How to Super Charge Your 2020 Goals | @eVisionMedia

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How to Super Charge Your 2020 Goals

It’s that time of year again when employers, employees and entrepreneurs are setting goals for 2020.

Business goals, career goals, financial goals, health goals, fitness goals, relationship goals… and the list goes on.

Many have to achieve goals they have not set, but have been set for them, especially if an employee.

The key to achieving goals you do not set for yourself is to align yourself with the goal in a way that compels you to enjoy the process of achieving those said goals.

Ask yourself “How will achieving these goals add value to my life?” Find a way to make them your own.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail - Benjamin Franklin

Spending time goal planning is a very important process in order to be successful in business and in life.

If you do not give yourself, consciously and unconsciously, very simple and specific instructions to follow, how will you ever arrive at your set destination? How do you know what to focus on? A ship does not set sail without knowing exactly where it needs to arrive and yes course corrections along the way are required.

We operate the same way. The logical mind makes the goal and the unconscious mind is the goal-getter.

How Do You Super Charge Your Goals? 

In my Super Charge your Goals Kit I instruct you to create a vision, a multidimensional picture of your vision already complete. Using all your senses, see yourself celebrating the accomplishment.

Ask yourself, “What is the last thing that has to happen in order for me to know this goal is successfully achieved?” Then picture that thing.

For example, my big vision and goal is to own a retreat center. I see myself having accomplished this when I see my husband and I receiving the key from the realtor and putting the key in the lock, turning it and walking through the open door. I see who is with me. I see exactly what the area looks like, how it sounds, the smells and most importantly how I feel in my body.

It is important to know how you want to feel while on the journey but also when you are celebrating the accomplishment.

It is also so very important to celebrate, no matter how small, each step of the way. This will keep you motivated to stick with it when the tasks get tedious or scary. Look forward and celebrate how far you have come vs. feeling overwhelmed by how much you have yet to do.

I invite you to complete this sentence using positive forward-looking language: “It is January 1st 2021, and I am feeling ______________ and celebrating _________________. In the year 2020 I have accomplished and achieved _____________________________.

Write a sensory description of your journey in 2020 as if it has already happened. Read it daily, embody the feelings as well.

What Blocks Successful Goal Achievement

What gets in the way of goal setting and achievement is old programming, memories of goals set and failed in the past. Negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, doubts and emotions are the villains when it comes to successful goal achievement.

Think about it. Was there ever a time in your past where you set a goal, had a vision and dream, where you were 120% invested, whole heartedly, emotionally and financially and then BOOM! It all came crashing down around your ears.

If yes, how did it feel?

Does it still make you cringe and feel angry?

What about the self-talk and recriminations?

We are hardest on ourselves.

Or perhaps it was an outside force or a person who let you down. It is all the same. You are now living with Goal Trauma. Goal Trauma is a goal failed for one reason or another that still causes stress and emotion in the body. Anger, regret and guilt to name a few.

Goal Trauma gets in the way of really investing yourself in the process of setting intentions and goals for yourself.

In a way it is not your fault.

Why? In order to not experience those negative emotions a person will do almost anything to avoid feeling them. If setting goals brings back old memories and it doesn’t feel good, then we resist and avoid or set the bar so low we really never reach our true potential because we learn to play it safe rather than take on risk of failure.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment - Jim Rohn

If the bridge between your goals and accomplishment is littered with old negative memories of past failures and mistakes, achieving those goals will become dull, boring and difficult. I don’t want that for you!

The key to releasing those Goal Success Blocks is to:

  1. Review past events
  2. Create an awareness of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs
  3. Forgive those and yourself for the errors, failures and misguidance. You were only doing the best you knew how at the time.
  4. Question the validity of those beliefs. The behaviour does not make the person. What I mean by that is that if you did something wrong or unknowingly sabotaged yourself and you now believe you are a failure or a bad (fill in the blank), the action of doing that thing does not make you a failure or a bad person.

    The behaviour may have not been great, the decision may not have been good, but it was only an action, a behaviour and the behaviour does not define you.

    So, start to wiggle that weed, aka belief, out of the garden of your success, pluck it out and ask “What did I learn? What was the Lesson?” Take that lesson and file it away so you do not repeat the behaviour.

The good news is that Goal Trauma, once recognized, can be removed through awareness and healing. The processes I use with my clients to get them unstuck are, EFT emotional freedom technique and Time Line Therapy®. Quick, easy and simple.

Allow yourself to dream and create a vision so bright that you can’t but help be successful in 2020.

Cheers to your Success in 2020!

Barb Wallick

Barb Wallick

About the Author, Barb Wallick

Barb Wallick works with women who are looking to Create a Life They Never Want to Retire From.

A Personal Financial Planner, with 35 years experience along with her 3 Coaching Certifications, Barb truly guides her clients starting with Creating Clarity of Purpose, Goal Setting, Releasing Money Blocks using Time Line Therapy ® and practical Financial Planning.

For more information, visit or find her on Facebook at


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