7 Ways to Build Strong Customer Loyalty | @eVisionMedia

Small Business Marketing Blog

How a Family of Deer Created a Client for Life

Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #19

7 Ways to Build Strong Customer Loyalty

Several years ago I was looking for a new place to live. One day I asked my mom and girlfriend to accompany me and my real estate agent here in Abbotsford, Rod Poole, as we went to look at options. 

Back then, the agent would typically line up several places to see in one afternoon tour, (which apparently has completely changed!). 

The first place we looked at was a definite option to consider. But, of course, not one to make any rash decisions, we moved on to see 3 or 4 more other places. 

When we finished seeing all of the available options on his list, I asked Rod if we could go back to the first place. He got on the phone to make suitable arrangements and off we went. 

As we drove into the driveway, all of our jaws dropped in awe. 

Family of deer in yardThere was a family of deer grazing on the front lawn!!! 

How incredible! We couldn’t believe it. 

Of course, that was all I needed to make up my mind and decide I had found my perfect new home. 

And then I got suspicious. 

How on earth did this happen? 

Who did Rod call anyway? 

We all had fun accusing him of arranging the “deal solidifier” family of deer to be carefully staged, ensuring I would fall in love with the place.  And this was before home staging was a thing! 

It made the whole experience beyond memorable. 

So much so, that over the years whenever a family member or a friend needed a real estate agent, Rod was the one and only option I would refer them to. 

And each time when he and I have connected over the years, we always bring up that family of deer that graced us with their presence at the perfect moment. 

We also have a snicker at my expense, remembering when I glanced outside the patio doors and mistook a cat sitting on a perch in the backyard for another deer…

“Uhm…, “ Rod said. ”That’s a cat, Susan.” 


It’s those kinds of memorable experiences that stick with us for a long time. 

We don’t forget how it made us feel and who was responsible. Even if Rod didn’t miraculously (or did he?) conjure up those deer, he created those feelings. 

In fact, while fondly remembering and writing about that time, I remember I met Rod through his wife, Angela Glazema. She is also a real estate agent, and I got to know her through an answering service I used to work for. 

Over time, she and I connected and she even became a Mary Kay client of mine! 

One day I remember mentioning to her that it was my daughter’s birthday coming up. And you know what she did? I’m still floored by this incredibly generous gesture – on Melissa’s birthday, she arranged to have a bouquet of balloons delivered to our door! 

The look on Melissa’s face was priceless. 

My admiration and respect for Angela escalated.

It’s an experience I will never forget because of how that gesture made me and Melissa feel. 

And the only reason why Angela wasn’t in the car with me when looking for a new home was that she was becoming a new mom herself, so she put me in her husband’s capable hands. 

I share this story because I often get asked and see similar questions on social media: “How can I create strong customer loyalty?” 

The answer is simple. Make them feel special. 

Here are seven suggestions for you to consider: 

  1. Do something that goes above and beyond client expectations
  2. Anticipate their needs by getting to know them at a deeper level, so they can feel you truly “get” them
  3. Send a gift to your VIP customers letting them know how much you appreciate them
  4. Send a card for special occasions like their birthday or anniversary 
  5. Offer an incentive for referrals via a loyalty program
  6. Provide exceptional customer service and make it easy to work with you
  7. Earn their trust by being reliable

That extra effort will reap so many rewards. 

Not only will it help solidify a long-term relationship with a client who will then be happy to send referrals your way. You will also feel incredible for making someone’s day with an act of kindness. 

Now whether Rod purposely manifested that family of deer or not (who’s with me on this?), that was just the beginning of a fantastic relationship, as he helped me through the process of buying a home as a newly single mom. 

It’s a relationship I will never forget, and I will be forever grateful he and Angela were, and still are, in my life. 

Can you think of ways you can provide your clients with similar experiences that will strengthen your relationship? 

Go now. Implement!

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Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit www.BrandIdentitySteps.com and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

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