7 Cool Content Ideas for Idea Strapped Bloggers - eVision Media

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7 Cool Content Ideas for Idea Strapped Bloggers

7 Cool Content Ideas for Idea Strapped Bloggers

As a busy entrepreneur, one of your biggest challenges can be coming up with content for your blog. On occasion you may find yourself scratching your head wondering “what will I write about now?”

If you are strapped for content ideas, then you are in luck.

Below I have listed some cool blog content ideas to jumpstart your thinking and leave you feeling inspired on what to write about.

But before we get into those ideas, it’s important to share one thing first…

Blogging is a conversational medium.

If you are to be successful at your blogging efforts, you truly need to understand and connect with your audience. This means knowing who your audience is and what challenges they face.

By considering what your audience most wants to know, you’ll attract the most readers to your blog who are looking for that information.

That said, most blogging content falls into one of 3 major categories: educate, inspire, and inform.

Here are seven blog content ideas to help you get started:

  1. Articles: Share tips about what you know. When you write about topics you have passion and experience for, it showcases your expertise and builds trust with your audience.You can make a list of the products/services you offer and then ask yourself, “what are the challenges my ideal clients have that they solve?”You can also explore the frequently asked questions your customers ask. Each question can be an article topic where you write about the response.
  2. Tutorials: One way to get a lot of blog traffic is posting tutorials; people are always Googling “How to ____” (fill in the blank). This can be a video or post about steps to using something or performing a task.When people see your expertise on the subject, they are likely to contact you for additional help.
  3. Case Studies: People love stories! That’s why case studies make excellent blog content. It gives you a way to show what problem someone had before working with you, actions taken, and results achieved. You can kick it up a notch with before/after photos or visual proof of results gains.
  4. Expert Interviews: Readers respect you when they see that are you affiliated with big-league players in your industry. So go ahead and invite well-known experts to do an interview with you on your blog. This is also an excellent way to introduce your followers to someone whose products you’d like to promote for affiliate commissions.
  5. News and Announcements: Your readers love to hear what’s new. Share any conferences you may be attending, tell them about new products being launched, or introduce them to new team members. You can also share ways you are giving back and getting involved in the community. These types of posts help people to feel like they are a part of your community and what is going on.
  6. Reviews: Not only do reviews make interesting blog content, but they give you a chance to request free review copies of new software, books, or products that your target market would like to hear about. Plus, adding your affiliate link to the review can help you to earn commissions when your readers buy it.
  7. Lists: In today’s busy world, tips lists are one of the hottest types of blog content because they are quick and easy to read plus provide great information. People love saving time by trying things that are highly recommended.

Topics that make great lists are: books, products, software, apps, seminars, or any resource that your readers would find informative.

Plus this is also an excellent, newsworthy way to promote affiliate products and earn commissions.

I hope these ideas jumpstart your creative process and leave you excited to consistently blog.

When you are armed with great ideas and inspired with passion, there’s no end to the amount of things you can blog about.

To your business success,
Susan Friesen

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Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide
Susan Friesen offering Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients free guide

About the Author, Susan Friesen

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of British Columbia’s premiere boutique web development and digital marketing agency, eVision Media.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she is an expert in helping businesses establish their online presence and create a strong brand identity.

Her passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to succeed in the digital world has earned her a reputation as a leading authority in the branding and marketing industry.

Visit www.BrandIdentitySteps.com and download your FREE guide: "Unlocking Customer Trust and Business Growth: Your 7-Step Guide to Defining a Compelling Brand Identity that Appeals to Your Perfect Clients".

What Clients Say

I knew for my speaker’s career to move forward, I needed to delegate to someone like Susan. She has created a persona for me with branding, a website, speakers sheet, business cards, brochures, copy for LinkedIn and more. Not only does Susan work with a talented group of artists and techy types, she has a gift of listening and patience.

I am so grateful that I have teamed up with eVision Media. Delegate… it makes life a heck of a lot easier!

Patricia Bowden Luccardi

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