Building an Email List Is an Excellent Brand Booster | @evisionmedia

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Why Building an Email List Is an Excellent Brand Booster

Why Building an Email List Is An Excellent Brand Booster

When you consider the plethora of platforms and myriad marketing strategies that are available today, the thought of building an email list might seem a bit antiquated.

To be fair, if that’s what you’re thinking, I can see where you’re coming from, as email marketing has been around for so long.

Believe it or not, the first use of email marketing was way back in 1978 when Gary Thuerk, the marketing manager for Digital Equipment Corporation at the time, sent a mass email to hundreds of potential clients over ARPANET, which was the precursor to today’s internet.

But just because it’s been around for nearly 50 years doesn’t mean it’s some sort of outmoded, old-school strategy.

In fact, email marketing is still one of the most popular ways to market your business, and one of the best ways to position your brand, and there’s good reason for that.

For example, as you can see from the graph below, data from Statista shows that in 2023, the worldwide email marketing market had a value of 8.3 billion U.S. dollars, and that figure is projected to more than triple by 2030.

Statista email marketing graph

What’s more, a survey from Litmus, which explored email marketing ROI and polled more than 2,000 marketers from around the world, found that for every dollar marketers spend on email marketing, typically, they’re getting $36 back, which is a pretty impressive return on investment.

As you can tell, there’s a reason why email marketing is still as popular as it is.

But if you want to leverage email marketing to position your brand as a leader in your industry, market your business, and communicate with customers, then building an email list is essential.

After all, if you don’t have an email list, then who are you going to be emailing?

With that in mind, in this first installment of our three-part series on email marketing, I’m going to explain the importance of building an email list and explore how email marketing can benefit your brand positioning.


How Can Building an Email List Benefit Your Brand Positioning?

If you regularly read my articles, then I’m sure you’re already well aware of this.

But if you’re just tuning in now, then you might not know what I mean by the term brand positioning.

So, before I go any further, here’s a very brief explanation of what this term means.

Brand positioning refers to how your business is perceived in the minds of consumers, especially in relation to your competitors.

The brand positioning process involves, among many other things, identifying unique values and/or benefits that distinguish your brand from the competition in a way that will resonate with those whom you want to serve.

Now, let’s explore how building an email list can benefit your brand positioning.


Direct Access to Customers

Building an email list gives you uninterrupted access to your customers, which allows you to bypass potential barriers like the algorithms used by social media sites and search engines.

This kind of direct contact not only ensures that your content reaches your audience, but also opens the door for more personalized marketing.

Having direct access to your customers also allows you to do things like use emails to celebrate customer milestones, update subscribers on your latest products and services, and even refer to them by name in your emails.

Each one of these personalized interactions can have a significant effect on whether or not consumers will want to stay connected with your brand, and if your competitors are failing to do this, or not doing it as well as you, then it helps to position your brand as one that cares more about its customers and makes a point of connecting with them.


Customer Segmentation

Segmenting your customers allows you to take a broad email list and transform it into highly targeted groups that will receive emails tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

There are all kinds of different ways to segment your audience, allowing you to separate them based on things like their purchase history, geographical location, engagement level, and more.

Sending anniversary emails with personalized discounts to customers who made their first purchase a year ago, for instance, helps to re-engage customers and prompt repeat business.

This approach not only increases the relevance of your messages but also boosts engagement rates, and your brand positioning, as recipients are more likely to feel that your brand recognizes and values their unique preferences.


Better Brand Awareness and Consistency

Hands down, email marketing is one of the most powerful tools for building brand awareness.

But if you want your brand to be taken seriously, and properly positioned against your competitors, each email should be designed to reflect your brand’s identity, including everything from the logo and colour scheme to the tone of voice and overall messaging.

In any case, regular, consistent communication helps to keep your brand fresh in the minds of consumers, reinforcing your position in the market as a familiar and reliable brand.

And when you continue to use that consistent branding across all of your emails, it can improve your brand positioning by making you look more professional, and helping you build a more cohesive perception of your brand, all of which is crucial for long-term recognition, trust, and loyalty.



As I alluded to above, email marketing offers one of the highest returns on investment of any marketing channel.

This is, in large part, due to the fact that it’s usually much more affordable than other strategies, not to mention its high potential for automation, which can be extremely effective.

Automated email campaigns can be triggered based on specific actions, like signing up for a newsletter or abandoning a shopping cart, ensuring that your emails are as timely and relevant as possible.

And when subscribers see that you’re taking the time to reach out to them in these ways, you’re positioning your brand as one that understands their needs and desires.


Building a Community

Building an email list gives you a great way to connect with your clients, but it also offers a platform for cultivating even deeper relationships with them than you could otherwise.

Through regular updates and exclusive offers, you can make your subscribers feel like you’re thinking about them, and that they’re part of your special community.

For example, offering a sneak peek at a new product or a special sale event just for subscribers can enhance your audience’s feelings of exclusivity and privilege, giving them more reasons to do business with you rather than your competitors.

These kinds of tactics not only work to increase your sales but can also reinforce long-term loyalty by rewarding your subscribers for their continued engagement with your brand.


Driving Conversions

A well-maintained email list can be a potent tool for increasing sales, or any other kind of conversion, for that matter.

For instance, things like tailored promotions, reminders of limited time offers, and personalized product recommendations can encourage your subscribers to take action.

Strategic emails like these are great for driving any kind of conversion, as they provide all the necessary information and motivation right where the decision happens: in your subscriber’s inbox.

And if you can make things this easy for them but your competitors are failing to do so, then your brand will be positioned as the more convenient option.


Read: Why Am I Losing Newsletter Subscribers? 6 Reasons Why People Unsubscribe and What You Can Do About It


If you’re interested in building an email list, chances are you’re thinking about sending out a newsletter, or maybe you already have one.

But whether you’re new to the world of newsletters, or you’ve been doing it for a while, when people start unsubscribing, you’re going to want to know why.

With that in mind, this article explains why you might be losing subscribers, and offers tips on how to stop people from unsubscribing, like segmenting your audience, using compelling subject lines, and more.

Keep reading here.

Leveraging Newsletters for Better Brand Positioning

An article about building an email list just wouldn’t be complete without talking about the importance of newsletters.

Newsletters are one of the most effective email marketing tactics, not least because they can play a critical role in strengthening your brand positioning.

A well-crafted newsletter can serve multiple strategic purposes – from connecting with your current and past clients to sharing your insights and expertise with new subscribers, and more.

With that in mind, here are the benefits of newsletters, as they pertain to your brand positioning:


Educational Content

One of the most significant benefits of newsletters, as they pertain to your brand positioning, is their ability to educate your audience about your products, services, and industry.

By providing valuable and relevant information, your brand can position itself as an authority in your field, which not only builds trust with your audience but also sets you apart from competitors.

For example, a company specializing in eco-friendly products could share things like the latest sustainability research or insights into industry regulations.

This kind of content is great, as it not only informs but also engages your audience by aligning with their values and interests.


Product Updates and Announcements

Newsletters also offer you the chance to introduce new products or services, and provide updates to existing offerings, or special promotions.

And by using your newsletters to introduce innovations or enhancements, this helps you to reinforce your brand’s reputation for staying ahead of the curve and keeping the needs of your readers at the forefront, which definitely can’t hurt your brand positioning.

Regular updates also help to keep your audience engaged, excited about what’s coming next, and remind them of the continuous value your brand offers.


Consistent Engagement

Maintaining regular contact with your audience through newsletters helps keep your brand top-of-mind when your competitors may be failing to do so.

What’s more, the consistent delivery of valuable content ensures that your brand remains relevant to your subscribers, making it less likely that they’ll want to switch to your competitors.

Furthermore, the regularity of newsletters means you can continually optimize your approach based on engagement metrics and feedback, which allows you to refine your content to better meet the needs and preferences of your audience.


Facilitating Customer Feedback

Sending out newsletters also gives you the opportunity to gather feedback from your customers, which can be invaluable when you’re trying to figure out how to position your brand in relation to your competitors.

Simple tools like surveys can make it easy for your subscribers to share their opinions with you, which helps you gather insights into what content works, what doesn’t, and what your customers truly want.

This feedback is also crucial for improving your offerings and adapting to the needs of your customers, and soliciting feedback via email demonstrates that your brand values customers’ input and is committed to continuous improvement.


Looking to start building an email list? Why not set up a free 30-minute consultation with me to find out how we can help?

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

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About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

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