If someone nominates you for a business award in your sphere of influence, the advantages to your brand are pronounced.
What many don’t know is: your brand can also reap some killer rewards when you’re the one doing the nominating.
Business Advisor and Mentor Pamela Chatry explains in this quick interview after we were both nominated for a Woman of Worth Award:
What’s the value of nominating someone for a business award?
The value lies in reciprocity.
Of course, the act of giving recognition is, in itself, rewarding. But you can also use that opportunity to benefit your own brand.
Here’s how that works:
Usually, when you nominate someone for any kind of business award, they reciprocate, which opens up avenues for some wickedly effective networking.
Additionally, you get recognition from other influencers whose words have more weight than your average reference.
So, even if there’s a nomination fee, that amount means precious little when you consider the untapped return on your investment.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more effective use of your advertising dollars.
If you have any questions about nominating a business for an award, feel free to leave a message in the comment section below and I’d be happy to answer. Also, if you’re looking to boost your digital marketing to the next level, sign up for my free newsletter.
To your business success,
Susan Friesen
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