Ripping Vintage Packs - eVision Media

Ripping Vintage Packs

Our Role

Brand Design
Copy writing
Social Media Marketing
Responsive Website Design and Development in WordPress using WooCommerce

If you are a vintage card collector, then you need to get to know Kurt and Brandon of Ripping Vintage Packs.

Their passion is collecting, buying and selling vintage collector cards in any sport. They also hold weekly live breaks on their YouTube channel and Facebook page, you’ll want to subscribe here to catch the live action.

Their online store is full of collectible baseball, hockey and other varieties so you can purchase some of their prized cards!

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Ripping Vintage Packs

What Clients Say

Susan started from day one explaining where we were going, how we were going to get there and was very direct and honest if something I was suggesting might deter us. She spent the time to really understand what I wanted and where my audience is and proceeded to help me move there with dedication, professionalism and real skill. Honestly, I’ve got some real clarity on what’s next and I attribute that to Susan being the necessary set of extra eyes that could see things I could not.

The whole team is great…couldn’t have done it without them.

Marc W. Schwartz

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