

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Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

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