7 Ways Your Website Marketing Sucks - What To Do About It

Small Business Marketing Blog

7 Ways Your Website Marketing Sucks and What To Do About It

Why Visitors Will Just Leave Instead of Converting to a Customer

If you knew you were throwing business away, would you want to know about it? 

Over the years I have seen many business owners and entrepreneurs leave money on the table when it comes to their website marketing.

I fear many don’t even look at their website as a means to market their business and don’t put the proper investment and attention into it that it deserves.  Or they are happy to have at least something up they created themselves and leave it at that.

Look at your website as a means to market your business and treat it as suchClick To Tweet

What I find frustrating when I see such websites is that there are small, simple things that can be done to boost sales conversions that are being missed.

So here’s some suggestions on what can be done to help grow that bottom line:

  1. Take advantage of thank you pages

    After someone says “yes” to signing up for a free give-away or newsletter, they are in a receptive state to additional offers.  So on the thank you page, place a promotion for an additional related product.

    You also can post links asking them to connect with you on social media.

  2. Bundle together offers

    When someone buys a small item, offer an upsell bundle.

    For example if you are selling a book, offer an upsell bundle for the book plus a related workbook for just a few dollars more.  Many of today’s shopping carts make it easy to addm in an upsell offer.

  3. Offer a means for customers to ask you questions

    There have been so many times I was really interested in a product, but I had questions.  The company did not make their email and phone number visible so I could not find an answer to my question so didn’t purchase.

    If I had immediate access to ask the question, I would have purchased the item on the spot. Better yet, if there was a live chat feature, that would have made it very easy to get the information I was looking for.

  4. Put a nurture campaign in place

    When someone signs up for your mailing list, it’s important to have a nurture campaign.

    This is an autoresponder email series that continues to offer value and build the know, like and trust factor with them.  An autoresponder series can include:

    • How to download the freebie,
    • Ways to connect on social media,
    • An invitation for a get acquainted call,
    • Added value tips,
    • A bonus gift they weren’t expecting,
    • A personal check-in to see how they are doing

    Just to name a few ideas. The point is to keep in touch with those subscribers once they have put their hand up and said they want to hear from you.

  5. Put clear ‘Calls to Action’ on every page

    When you add a page to your website, think about the action you’d like the visitor to take as a result of them reading that page.

    Some sample calls to action might be:

    • Offer a free consultation
    • Sign up for a related freebie to build your list
    • Find out more with a link to another part on your site or the contact page

    There should always be a logical ‘next step’ you want your reader to take; offer it to them.

  6. Remove any distractions

    A confused mind says ‘no’.  The same is true for customers so don’t offer them multiple options of additional links on a page.

    If the page content is designed to share value and lead the visitor to take a specific action, don’t distract them from doing that. Stick to the one call to action that you want them to take – it’s a mistake to think if you offer more choices, they are surely to choose one – that simply doesn’t happen!

  7. Take advantage of getting an expert review of your website

    An online marketing expert can offer a fresh perspective with ideas to boost your website conversions.

    They can probably spot typos, broken links, and ways your messaging could be better.  Remember, your website is your prime real estate for showcasing your products and services and then turning visitors into customers.

    Hiring a marketing professional to review your website is one of the best investments you can make.

If you’ve been managing your website by yourself until now, it’s hard to know everything about running a business, especially when it comes to using your website as an effective marketing tool. Contact us today; we can help.

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

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Is it time your website gets a badly needed update?

People buy from businesses they trust. Your website needs to build that trust instead of turning people off. Let us help!

We design and build custom websites that perfectly reflect your unique brand. Your website shouldn't just look good, it should also generate qualified leads and sales.

We are a team that is passionate about seeing you succeed. We utilize a collaborative process that uncovers your brand's story and ensures that story is told in the most compelling way.

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Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit www.BrandIdentitySteps.com and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

What Clients Say

I can’t say enough good things about Susan and her team of dedicated professionals. Before hiring eVision Media, I had used another person to create my website, Facebook page, logo, etc. And guess what? No clients.

And wow – I went from the minors to the major league instantly after hiring eVision Media. Susan spent the time to get to know me, what my business delivers, who my ideal clients were (and she helped me figure that one out too), and then worked through an iterative process to create my logo, business cards, website and marketing materials.

She completely leads my program launches and can usually speak in my voice the way I could only dream of. I highly recommend her services – she jumps through hoops and has never disappointed me or my team!

Katherine Hartvickson

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