Thomas Drafting - eVision Media

Thomas Drafting

Our Role

Custom Gallery Modifications
Responsive Website Re-Design and Development in WordPress

Thomas Drafting is an architectural drafting and design company working alongside Architects, Engineers, Designers, Developers, Contractors, Realtors, and Homeowners in the Lower Mainland of BC.

If your dream home needs to become a reality, John and his team will help make that happen!

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Thomas Drafting

What Clients Say

I knew for my speaker’s career to move forward, I needed to delegate to someone like Susan. She has created a persona for me with branding, a website, speakers sheet, business cards, brochures, copy for LinkedIn and more. Not only does Susan work with a talented group of artists and techy types, she has a gift of listening and patience.

I am so grateful that I have teamed up with eVision Media. Delegate… it makes life a heck of a lot easier!

Patricia Bowden Luccardi

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