The Process of Outcome to Income | @eVisionMedia

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Getting Unstuck: The Process of Outcome to Income

Getting Unstuck-The Process of Outcome to Income

On this Overcoming Roadblocks episode, I’m speaking with hypnotist, neuro-linguistic programming practitioner and public speaker, Terri Schmidt.

Terri empowers entrepreneurs to identify and move beyond issues and beliefs that are holding them back by helping them tap into the subconscious mind to make mental and emotional shifts.

Join us as we talk about Getting Unstuck: The Process of Outcome to Income.

In this inspiring episode, you’re going to learn:

  • Why self-confidence and self-trust are so important for your business
  • What kinds of thoughts and beliefs are holding you hostage in your personal and business lives
  • What you can do to deal with these kinds of thoughts and beliefs after you’ve identified them

So, if you feel like you’re constantly getting stuck, and you’re desperate to find out why, then this episode is definitely for you.

May you lead your life with kindness,

Susan Friesen
Visionary Brand Strategist



Terri Schmidt is a National Guild Certified Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner and speaker who helps entrepreneurs identify and move past the issues and beliefs that are holding them back in their business and life.

Create the feeling of confidence anytime you need it! Get Terri’s “Confidence on Cue” download and other tips and resources today!



Susan Friesen  0:00

Welcome to this episode of overcoming roadblocks. I am so excited to share with you the guest that I have today. Please welcome Terry Schmitt, she’s a national guild certified hypnosis hypnotist, as well as an NLP practitioner and speaker. And you know, you don’t have sometimes you save the best for last well, Terry is at the near the end of our series, and I’m really excited to have her on the show because you know what she’s going to be talking about how to get unstuck, and the process of, you know, of turning the outcome into income. So please welcome to the show. Hi, Terry, thank you for joining us.


Terri Schmidt  0:48

Hi, Susan, thank you so much for having me. That’s a great topic. I think we all find ourselves in this feeling of being stuck every once in a while.


Susan Friesen  1:01

And that’s kind of leading up to my very first question. Because when it comes to running our business and encountering the typical challenges and roadblocks that we all have to face, like there is no business on Earth, who doesn’t face some kind of roadblock, some kind of challenge, something that, you know, feels like a setback. And but, you know, what is it that? You know, that that is holding us in some of us? I guess I should rephrase it that these things always happen. But why is it that some of us use these setbacks almost as hostages? And as they you know, what is going on here? What is preventing us from moving forward when we do encounter these roadblocks and challenges?


Terri Schmidt  1:48

No, that’s a really good question. Because when we have our business, we have something we want to offer people, we have service to the community, we know how we want to, to give. And yet sometimes there’s something that just stops us in our tracks every once in a while, as you said, maybe it’s that voice inside of us our inner critic, right? We’re not always aware it’s happening. But there’s something that that kind of well, I won’t exactly say that it’s self sabotage. But that’s kind of the effect it has, right? It doesn’t allow us to do the work we intend to get done.


Susan Friesen  2:36

So is that sorry, I don’t want to interrupt, but that just kind of reminds me like, you know, it’s like we’re, we come across a challenge. So what is happening is, is that that inner critic is going See, I told you what you’re talking about.


Terri Schmidt  2:52

That’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. And really what that is, is the brain is just trying to keep us safe. There’s a part of our brain that likes what is familiar, it’s not comfortable with, with what is unknown. And any entrepreneur or business owner has to make decisions and forge new territory. So we have to, to not always listen to that inner voice that’s comparing us to, to someone else, or help making us think that if we have something in place, then we can get it done. But right now, we just need to wait and hold back. So that can kind of show up in comparing ourselves to other people in our industry. It can show up as in decisiveness, like I will maybe I’ll make the wrong decision. Maybe I need something else in my future in order to make that happen. It can show up as procrastination. It’s just really, really an interesting thing, that inner critic that that not enoughness I’m not quite enough. It can be very, very subtle in it, it can be something from our past, as well as just things in our surrounding area.


Susan Friesen  4:19

Yeah, and I think we’ve talked about that with previous guests about how our upbringing and what happened to us as a child has a significant impact and influence on how we are today and how we show up and, uh, you know, what, what are those thoughts that are coming up when we when life isn’t all smooth and a path of rose petals or whatever. And so, yeah, so what kind of thoughts do come up that, you know, that happens when those roadblocks come up and we talked a little bit about that. But let’s dive into that a little bit more. You know what, what is that? And what kinds of thoughts are really creating us to not move forward in our business?


Terri Schmidt  5:09

Well, our thoughts create feelings. Sometimes our feelings can create, you know, heightened those thoughts. But our thoughts do create feelings. So maybe it, it’s a sense of overwhelm. Maybe there’s so much to do, and where we don’t have enough clarity as to what to do first, how to achieve one thing, and then the next, which is just this the whole sense of overwhelm. And that then can lead to procrastination.


Susan Friesen  5:38

Sure, right. Yeah.


Terri Schmidt  5:40

It could be a sense of, I don’t have enough time. There’s so much on my plate. I can’t get it all done. There. I did mention that in decisiveness, the what if maybe there’s a judgment we feel, and we don’t think about it this way, but maybe deep down or feeling judged for doing things a certain way? Or, or we’re afraid we’re not going to make the right decision.


Susan Friesen  6:10

I think that judgment is a huge issue, isn’t it? Do you find that a lot of people really are afraid of stepping up for fear of the kind of judgment that they perceive they might get, which is so insidious, because that judgment is often only inside of ourselves and isn’t really happening on the elder world? And if it does, then we need to have the right tools in order to, you know, offset that and didn’t, you know, just say, Okay, well, that’s your opinion, not mine kind of idea.


Terri Schmidt  6:42

Absolutely, absolutely. Those judgments, those, they really are fear based. Most all of our issues are fear based at some level, some subconscious level. So I like to think of when you think about the conscious, versus the unconscious mind. And it’s interesting to note, haven’t seen that, that there’s a beautiful image of an iceberg. And where it’s in the water, and the waters a little transparent, you’re seeing sort of a cut image of it. But the top above the water is just as a little peek of the iceberg, right? Yeah. And then below the waterline is this huge, massive piece of ice that will block anything that comes in into its path, right. So I think of that the mind being the iceberg. So that 10%, that’s above the water is like our conscious mind. That’s the part of our mind that involves critical thinking. It involves logic. Our short term memory is all there. And our sense of willpower. So we when we think we want to control things in our conscious mind, we are sometimes not able to do that we’re sabotage by the subconscious mind, everything below that waterline. So the subconscious mind really, it holds just an enormous part of our it holds our beliefs, our creativity, our emotions, and feelings are all held there. Our habits and addictions, our imagination, and our intuition are all subconsciously motivated. Our long term memories in our subconscious mind, which is very interesting when you think of what people over time, especially the people who are aging, they can remember things back from the 1920s. But they can’t remember, you know, what they had for their last meal. Right? Yeah. So our values and identity is also very deep seated in our subconscious.


Susan Friesen  9:10

And, and that visual that you talk about with the iceberg. I mean, even all the different layers that are involved in that subconscious I mean, it’s enormous. No wonder we are blindly being led by our subconscious. It’s so powerful, isn’t it?


Terri Schmidt  9:29

Oh, it absolutely is it? It does it will rule 90% of, of our lives without us even realizing it. Yeah, we are always we are always programming our minds. We’re always taking in information and seeing how it fits, right. That’s what the mind does. And, and it 90% of that is subconscious if you think about that. That’s pretty. That’s pretty amazing. It is it That’s incredible. We actually operate on the subconscious. So. So anyway, that’s, that is something you really have to consider when you are coming up against roadblocks. What is it that I that I can logically and critically use critical thinking get past? And how can I put things in place to move forward in my business?


Susan Friesen  10:27

Because, and you already touched on this, but I think it’s really important to emphasize that that inner critic is coming from the subconscious, trying to maintain a sense of safety. Absolutely. And that safety is literally generated from when we were five years old. And, you know, like, it’s like, even younger, even as a newborn baby, right? Like, you’re we want to be fed, we want to be taken care of, we want to be kept safe. Sure. And all of those things is our subconscious guiding every choice and every decision and every thought that we’re making. It almost it almost feels really overwhelming, doesn’t it? Like holy cow, like, you know, we’ve got this invisible enemy going against us?


Terri Schmidt  11:22

Interesting, invisible enemy? Well, it your subconscious really does think that it has your best interest at heart. Right? It is it does. I mean, as humans, it’s part of survival. Keep it you’re not using energy to. Anyway, we’re conserving energy by using our subconscious mind. So but it doesn’t always have our best interest, we, you know, our interest at heart, right? So. So while it tries to keep us safe, the outcome, it doesn’t lead to an outcome that we desire. Yeah,


Susan Friesen  12:02

That’s where you get the, you know, the, the justifications and the excuses. And yeah, but oh, I’ll wait until all my ducks are lined up in a row. Or, you know, I have a quick story to tell I remember a few years ago, several years ago, now, I was quite a bit overweight, I was quite a bit heavier than what I am now. And there was no way on earth, you would get me in front of a video like I am now. No way. Like, there was so much fear and so much justification, I came up with every excuse under the sun not to get in front of a camera. And really all it was my subconscious be safe, don’t you know, don’t get yourself out there and be judged and criticized. And, you know, unfortunately, I didn’t know people like you back then. So I just, you know, kept on not being in front of the camera. But it is like, Yeah, I’m pretty sure that there’s a lot of viewers here today who can relate to that, that there’s something is as I won’t say simple, but something like what we’re doing right now, which can really, really benefit your business, if you get yourself visible. can, you know can make a big difference if we understood what was going on? And how to overcome that. So let’s talk a little bit more about that. You know, so what do you do with all these thoughts and beliefs that are coming up? And you know, once we can label them once we understand okay, oh, yeah, that’s my subconscious talking. What happened? What can we do now? Because it’s, like I just said, it’s an, you know, a hidden enemy. And, and a very, you know, when you picture that iceberg, a very big enemy looming. So it’s not as if we can just say, oh, yeah, well, now that you know, you know, move on and deal with it that it doesn’t happen that way, does it?


Terri Schmidt  14:00

Not necessarily know, I mean, it might get us a few steps ahead, but it there, sometimes it just takes a deep dive to really figure it out. acknowledging it is the first step right, being becoming aware as your other guests have said, you need to become aware of what it is and sometimes it might take a little help getting to that awareness. But the fabulous thing about the subconscious mind is that we are able to reprogram it to work to our advantage.


Susan Friesen  14:33

Isn’t that amazing? How incredible is that? It really


Terri Schmidt  14:37

it really is and it’s not as hard as you think. Sometimes it doesn’t take all that long to create a massive change. So you can override those self limiting beliefs by creating new ones. And I use the incredible tool of hypnosis to help people get to that point, we establish new beliefs. And, and we lay the foundation subconsciously with the neuro pathways, creating those neural pathways in the brain to create those new beliefs. And then of course, our actions, every action that we take helps to solidify that neural pathway and make it become stronger than those old beliefs.


Susan Friesen  15:30

I love that. Isn’t it fascinating how I can remember when I was reading this just recently, that is what you’re talking about is literally what we do as humans to when unconsciously again, when we’re coming, rewriting history. Do you ever encounter that where you know, we have a memory from, you know, being five years old? This has happened to me many times, and I’ll go to my brother or my mom and say, Do you remember when this happened? And that helping they’re going, huh? It didn’t happen like that? Of course it did. I was there while I was there, do that. So what happened? Isn’t that kind of what you’re describing? That even though I wasn’t aware that I rewrote history, but what you’re saying is to Hypno hypnotherapy, we can literally consciously rewrite those limiting beliefs. And you know, that history that caused us to be who we are today, is that yeah,


Terri Schmidt  16:31

yes, it can, you can make those changes. The brain doesn’t realize it doesn’t know what is real or imagined. That’s why our imagination can be so powerful in this process. It doesn’t, it doesn’t know the difference in you know, your history, your memory, from when you were five years old is different than what your siblings or your mother’s memory of that incident would be. Right? It’s your perception through our own lens, right? That’s exactly right. Our brain is always taking in information and always programming. So we want to be able to think about that and, and shift that programming so that it works to our benefit.


Susan Friesen  17:14

Interesting. That’s fascinating. So walk us through a little bit about hypnotherapy, and how that can fast track us to the end result of having more confidence, being able to overcome challenges easily and effortlessly, and being able to move forward so that we can actually, you know, realize our dreams and be on purpose and help the people that we want to help. So tell us a little bit more about how hypnotherapy can do that for us


Terri Schmidt  17:43

Beautiful, we want to do those things. So we have the outcome that will create that income for us as well. So we, when I’m working with a person, we talk about what it is that’s holding them back, and they may not realize what it is, but so we look at the outcome, what is the outcome that you’re desiring in your business? And where are you now? What does it look like? And what are the things now that you’re struggling with. And I like to use hypnosis, to really dispel some of the fears that they may have worked with the identity, we can create an identity you can create if you’re not a person, perhaps I’m not a person who’s comfortable with public speaking. Right. And I’ve told myself that many times and I don’t like to get out there.


Susan Friesen  18:37

And it’s been forced by being told it’s the number one fear that every viewer has. Yeah, and


Terri Schmidt  18:43

Every time I think about it, I get you know, sweaty palms. And I know that it causes a physiological response. For example, you could go in, in a hypnotic, hypnotic state. And you could create a sunset create a an image of how easy everything feels, how easy everything feels, when you’re standing there in front of people, how easy it is when the camera is on. And you basically rewrite the story, but you’re not doing it. You’re doing it in your imagination, basically. So you have complete control of it. And you it comes out any way you want you wish it to be. So you’re looking at the outcome you want your desired outcome to be. And you work that hypnosis in that hypnotic state, and you bring that to fruition in your imagination.


Susan Friesen  19:39

Oh, interesting. And I can see how having someone like you guide us through that is really important, because I think that I would think that the you know, the subconscious is going to constantly pop in there and argue no, no, no, no, that’s not what happened or whatever right and it’s going to try and hold on To that, you know, that long stemmed beliefs that it’s been holding on to for all those years


Terri Schmidt  20:06

That’s true. And but being in the hypnotic state is, is something accessing the subconscious mind. So your brainwaves are in a very receptive state of, of, of being where, where the imagination runs free and you’re not sleeping, you’re not, you’re completely in control. And yet, it’s a very receptive state. So we can build those neuro pathways and it’s a, just a beautiful place to be, you usually come out of it feeling fantastic. And then you do things every time you do something that reinforces the new behavior we’re looking for. It reinforces that neural pathway and builds on the success you’re looking for.


Susan Friesen  20:59

Fabulous, you know, I I’ve had hypnotherapy done before I had mentioned that I was quite overweight. I saw a hypnotherapist to help me lose the weight. And it worked. So I am a true believer, you’ve converted me. I am curious, though, what’s the difference between hypnotherapy and meditation? Because meditation sounds like it’s almost similar to what you’re describing, isn’t it?


Terri Schmidt  21:26

Well, it is in the in the fact that you, you come down to the certain a certain brain wavelength. It’s similar in meditation as it is in hypnosis. So you have your sleep. And then you have your I can’t remember exactly the your Alpha Theta. Yes, exactly. Right. So you’re in Delta when you’re sleeping, and then you get into L, the theta and the alpha, and all the way up to beta, which is you’re wide awake, very, very conscious state. But hypnosis is somewhere between the alpha and the theta wavelengths. And that’s right before you go to sleep, you’re very receptive to your imagination, to creativity. And it’s just a beautiful spot where the brain is receiving. And you can rewrite, you can rewrite your, your programming. So you’re creating new beliefs and fast tracking the change.


Susan Friesen  22:27

Yeah, I had to chuckle there for a second because twice now in the last week, I while I’m trying to fall asleep, I’ve literally written speeches that I’d have to do coming up. And I hope to turn on the light and quickly write it out. Because I know that if I go to bed, you know, go to sleep, then it’ll be gone. And so yeah, so that explains why that that sense of creativity is coming forward. So clearly. But I can see how the hypnotherapy definitely is beneficial because you’re guiding people through walking them through that process of rewriting history, right, rewriting those beliefs Correct.


Terri Schmidt  23:10

Rewriting the beliefs? Yes, you’re teaching the brain. It’s new normal, you’re teaching it what feels safe now? Right? It’s creating a new safety, a new, a new way of being.


Susan Friesen  23:26

And isn’t that so incredible? You know, like, who here doesn’t want to be and feel a little bit more self confident?


Terri Schmidt  23:36

Right? Right. Competence helps in every aspect of our lives,


Unknown Speaker  23:40

Doesn’t it though, like if we could just erase all of that negativity out of our brain, imagine how confident you would feel in your business, how confident you would feel, doing talks like these and doing speeches and getting out there and making being a difference in the world and, and trusting yourself to write because, Oh, absolutely. A big part of it, like our subconscious trying to keep us safe, and then we start to believe it. And we don’t trust ourselves anymore. And that’s where all those you know, all those excuses and justifications and slows down. I’ve, I’ve encountered many clients over the years where all of a sudden, everything is just stopped. Nope, nope, no, you know, and every excuse under the sun except for the real one comes to me as to why they have to put a hold on everything. And so this, I need to tell them about you so that, you know, okay, well you need. You need to talk to Terry and then get back to me so we can finish your branding and your website and to get back them back.


Unknown Speaker  24:52

We’ll have to dig deep and figure out what those fears are. What fear is coming out What fears are coming up and how would we rather believe do what we want to believe to be our normal where our brain isn’t afraid of that change.


Unknown Speaker  25:07

Yeah, because I think that, you know, at the end of the day, that fear is displayed that that’s the base that takes up the big base of that iceberg that you were referencing earlier rain, you know, we’re just, we just have so many people this live in, in that sense of fear and, and that’s why I wanted to do this whole series and have guests like you and the others come on, so that we can expose it for what it is, instead of us thinking that we’re the only ones who are living in fear, that we’re the only ones who don’t know what we’re doing, who were the only ones who fear judgment. And, you know, the list is, is forever with, and I think that in the entrepreneur world, and especially females, but I know that there’s men out there as well, who just feel very isolated and alone and, and are afraid to speak of it or reach out for help. Because they fear that who they reach out for help for is going to judge them about it. You know, I ate at Sidious. And that I just hope that people who are watching this series and watching today with Terry, that you’re getting it you’re understanding that you’re not alone, and that there are people like Terry and our other guests who are here, that’s your you the reason why you’re here, Terry, is to help people like us and the other entrepreneurs who are struggling to get over themselves. Absolutely.


Unknown Speaker  26:43

And you know what, it would be a mistake to think that I was never there myself. Me too. Yeah, we have all been in that boat.


Unknown Speaker  26:53

And some of us got over it quicker than others. Some of us are still in it. But what at whatever point in that journey that you’re in, know that you’re not alone, that we’ve all gone through this?


Terri Schmidt  27:04

That’s absolutely right. And you have some had some tremendous guests on your program, thus far that have just really enlightened, different aspects of this journey. For us all.


Susan Friesen  27:19

Yeah, and so I’m so appreciative of all of you. And so Terry, I know that you have, I believe it’s a meditation, right? That a meditation that you put together that our guests can go and download and use, can you explain a little bit more about that?


Unknown Speaker  27:35

Sure. It is a meditation of sorts, it’s not really hypnotic trance. Although we do use this technique. In hypnosis, sometimes. It’s what we call an anchor. But basically it is finding, finding a resource within from a from your past experience a way you felt. So for example, if you want to feel more confident, in a certain given situation, we create this anchor, we do something physical, there’s a process with that this PDF will walk you through to create that sensation. And each and every time you need it, you can call upon that too, to feel more confident and in a situation was so really a sale started meditation is like self hypnosis, like you you’re guiding yourself through hypnosis is not it’s not exactly however, when I do teach a person to do self hypnosis, we do often use an anchor to help us get there. Okay? It’s just creating that that feeling of something, if you want to feel confident in a situation, you have to know what that competence feels like. And you just train your brain to practice it a few times. And you’re training your brain and connecting it to a physical, I’d say to bring these fingers together. But you can make a fist so that people can do different things. But something to anchor you when you do this physical thing, right? We’re training the brain. It’s part of the neuroplasticity that we’re that we’re working with here. So we’re training the brain to associate that with a feeling cause you to bring that feeling up every time you need it.


Unknown Speaker  29:27

Yeah, I’ve heard about that. So as an example, if I were one of those, thankfully, I’m not but I know that has we talked about having a fear of public speaking or needing to get on stage or even do a webinar like this. So what you’re saying is you’re teaching people how to create this anchor so that they can reference this anchor just before they’re about to do whatever it is that they’re going to do and they’re really afraid of doing it. And this anchor will help them get the confidence that they need. So They can go all in and not be afraid anymore. That’s right. That sounds like a very, very powerful tool


Terri Schmidt  30:07

That’s very, very useful tool.


Susan Friesen  30:10

Wow. Okay, so everybody finds the link in the show notes here somewhere, click on that right away. Click on that and get that download from Terry, so that you can literally anchor yourself into confidence on an ongoing basis and just use it as an ongoing tool whenever you come across challenges or, or, you know, times when you’re not feeling all that self-assured when you’re feeling some fear, you know, have that anchor available to you and remind yourself, okay, all I need to do is this. And then it’ll just open up all kinds of possibilities, won’t it, Terry? It’ll just make life so much easier for you. So that’s an a very powerful tool to overcome those roadblocks and challenges that we’ve been talking about.


Unknown Speaker  31:04

Wonderful, thank you so much, Terry. I so appreciate having you on. And, again, everybody, please go and download that anchor PDF from Terry. And thank you, Terry, do you have any parting wisdom for us before we sign off?


Unknown Speaker  31:20

Oh, thank you, Susan, for having me today. It’s just been a fantastic topic, especially to start the new year off with right. parting wisdom. Not really, I just would like people to know that you know, our minds are always processing. They’re always taking in information and fitting it into little compartments, compared comparing it to what we’ve already experienced in our lives. But we’re not stuck there. We can always take a deeper look and rewrite things to make our lives easier. And why wouldn’t we write? Why wouldn’t we?


Susan Friesen  31:59

Thank you, Terry, and thank you, the viewer for joining us in this series and listening in with Terry, please remember to always live lead your life with kindness not only for yourself, but for others. And that’s it for now. I’ll talk to you next time. Bye bye.


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